The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 225 Tang Wulin Lost!

Chapter 225 Tang Wulin Lost!
At this time, there were two cuties hanging next to the black cat, Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, and the others had long since left, but Yan Li was watching with great interest.

And, Wuchangkong...

"Master, why are the corpses moving? It's too scary! Look, one is more terrifying than the other!" Hong Ling'er buried her chest, and rubbed hard on the black cat's small chest. It smells very fragrant and comfortable here. , but this is not the point, what is the point?
A moving corpse?
Lan Siyi didn't want to analyze anything, such a terrible thing, what a fart to analyze...

It's just that Yan Li likes it very much, because at this moment, she is in a demon state, and she likes to see this kind of situation, the moving corpse...


"Nonsense!" The black cat patted the heads of the two girls, squeezed their faces, and said, "Look with your heart, listen with your heart, and don't believe what you see with your naked eyes!" Yes, it is impossible for Mao Xiaoyao to show it at such a time. If it is brought out, it will definitely not be arrested and held for a criticism meeting.

Such a horrific attack, however, is unethical!That already belongs to the range of evil soul masters!

Hong Ling'er was hurt by being pinched, she blinked, squinted, and asked, "Eh, what are Gu Yue and the others doing?" Hong Ling'er suddenly found that Gu Yue and the others were punching the air...

Those horrible things are gone...

At this time, some students who came back to watch also found a strange problem. The terrifying scene just now had disappeared...

What the hell are Tang Wulin and the others fighting?
Lan Siyi also discovered something.


Everyone is puzzled.

Smiling very charmingly, the black cat nodded and smiled, and explained: "It's an illusion, and inhaling the mist is the condition for entering the illusion. Just now you also inhaled a little bit, so you can enter the illusion."

The black cat has strong mental power, so naturally it doesn't believe in illusions. Even if it is true, what about those moving corpses?
If you have to kill, you have to kill!

However, Mao Xiaoyao and the others had so many opportunities, they didn't act immediately!

The cat demon is also waiting!

Wait, when Tang Wulin and Gu Yue saw through the illusion, that was also the time when they launched an attack.

Mental strength, Tang Wulin will not be weak!

"Gu Yue, Xie Xie, this is fake, don't be fooled!" At this moment, Tang Wulin finally realized that something was wrong. This movable corpse was a bit weird, too real and too similar, but this was also the weird part... …

Fake?Gu Yue frowned, closed her eyes, calmed down, opened her eyes, couldn't help being angry, it's really fake...

In front, there is nothing but the students who are always laughing...

"You die, ah, don't come here, don't come here..."

"Damn, the dead die quickly, don't chase me..." In the illusion, Ye Xinglan and Xie Xie were being chased, and Xu Lizhi was so frightened that he ate like crazy!

However, Gu Yue actually said, this is fake?
"Ye Xinglan, thank you!" Gu Yue had no choice but to wake them up with water elements...

After the cold water falls and the summer cools off, they also return to normal!what's the situation?What about the moving corpses?
Ye Xinglan's face was pale and weak, holding a long sword, panting heavily, where are those scary things?
Xu Lizhi was very scared, he summoned things and ate them by himself...

Xie Xie's legs were trembling, and his face was pale. The scene just now was really terrifying...

"Where's your attention? Tang Wulin!"

At this time, the cat demon who had been waiting for an opportunity came, and his purple claws instantly cut the air. The huge body of the evil cat fell, and the ground shook. He was very unhappy and roared, angry!
Why, the people around are so scared, scared?Naturally, it is the ability of the Crazy Evil Cat. As a body of all evils, it knows how to use the fear of human beings to make them lost in the illusion...

However, Gu Yue and Tang Wulin saw through the illusion!

It's meaningless not to see Tang Wulin make a fool of himself. Since he was discovered, the battle doesn't end.

"Be careful!" Gu Yue pushed Tang Wulin away, the power of the ice element formed an ice wall, white and transparent, on the opposite side of the ice wall, Gu Yue could clearly see the strange smile of the cat demon.

No, she seemed to think of something, and when she looked back, Ye Xinglan and the others had already been subdued...

She and Tang Wulin were the only ones left!

Gu Yue pushed herself?

Tang Wulin stabilized his figure, turned his head and saw the ice wall of Gu Yue, and the cat demon who shattered the ice wall, with purple claws pinching Gu Yue's neck.

Control Gu Yue!

"Little demon, what are you doing? This is just a sparring!" Tang Wulin worried. Ye Xinglan and the others were all under control. They lost, and they lost badly. They were all deceived by the illusion created by the cat demon...

He knew that even if they kept fighting, they couldn't be Mao Xiaoyao's opponents!

"Little demon..." Xu Xiaoyan hesitated to speak.

Xie Xie's face was also full of worry.

Xu Lizhi was still in shock.

Ye Xinglan glared at Mao Xiaoyao. He was defeated. He foolishly believed that it was true just now...

If you are in an illusion, and you are attacked by the little cat and the others...

There is no chance of resistance at all...

However, Mao Xiaoyao and the others chose after they woke up, which is already an opportunity...

"Okay, stop the sparring!" Wu Changkong said. Today's sparring was very interesting. He saw the progress of the little cat and Tang Wulin's problems.

"Let go of me, little cat!" Gu Yue struggled, staring at the little cat!She didn't dare to move, and the little cat didn't use any force, but if she hit her paw with force, she would definitely cut her neck...

Angry, the cat demon clearly knows that he is the Silver Dragon King, but he doesn't respect himself at all, and puts his dirty paws on his neck, which is called a crime!Damn, really hateful!

The cat demon gave Tang Wulin a cold look, then blew on Gu Yue's bright red ears, and whispered, "This is the human being you like, a waste! From now on, I will have my own way. I won't destroy your great plan, but you, don't bother me either!"

"Tell Mr. Xiong to be careful, no matter who hurts the black cat, I will make him pay the price."

As he said that, Mao Xiaoyao let go of Gu Yue, pushed her away, and suddenly blocked her again. It was a very angry flame. He stepped back a few steps, and he knew that Gu Yue would definitely retaliate, so he kept his attention on it all the time. .

"Damn it, damn the little cat!" Gu Yue stomped her feet angrily. No one dared to threaten her like that. This little cat respected her at all!

I am the Silver Dragon King!

All right!It's Gu Yue now!

"Gu Yue, are you alright!" Tang Wulin looked at Gu Yue with worry on his face, Xu Xiaoyan and the others gathered around to care about Gu Yue.

"It's okay!" Gu Yue smiled, and then glared fiercely at Mao Xiaoyao, she must take revenge... But, what did Mao Xiaoyao mean just now, go her own way?Xiong Jun?

Didn't Mr. Xiong just beat the cat demon?Why Black Cats Are Involved...

If it's really a black cat...

No wonder Mao Xiaoyao was so angry, he must have thought that Mr. Xiong was sent by himself to threaten him...

But, I didn't do that!

"Haha, little demon, that's amazing. Your illusion just now was really powerful. We won!" Luo Guixing greeted each other with a smile, and hugged one?
Yang Nianxia, ​​Zheng Yiran, and Xu Yucheng were also smiling, bragging about the heroism of the little cat just now.

"No, I won!" The cat demon smiled, then returned to the black cat, and disappeared into the competition field under the admiration expressions of Hong Ling'er and Lan Siyi!

Luo Guixing and the others looked embarrassed. This teammate seemed to be difficult to get along with, but they also won!
Damn Tang Wulin, are you crazy now?
Class monitor, hehe!
"I'm going to study the mecha first!"

Wusiduo also left, and when she was ignorant and ignorant, she had a little affection for Tang Wulin, but now she has no affection at all, and she lost!

The cat demon is stronger!
She nodded to Wuchangkong, the competition was over, and she was happy to win, but they couldn't have won without Mao Xiaoyao!
This made her more determined, there is definitely nothing wrong with learning from Mao Xiaoyao!The point is, the little cat is handsome.

Facing Luo Guixing and the others' complacent expressions, Tang Wulin and the others were full of disappointment, because the gossip started, and the cat demon was the strongest!
And the trash squad leader...

 You take one, I take one, after voting, masturbate!
(End of this chapter)

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