The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 187 The importance of talent!

Chapter 187 The importance of talent!
Busy, busy, busy, busy with dark circles.

Ever since Tang Wulin made a big splash in the class competition, the students in Class [-] had a little change in his opinion of him. After all, Tang Wulin had already fused a battle armor.

Be the first in a group to own a battle armor!
The students admired the forging technique alone. Why is the class leader so good? Then forging in the future, their class will definitely not have to worry so much.

One time, one time, cohesion and influence, Tang Wulin gradually established his position in class one!

Class one, level five blacksmith!

Class [-], the first student with a Doukai!

Of course, there are also those who are not convinced!
"Hehe, I don't think the little cat is here, otherwise, it's hard to say the outcome."

"That's right, last time in the virtual space, I saw the cat demon beating Tang Wulin, tsk tsk!"

"Besides, I heard that Mao Xiaoyao has recently been researching mechas and threatened to defeat Tang Wulin's battle armor!"



The melon-eating students started discussing non-stop again. The five geniuses of the Equilibrium Sect were defeated by Tang Wulin. Now, there are only two small groups in one class, one is from Tang Wulin's side.

One is from Mao Xiaoyao's side.

Of course, Mao Xiaoyao, who had been absent from school, had no idea what was going on... nor did she know that so many people supported her.

"No, no, I want to beat you."

Mao Xiaoyao walked into the classroom slowly, and said in a very impatient voice, so that the melon-eating students stopped discussing one by one after hearing it.

"Aren't you bothering me? I said I won't go. What's there to fight in class one of the second year? If you want to fight, go yourself! Anyway, I won't go!" Mao Xiaoyao disgustedly pushed Tang Wulin away and hung it on his shoulder He walked into the classroom impatiently, and everyone was looking at him.

He sits in his seat!

Get on your stomach and get ready for bed!
"Junior brother, listen to me. I heard that there will be rewards for the battle between class one of the second grade. If we join forces, the winning rate will be greatly increased." Tang Wulin said earnestly. He had already persuaded Mao Xiaoyao all morning It doesn't matter whether Zheng Yiran and the others join or not, but Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat must join, this is the guarantee of their fighting power.

Class One, Grade Two?The cat demon immediately lay down on the table, fell asleep, and said, "Don't bother me!"

Go fuck!

"Alas..." Tang Wulin sighed, it seemed that Gu Yue had to persuade him, the little cat would not listen to his own words...

class, get out of class.


Mao Xiaoyao rubbed her eyes, woke up, is it time for dinner?I couldn't help but yawned, and I have to go to the laboratory later...

The magic weapon mecha, that's not a joke, the project is too big, and Hong Ling'er can't help with other things, the cat demon has always done it himself.

Small screws are magic weapons, and they can kill people when projected out!It's that scary!
Of course, Mao Xiaoyao had to have the design drawings, and he had to forge each part, and then slowly install it when he came back. It is not difficult for a big guy eight meters tall to fly an ordinary mecha with one punch.

Difficulties are more difficult. Any metal is composed of magic tools. This project is very large, as well as seal carving runes, core magic circles, etc...

Everyone needs a helper!
Hong Ling'er is only a second-level blacksmith, so she can't help much, and she doesn't know anything about mechas.

The black cat, Lan Siyi, doesn't know much about mechas either.

"Mao Xiaoyao!" At this moment, Wusiduo appeared like an angel descending radiance, and the fragrance was lingering around her body, moving with the wind, and the soul-attracting smell floated to Mao Xiaoyao's sensitive nose.

"Deputy squad leader, what's your business?" Mao Xiaoyao found out that the silver-haired loli from before seemed to be a student in their class, and she had no impression of her. At this time, she was also behind Wusiduo.

"Hey, where are you looking?" Wusiduo endured it, the little cat's eyes are not pure, but if she wants to go back and look at Tang Wulin's stinky face, she will definitely not be like Luo Guixing and the others who can bend and stretch.

Her little girl!

Don't beg him!
A level five blacksmith?It's not just Tang Wulin.

Finding that the silver-haired white-haired loli was also looking at him, Mao Xiaoyao immediately withdrew his gaze, lay down on the table, and said, "Hurry up! Everyone else is going to the canteen, I'm very hungry." The black cat has long been Gu Yue abducted, Tang Wulin asked Gu Yue to fool the black cat, and then asked the black cat to persuade the cat demon to join them...

This iron-clad black cat is a matter of a fish. Now, I guess...

Just now, during the meal, everyone didn't call Mao Xiaoyao, who had a bad temper, whoever called, whoever was scolded.

"Let me join you!" Wusiduo bit her lips lightly, and she was actually embarrassed to say it. Originally, she was supposed to be on the same team as Mao Xiaoyao. At that time, the disagreement happened, so she ran to Tang Wulin's group again. Discord, she went to form some five geniuses with Xu Yucheng and the others.


Very ironic!
They are defeated!

The so-called five great geniuses were just a joke. Luo Guixing and the others could calmly ease the relationship with Tang Wulin, but Wusiduo couldn't.

"Eh..." The cat demon was stunned for a moment, and glanced up and down. Wusiduo seemed to be a good choice to join her team. Wusiduo had a deep understanding of mechs, so she should be able to help.

But, when he was about to say something!
Hong Ling'er, an apprentice who didn't know where she came from, said: "Master, deputy class, are you sure? We don't have any geniuses here. If you come, won't you wrong yourself a little?" Hong Ling'er mocked, what? Shit five great geniuses, she is not very convinced, when she left before, why didn't she think about coming back?

Who is it?

Where there is Hong Linger, there will be Lan Siyi, she also said: "Level [-] mech repairer, in fact, we need you very much. Before, you joined the battle armor group, which was a mistake in itself." Glasses, she glanced at Mao Xiaoyao lightly, guess Mao Xiaoyao has already thought about it?
Wusiduo clenched her fists tightly, with anger in her eyes, she gave Hong Ling'er a hard look, even if she didn't join, she couldn't be insulted like that.

"Why don't you accept it?" Hong Ling'er also raised her head and chest, comparing?Have a try?
Not afraid of breasts!
"Ling'er!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Hong Ling'er, Hong Ling'er shrugged and said, "Stop making trouble, we are all classmates, let's work hard together in the future!" Just when I needed help, suddenly Wusiduo, a mecha repairer, came here, so she must know very well about mechas.

it works!

"Hmph!" Hong Ling'er gave up!Wusiduo's soul sect realm, she really can't afford Wusiduo now.

"Mao Xiaoyao, I'm just asking, since you don't welcome me, then I won't join."

Wusiduo pretended to be indifferent and said, with a hint of disappointment on her face, she turned around and wanted to leave. Anyway, there are many blacksmiths in the academy.

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished." Mao Xiaoyao got up and said, no longer lying on the table.

Wusiduo turned her head, but saw the smiling face of Mao Xiaoyao, stretched out her hand and said, "Today, I formally invite you to join the mecha research team!"

Mao Xiaoyao needs a lot of excellent talents like Wusiduo. In the future, he will make mechas, soul guides and so on. It is impossible for him to participate in the manufacture of every part.


Mao Xiaoyao feels that it is necessary for him to cultivate some talents,
Because, even if the soul beasts were successfully transformed, it would be impossible for them to live in humans for a few years to study like him. He wanted to cultivate human geniuses who were loyal to him.

Even if your identity is exposed in the future!

It's not that he has no means of control!

"Eh..." Wusiduo was stunned for a moment, a little moved in her heart, she couldn't help holding Mao Xiaoyao's hand, and smiled in relief, all grievances and grievances were settled, and they will be partners from now on!

Eat and start experimenting!
Wusiduo will also change her own life!

(End of this chapter)

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