The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 175 Goodbye is already a stranger!

Chapter 175 Goodbye is already a stranger!
"Teacher, why did you come to Shrek Academy!"

There was a restaurant outside, and Tang Wulin came alone. He knew that the relationship between Mao Xiaoyao and his teacher Mu Chen was not particularly good, so he should have come if he didn't come...

But, Senior Sister Mu Xi... Isn't the little cat and her relationship very good?
Why not come?

Muchen said: "Of course there is something to do!"

"Senior Sister!" Tang Wulin said politely, and then sat down to chat with Teacher Mu Chen.

Isn't the cat demon and Mu Xi's world on good terms?Why not come?

I don't understand, I don't understand.

"Yeah!" Mu Xi nodded lightly, looking behind Tang Wulin, as if expecting something, as if expecting nothing, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, it was a kind of sadness that he knew.

That person, he won't come!




For several days, Mao Xiaoyao locked himself in the laboratory, not going out, not going out, thinking about problems, thinking about things, always studying, absenteeism, Mao Xiaoyao also became the most absentees in the class.

Slowly opening the door of the laboratory, the cat demon with a tired face and dark circles under his eyes came out. He wanted to go back and see the underground base of the black cat and Hong Ling'er.

The roof is not built?

Made, the young master digs one by himself, lives comfortably by himself, forging, researching, and will not let you find anything.

In the college, there is a youthful atmosphere. Mao Xiaoyao saw many beautiful seniors, and the seniors were also looking at him with a smile. After all, beauty is mutual attraction, but when Mao Xiaoyao looked at the seniors, But I saw a person!

A most familiar stranger!

The school road is very quiet, the students are walking with laughter and laughter, the trees on both sides of the road are very big and tall, maybe because of autumn, the fallen leaves are slowly flying...

Under the caress of the breeze, the leaves began to rustle and slowly fell. The breeze even gently blew the girl's hair, which also blurred some vision. The fragrance of the hair wafted along with the breeze. Towards, far away!

Is it accompanied by longing?
In that distance, stands a boy!
Boys and girls look at each other!

Mu Xi!Mao Xiaoyao froze for a moment, his whole heart ached and began to twitch, his heart was full of pain, she came...

Why?Will you be so uncomfortable?
This girl is here after all!

Can't be messed up!It was just a stranger, Mao Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and walked slowly, passed by, and when he walked past Mu Xi lightly, he smelled the familiar smell and didn't even look at her, he couldn't let himself Efforts in vain, that emotional bud, can only let it wither forever.

"Little demon!" Mu Xi bit her lips and said, seeing the person who left a deep scar in her heart, she couldn't help it after all...

Just when the cat demon passed by her coldly, her heart ached. Even if she couldn't like each other, why couldn't she be friends?
"Congratulations, you have also entered Shrek Academy!" Mao Xiaoyao didn't look back, but walked sideways. ...

"Thank you for what you left behind. I am now a fourth-level blacksmith. I am in class one, grade two..." Mu Xi had tears in her eyes, and looked at Mao Xiaoyao's charming back lightly. The figure couldn't help but hesitate to speak, and said: "I..." Back then, the forging information left by Mao Xiaoyao allowed Mu Xi to become a fourth-level blacksmith all of a sudden, which also allowed her to finally find a suitable blacksmith for her. The road to forging...

"That's the forging fee! You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe me anything. I'm sorry, the black cat is waiting for me." The cat demon never looked back at Mu Xi, not even a single glance , he is also afraid that he will fall into emotional confusion and lose himself. At a glance, he is afraid that he will make a mistake in judgment...

Let it go with the wind!

After leaving, Mao Xiaoyao never glanced at Mu Xi from the beginning to the end, not even a single glance.

Mu Xi held back her disappointing tears, she couldn't cry, she couldn't cry, she had to be strong, wasn't this the result she had thought of long ago?
She looked up at the sky, with a self-deprecating smile on her face, it seemed that she was overthinking everything, she thought that there would be ordinary friends with Mao Xiaoyao.

However, Mao Xiaoyao has never seen her!

It seems that there is no need to be friends.

Let's go back!
Love blows and love is scattered, they have all gone with the wind!

Mu Xi calmed down and came to Shrek Academy to study. She also wanted to fulfill her goal, so she became a master craftsman. Maybe one day, she...

At this time, at the door of the work-study students, the cat demon had a cold face, with that terrifying look, whoever provoked him, whoever would probably hit him...

At this time, Xie Xie saw Mao Xiaoyao and chose to slip away, he didn't want to be beaten by Mao Xiaoyao, last time he was fined [-] contribution points for harming Mao Xiaoyao, he felt a little sorry.

"Are you running, are you rushing to peep?" The cat demon saw Xie Chian, and cursed directly, it is naturally impossible for a mouse to slip away under the cat's nose.

If you are in a bad mood, you have to vent!

"I..." Xie Xie sighed with complicated emotions, he actually wanted to apologize to Yuanen Huiye, although he also knew that apologizing was useless...


"Stupid coins!" the cat demon scolded.

Xie Xie remained silent, no matter what, he still had to be scolded, and now he also wanted Yuan Enhuiye to scold and beat himself...

Maybe, I will feel better!
After cursing a few words of thanks, and leaving, Mao Xiaoyao entered a very dilapidated empty room, looking dilapidated, in fact, the surroundings were completely sealed by him, tightly sealed, the room was originally full of garbage, dust and debris, It seemed impossible to live there.

It is also miserable!
However, Mao Xiaoyao's own bed is here. Of course, this is just a cover-up, an ordinary cover-up, to deceive people like Wu Zhangkong, it is probably possible!

If someone like Mr. Cai came to check, he would probably be exposed!However, she will definitely not come to check.

When Mao Xiaoyao moved a table, a hole opened, and Mao Xiaoyao entered inside, hey, fell down, and reached the underground base.

Underground base, business as usual, forging room + alchemy room, plus a warehouse, laboratory, bedroom, living room...

The two girls are now digging a hole!

"Why, is the thing invented by your master good at digging holes?" Mao Xiaoyao lent her armor to Hong Ling'er to wear. Although it didn't fit well, it didn't affect the progress of digging holes at all!
In a few days, the big hole was completed!
Controlling the propelling soul guide on the soles of the feet, spraying blue flames, Hong Ling'er slowly landed, opened the helmet, and said with a smile: "Master, you are here, this thing called armor is too powerful, hehe, digging holes is also special Powerful, I think it's similar to those one-word combat armors, but why don't you integrate your martial soul?"

Once the martial spirit is fused, it will be like a battle armor, but this armor is not a battle armor, there is a certain gap between the two.

Armor has a more technological sense, and battle armor is more suitable for the ability of a soul master. If the two are combined...

If Hong Ling'er is in YY, then it's very powerful!
At this time, the black cat also came down, and the strengthening of the soil was completed. This secret base under the ground is not afraid of collapsing at all, and its strength is the same as that in Donghai Academy.

The smoke and some excreted gases will be absorbed by a space soul guide, similar to the range hood soul guide, the cat demon has also been researching for a long time.

"The first-generation product, the fusion of the martial soul, is a later thing. I am now trying to combine it with the battle armor. At that time, I will directly train and integrate the martial soul to become an existence similar to the two-word combat armor." Mao Xiaoyao's eyes flashed. After a little fanaticism, since you are a traverser, and since you know so much knowledge about the previous world, then some things have to be changed!
Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for the traverser!
"Go and try forging!" the little cat said.

Hong Linger nodded, went into the forging room, and started forging. The door was closed and the sound insulation was 100%, and nothing could be heard outside.

Sighing, Mao Xiaoyao lay on the comfortable sofa, thinking about something...

The black cat who saw that Mao Xiaoyao was strange, leaned against Mao Xiaoyao very quietly, she would not ask anything, if she was tired, then lean on her shoulder!
 Our love fell apart and split into two halves...

(End of this chapter)

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