Chapter 150

Sasuke looked at Jozi, who was covered in diamonds, and was very surprised. This kind of defense was terrible.

No matter how much human beings cultivate their bodies, they cannot have such defenses. This guy's body can turn into a diamond, how is this possible.

The devil fruit they said, Sasuke really didn't understand what a devil fruit was.

But looking at Jozy, Sasuke didn't have any fear, as if he shouldn't be afraid in the first place.

He took a deep breath and calmed down his trembling hands.

The onlookers looked at Sasuke with a puzzled expression, this kid, is he going to fight?

"Master Qiaozi is a devil fruit capable person, Erzhuzi is too disadvantaged to fight him."

"But the strength of the second pillar is really great! It was able to knock back Captain Qiaozi."

"Er Zhuzi, admit defeat! Master Qiaozi is not something you can win."

Hearing the persuasion of the pirates, Sasuke ignored it, because the battle reminded him of some things, some names, some people, so he decided to continue fighting.

Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Karin, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi.

These names, these faces, are familiar.

Sasuke also remembered a city full of ninjas during the battle, a very familiar city.

Sasuke clenched his fists and said to Joz, "It's okay, let's continue!"

He felt that as long as he fought a little more, he could recover his memory.

Then keep fighting!
"Do you really want to continue? I don't have the habit of being lenient!" Joz said with a blank expression, looking at Sasuke.

Sasuke suddenly smiled, "Come on! Actually, I just remembered a powerful move."

"Really?" Joz bluntly approached Zuo, and Sasuke stood there motionless with his head bowed.

"Second Pillar, defend yourself! Are you looking for death?" Seeing that Sasuke didn't respond, the pirates were startled.

Just when Qiaozi was about to rush in front of Sasuke, suddenly, Sasuke raised his head and looked at Qiaozi. At the same time, a giant purple palm appeared, blocking Qiaozi who rushed in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke originally wanted to slap Jozzy into the air, but he didn't expect Jozzy to be able to withstand Susano's huge force.

Joz this guy is a monster.

"Wow! What kind of fruit ability user is this, I have never heard of it!"

"I didn't expect this guy to be an ability user, what a weird ability."

Seeing Susano, who was protecting Sasuke, none of the pirates knew it, and they were all a little shocked, thinking that it was some kind of devil fruit ability.

Qiao Zi was so powerful that he didn't feel scared when he saw Sasuke's Susano. He grabbed one of Susano's fingers, lifted Susano up high, laughed loudly, and threw him into the sea .

What a strange force!

"The second pillar is over, and the devil fruit capable user will become a waste if he falls into the sea."

"Everyone, go and save him."

"Ah! Look, he has come out of the sea."

Susano slowly floated up from the sea, and the sea water couldn't do anything to Susano.

"Isn't this guy a devil fruit capable user?"

At this moment, a gigantic Neptune suddenly came out of the sea and bit Susanoo into its mouth. After the bite, the Neptune burst into tears and broke its teeth. , I can't do anything about Susano.

Susano gently opened the sea king's big mouth, knocked out the troublesome sea king with a punch, and then walked back step by step on the sea until he reached the white beard's big ship.

"Er Zhuzi, what are you? It's amazing."

"That's cool! Like a giant samurai."

The pirates looked at Sasuke who returned to the ship in shock.

Sasuke returned to the boat. Although Joz was a little surprised, he didn't have any fear, and ran into Sasuke again.

Sasuke sneered, this time you have nowhere to use your strength.

Susano punched out, this time with all his strength, but Joz's speed was not slow, he easily dodged Susano's attack, and punched Susano's chest.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Susano was almost knocked back a step.

"Sure enough, Mr. Joz is amazing!"

"This big guy is not useful."

Even though the pirates said so, Jozi is dripping with cold sweat now, his fist has been blasted into Susanoo's body, and he can no longer pull it out.

Qiaozi gritted his teeth and pulled his arm desperately, but he couldn't pull it out.

Only then did the pirates discover that Joz's arm was stuck and he lost the ability to move.

Sasuke didn't attack, just stuck Qiaozi to death. Qiaozi struggled for a long time, but couldn't get out.

"I admit defeat!" In the end Jozi had no choice but to surrender.

Seeing Joz admit defeat, the pirates were dumbfounded, how is this possible!

Joz is the captain of Team [-]!How did you lose.

Seeing Qiaozi surrender, Sasuke smiled, and Susano almost let him go.

Joz returned to the ground, looking at Sasuke with some trepidation.

This kid is really wicked.

Seeing that Sasuke did such a good job, Whitebeard laughed and stood up.

"Good job, boy. You are already qualified to challenge me."

Sasuke put away the Susanoo, walked in front of White Beard, and looked at the tall White Beard without any fear.

"Father, please advise." Sasuke said modestly.

"Hey! I hope you can take my punch!" Whitebeard raised his fist, which was shining with white light.

"Father, come on!" Sasuke felt the boundless power of Whitebeard, excited all over, and quickly used Susano.

Seeing the reappearance of Sasuke's giant Susano, Whitebeard smiled and punched Susano.


In front of Whitebeard's fist, the air shattered like a mirror.

Sasuke felt that the world around him was completely shattered in front of Whitebeard's fist. The power of the shock came, and Susano couldn't defend at all. Sasuke, who was hiding inside Susano, spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted past.

Seeing Whitebeard punching out, Susano almost disappeared, and Sasuke vomited blood and fell unconscious on the deck.

The pirates didn't have too many surprises, Whitebeard is the strongest person in the world!

"Erzhuzi, are you okay!" Shakya nervously ran to Sasuke, checked Sasuke, and found that he just passed out, so he was relieved.

This kid is real, why challenge Dad if he has nothing to do!Papa was scary.

Shakya first apologized to Whitebeard and the others, and hugged Sasuke down.

Marco watched Shakya carry Sasuke down with his eyes closed. This kid is quite capable, but he chose the wrong person for his father to be his opponent.

"Father, this kid is pretty good, why don't you let him be the captain of the fourth team!" Marco walked up to Whitebeard and suggested.

Whitebeard stood there without answering.

Marco continued: "Father, I know you miss Saqi very much, but the captain of the fourth team can't be empty all the time! Sara's strength is too weak, otherwise it would be good to let her be the captain of the fourth team. "

Whitebeard still didn't answer.

"Father?" Marco was a little surprised to find that White Beard hadn't moved at all.

"Boom!" Whitebeard suddenly fell to the deck.

"Father!" The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates turned pale with fright and fell into a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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