my supplier is god

Chapter 7 - I want to be a profiteer! (Finish)

Chapter 7 - I want to be a profiteer! (Finish)
Chapter 11-I want to be a profiteer! (End of Volume [-])

"Comrade Tang Yuan! Comrade Natasha! Can you hear me?"

At this time, Tang Yuan had already surfaced to meet Natasha, so he pressed the talk button on the intercom: "I heard you, we have completed the mission, and the Rising Sun Fleet has retreated."

"Very well, hurry back to the fortress, there is an emergency!"

Vladimir's tone was different from the previous calmness, with a hint of haste.

Tang Yuan and Natasha looked at each other, but didn't understand what happened, so they hurriedly crawled out of the water and rushed back to the fortress.

Along the way, there were many tank wrecks and corpses of Rising Sun soldiers. There were no battle cries and artillery fire in the distance. As they approached the fortress, they gradually saw some Soviet soldiers cleaning the battlefield.

It seems that he has kept it, Tang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, when he was playing games before, why didn't he think that the first level would be so difficult?It's true that if you don't serve as a soldier, you don't know the hard work of fighting.

Back in the command room, I found that Vladimir and Oleg did not have the joy of victory on their faces. Instead, they frowned, and their faces became more and more scary.

"Ah, you are back, you did a great job before, Comrade Natasha, your meritorious service has been recorded; Comrade Tang Yuan, thank you for your help, we will give you a reward sufficient to satisfy you." Vladimir spoke but did not relax his face at all.

"What happened? Comrade Commander." Natasha asked.

"We have to get ready to leave, comrades," Vladimir said sullenly, "just now, we have received news that a large army of the Rising Sun is on its way to Moscow and is currently in contact with the Kasna-45 satellite station. The defenders fought."

"Kasner-45?" Natasha said in surprise, "Who is guarding there?"

"Moskvin." Vladimir replied, "but his troops can't last long. After Dasha uploaded the information about the demon, Moskvin connected to the Internet immediately and personally confirmed that the demon is real. existing."

"Could it be that..." Natasha probably guessed what Vladimir meant.

"Yes, that demon in a sailor suit appeared on the battlefield of Kasna-45, and Moskvin's troops suffered heavy casualties." Vladimir tugged at his collar, "Although I don't know why that monster was still there before. Leningrad, now at the Kasna-45 satellite station, but we must leave immediately to support Moskvin."

"But, Commander, here in Leningrad..."

"Don't worry about here, Comrade Natasha, Comrade Oleg will stay here, and the Rising Sun Army that attacked here has already retreated, I have no reason to stay here anymore," Vladimir turned towards Asked next to him, "Daxia, are you packed?"

"Okay, you can start at any time, Commander."

"That's good," said Vladimir and looked at Tang Yuan again, "Thank you very much for your help, Comrade Tang Yuan, but I'm afraid we have to say goodbye, we can't rely too much on other people's help in this war, you You should go back to Huaxia, where the Sickle Party needs your help more than us."

"Yes, I know." Tang Yuan nodded.

"Then, later, you can go to Comrade Oleg to discuss the issue of remuneration. He is a generous man and will not make it difficult for you. That's it. My helicopter is about to be ready. Goodbye, my friend, and may Marx guide you." You." With that, Vladimir left the command room.

Then, there was no need for Tang Yuan to stay here, and he went to find Oleg to ask for a reward. Oleg didn't intend to do that shitty thing, so he took him to the finance department with a smile—don't worry about why There will be a financial department in the temporary barracks - ready to send money into the card, but when Tang Yuan asked for hard currency, he gave him a small suitcase full of gold - don't worry about why the financial department has Gold, these are all plot needs (anyway, the Soviet Union in the Red Police has been hacked so badly, I will add a few more dust).

So Tang Yuan took the gold and left Leningrad contentedly. As for the way of leaving?Of course, I found a place where no one could see, and clicked the "return" button.


[Gold, exchange price: 200 million points. 】

Since he had never been a mercenary, Tang Yuan himself didn't know whether the 200 million was a loss or a gain. Anyway, he only had one thought in his mind:
Sure enough, the Lord has a dark heart!
Every time the reincarnators go to the reincarnation world to do missions, they are put to death by the Lord God, and they can only get pitifully small rewards when they return!

Look at Ou Pang!He gave 200 million points with a shake of his hands! !
Good Dafa Marx! !

Back home, Tang Yuan first threw the gold into the recycling interface, exchanged for 200 million points, and then picked up the alarm clock beside him to check the time—sure enough, when he went to other worlds, the time in his original world was stationary.

This is much more convenient!To avoid going to some worlds in the future to spend a few years at every turn, only to find that I have long been considered missing and my household registration has been revoked... That scene is embarrassing when I think about it.

More than 200 million points!You can buy something to be happy and happy!

Wait a minute, you can't use all of them to buy things to strengthen yourself. After all, you have to pay attention to a sustainable development... Thinking of this, Tang Yuan seems to have suddenly changed his style of painting. A second ago, he was still a powerful Red Army soldier. But my son turned into a part-time fortune teller who set up a stall at the entrance of the vegetable market selling fake jade...

That's right, this was his "plan" before.

Because for the first time, he clicked on the seemingly useless "transaction" button that he thought was useless before.

Then the door of the new world opened to him!
[There are two trading modes, one is the normal trading mode, that is, the reincarnation can sell any item to anyone, including items that cannot be exchanged from the main god, and the price is self-determined. The main god uses the "forced transaction" function and charges 5 % handling fee; the second is the intermediary model, for those who are not reincarnated and cannot contact the main god and exchange items. The reincarnation can list any item in the exchange list. When the object purchases the item, the income belongs to the main god. Reincarnation charges 10% agency fee. 】

What is a "forced transaction"?It is stated in the description: Once you agree to the transaction, you will sincerely and actively execute the transaction process, even if you had other ideas in mind when you agreed to the transaction, such as perfunctory or cheating It's black and white, but once you agree, you will really do it according to the terms negotiated in the transaction, and you don't even feel that there is anything wrong with you!

According to the Lord God, this is not ordinary hypnosis or something, it is to change a person's thinking from the level of law!
For example: "Young man, how much is this diamond?" Money!), give it to me." "Take it." "Well, this is 200 million for you." Then after a long time... "Hey? Why did I give him the money!?"

Generally, it is not until a long time after the end of the transaction that you will slowly feel that something is wrong. It is already too late, especially in this kind of transaction, you must not use jokes such as "life" and "soul". If it is... then there is really no chance to feel something is wrong.

Fuck!this is too scary!Fortunately, the main god of my family has been castrated, and it can only play a role in transactions, otherwise I don’t feel at ease when I use it at ordinary times! !
It's decided, use these points as the capital of your own "doing business"!
Tang Yuan walked to the window of his room, opened the curtains, and felt that even the scorching sun became more pleasant when he was in a good mood.

"I want to earn points hard! I want to be a profiteer! I sell things that cost 25 cents for [-] yuan, and I sell things that cost [-] yuan for [-]! Then you can exchange for those powerful bloodlines, weapons, Equipment, promotion and salary increase, becoming the general manager, becoming the CEO, marrying Bai Fumei, reaching the pinnacle of life... I am so excited!!"

[End of the first volume]

The author is talking nonsense about time: the first volume is equivalent to a prologue, going through the novice tutorial at a brisk pace, and then it's time to pretend... Tang Yuan has made up his mind to be a profiteer.

Does anyone think that if I write Yuriko specifically, there will definitely be a plot to fight Yuriko?
The result is disappointing. After all, in my understanding, it is impossible for the current Tang Yuan to be Yuriko's opponent—in fact, in my understanding, it is impossible for Natasha and Tanya to get anal. Yuriko, please note that what I said is in the plot, not in the game.

Tang Yuan will come back in the future, but that will be a long time later.

By the way, it’s a setting that I discarded early on: If Tang Yuan’s main god hadn’t been castrated, and became a reincarnation when he was penniless, entered the space of the main god, and didn’t have any points, what would he do?First of all, there is no gun, but because of the arrangement of the Lord God, as an ordinary soldier, he followed Gronov and tried his best to find Natasha and returned to the fortress.

Then he was reorganized into a city defense team. According to the urination of the Lord God, he must be in a relatively dangerous position. Then, as an ordinary mortal, Tang Yuan did not exchange anything. The ADK45 assault rifle in his hand was still A few bottles of Molotov cocktails were all he needed to survive the defensive battle. ——This is normal difficulty. Although the defensive battle will kill people, as a trained soldier, there is still hope of survival.

Then this is a high-difficulty situation where the Lord God will send you to death: just like what I wrote in my novel, as a mercenary, follow Natasha to act together—but, if it is Tang who has not exchanged anything Yuan... First of all, he died on the point of "can't swim", so there is no need to talk about it later.

Hell Difficulty: Yuriko didn't go to the Kasna-45 satellite station, but directly participated in the attack on Leningrad...GG.

So, the castrated version of the main god is good, it is completely used to let people experience life... I still like to write those articles that are lighter, and those that are too heavy... First of all, I don't like it; secondly, I don't like it. Good at exaggerating those heavy atmospheres; again, the reality is already heavy enough, if you want to find abuse after reading a novel, isn’t that shaking M?

(End of this chapter)

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