my supplier is god

Chapter 358 - The Eye of Dawn

Chapter 358 - The Eye of Dawn

Chapter 92-The Eye of Dawn

"You came."

"I am coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"...but I'm still here."

Listening to the conversation between the two old men, Tang Yuan couldn't help but clapped his hands: "Hey, can you two talk more normally? Gulong body is not very popular now, okay? And do I feel that this chapter Where did you see it at the beginning?"

Anzu-Sypher glanced at him, then looked at Belit, and asked, "Your son?"

"Bah." Belit shook his head, "I don't have a son who speaks like that... he can be considered a friend."

"Oh... my friend." Anzu looked around. At this time, the command post was killed by these two people. It must have completely collapsed outside. Gunshots and screams could be heard from every direction.

"It's been so many years, you're still the same, you haven't changed much..." Belit hung his hands around his waist——At this moment, Tang Yuan noticed a detail, the old man was actually pressing his original old revolver, and Not the new revolver you got earlier.

That's right...the special meaning...Although it doesn't have any practical meaning, but people like it, there's nothing you can do about it, so Tang Yuan shook his head and said to Belit: "I'll go out to watch the wind, you two hurry up... ...After all, this is the last time we meet."

When he walked out of the gate of the command post, he could still hear the conversation behind him.

"Did you see Haas just now?"

"I see, send it away."

"Oh...well, another old friend left."

"How have you been all these years?"

"It's okay, how much skill is not as good as about you?"

"Sigh... Forget it, don't be too polite, I came here today to end your legend... Moreover, I wanted to have a real battle with you decades ago."

"Haha, although I'm not as good as I was back then, it's still not a big problem to solve your problem...Come on!!"

Hearing this, Tang Yuan had already walked away completely, but the two people probably didn't talk anymore, because he heard a burst of unscientific gunshots behind him, and he could even imagine that the bullets fired from both sides were flying in the air. The sparks produced by precisely colliding together.

Carret's camp has been completely captured. From afar, he could hear Zeddin's heart-rending roar of "Charge—" such orders that have no practical effect at all. Tang Yuan casually fired a shot to the side. , clicked off a guy who was about to rush forward to attack, and then looked at a large group of crimson octopus tentacles that suddenly rose from the ground in the distance...

I can still vaguely hear Rotes yelling: "Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... are you stupid!? Lord, even if I am out of the water now I am still better than you!! Although that guy looks like he needs to be punched, he is really capable! That's not small... It's great to kill legally! Go to hell! Hundan!!"

Looking at that pile of tentacles, I really feel like I should make a mosaic for you. I didn't feel so disgusting when I played games before. Why did it suddenly become like this?Tang Yuan shook his head, and was about to walk around the camp twice, looking for any unlucky ones who were alone, when he heard Shilock's voice from Rotes.

"Nice job!! That's right! That's it! Hahahahahaha——" It's like venting, the resentment of death doesn't seem to disappear so easily... Tang Yuan looked back over there again, the highest On the biggest and thickest tentacle, Sherlock hugged it like a koala, and didn't know what to do.

Then a certain mechanic who became a monk and finally sanctified came flying over with a pair of fire-breathing hard leather boots: "Ah, where are you, damn? I've been looking for you for a long time...Where is Belit? You and him I haven't seen you two since we got to the front line."

"He? Wrestling ♂ with Anzu inside, the picture is so beautiful." Tang Yuan pointed to the command post not far behind him, and it turned out that at this moment, Belit walked out from inside.

"...Well, it looks like it's over." Tang Yuan greeted him, "Yo, you won?"

Bailit nodded. He frowned and thought for a long time, and finally said something inexplicably: "It's not right."

"Huh—??" Tang Yuan made a curious look, "What's wrong—??"

"Anzu... Even if he is old, he will not become so weak... He just fell down like this? I always feel that something is wrong... Could it be because I haven't seen each other for a long time, so I remember wrongly?" Belit's eyebrows became more and more furrowed, and they were almost squeezed into a monogram. "I always think that Anzu's guy can't only have this ability."

"Hearing what you said... it seems that there is really a problem?" Tang Yuan pinched his chin and said, "Why don't we go back and make sure?"


The two of them—er, Lin Xiaoyu also followed—the three of them ran back to the command post, opened the door, and saw Anzu lying in a pool of blood. No matter the talent, the robot can make bloody effect.

"...Well, I feel that something is wrong." Tang Yuan walked to An Zu's body, thought of an explanation casually, and called Belit to come over, "You reach out and touch it, he died not long ago , logically speaking, there should still be a little body temperature, but this guy is completely cold... Hey, I'm afraid you were dancing with a living corpse just now."

Belit ran over and touched it twice, and then his face changed: "What, what's going on!?"

"I suspect that there is something wrong with Anzu... Wait a minute, can you let me take some blood from this guy for testing?" Tang Yuan asked as he took out a syringe.

Seeing Bailit nod, he grabbed Anzu's arm and stuck the needle in it—then the needle was bent.

"Oh oh oh! There is indeed a problem!!" Tang Yuan reached out and clenched his fist and knocked on Anzu's body twice. DuangDuang's voice sounded extremely mocking, "This Anzu is a figure!"

"What!?" Belit stretched out his hand in disbelief and knocked twice himself, DuangDuang's voice still sounded so mocking, "No! If this Anzu is a robot...then the real Anzu Where did Zu go!?"

Lin Xiaoyu leaned forward with a laptop in her arms: "Let's go, let's go... This kind of situation requires a professional mechanic to study."

Belit already knew that this Anzu was a fake, so naturally she would not object to her doing something to this "corpse", so Lin Xiaoyu skillfully took out a small knife and cut the outermost layer of the "Anzu" into a simulation. The skin was peeled off (it looked a little scary), and then a bunch of screws were screwed, and finally a small memory card-like thing was pulled out of the robot's head.

"This is a memory card (hey, is it really this thing!?), with this, we can know why this Anzu is a robot..." Lin Xiaoyu temporarily made a reading according to the specifications of this memory card. Card reader, plugged it into the computer, reached out and greeted Belit, "Come, let's watch together."

Belit frowned and leaned in front of the computer screen, ready to see what was inside.

"This is... Lantilus!?"

He pointed at the elder brother on the screen and cried out.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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