my supplier is god

Chapter 289 - How a Berserker Was Made

Chapter 289 - How a Berserker Was Made

Chapter 23-How a Berserker is Made

Early in the morning, Naruto yelled that he was bored and wanted to do missions, but he was tired of picking up trash and looking for lost cats all day long, so he strongly expressed his desire to take on a combat mission. As soon as he did it, Kakashi couldn't bear this guy's temper, so he ran to Sandai and asked, the old fox of Sandai smiled and said on the spot, "There just happens to be a C-level mission that is very suitable for you", the content seems to be Suppressing bandits or something, and then the seventh squad happily followed Kakashi out of the village.

Probably what the three-generation old man thought in his heart was to use this mission to try out how useful the new ninjutsu is in actual combat, right?

Now that the seventh class has left the village, then the next few days, the zeroth class will probably have a lot of leisure... Thinking so, Tang Yuan brought his three students to the small hillside and continued to train himself students.

To be precise, continue to train Naruko.

Six ranunculus?God knows where that guy went, since he couldn't find it, he might as well train the students instead of wasting time on that retarded fox.

"You don't need to be an expert in any one aspect, but you must be proficient in at least one of them! Taijutsu? Ninjutsu? Stealth assassination? Face to face? Knife killing at close range? Throwing shuriken from a distance? You have to be here Choose one of them, and then practice until I think it is qualified." At this moment, Tang Yuan stood in front of Mingzi solemnly, and said loudly, "Next, answer my questions seriously! I found it in an interesting book... Listen up!"

"Ah... yes!" Naruko nodded.

"First of all! Suppose you are a ninja on a mission. The mission is to kill a certain target. It is known that the target itself does not have too much combat power, and you have seen his back from hiding in the crowd. He I didn't see you, so what would you do? Tell me all your actions and describe them in detail!"

"Yes! I will rush out of the crowd, run to the target as fast as I can and kill him!"

"Very good! I ignored whether there were guards around and alarmed the crowd, and I didn't even think about whether the figure from the back was the real target... Berserkers are like this." Tang Yuanguai nodded with a smile, and then asked the two people next to him People, "Three catties, star anise, if it were you, what would each of you do?"

Sanjin blinked his eyes: "What should I do... find Erliang first."

"... Cough, forget it, just pretend I didn't ask. So, Bajiao! What will you do?"

Bajiao grinned and raised his hands high: "Burn all the hundreds of miles around, and then there will be no problems!"

"Pfft." Tang Yuan stretched out his hand and pressed the top of her head, and at the same time wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with the other hand, "Forget it, you should go play games with Sanjin, I don't have anything to look for right now. you……"

"Yeah!" So Bajiao took Sanjin and ran to the side not far away to find bugs to play with.

Tang Yuan coughed dryly, looked at Naruko who was kneeling in front of him, and continued to ask: "Then! Suppose you are a ninja patrolling the border. At this moment, a ninja crossed the border and came towards you. What are you supposed to do, running over here, with a huge beast behind him?"

"Yes! I will first determine the strength of that beast. If I can defeat it, I will kill it and save that ninja. If not, I will run away with that ninja."

"Very good! You didn't suspect that the beast might be the ninja's psychic beast or other type of partner. You immediately thought that the ninja was being chased by the beast and needed help...Hey, hey, the ninja must have the words High enough vigilance! Like you, it can only be said that a berserker is like this."

"Ah? I'm sorry." Naruko's answers to two consecutive questions made Tang Yuan feel dissatisfied and a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's continue, now, suppose you are a ninja who is performing an escort mission..."


There are ten questions in total. According to Naruko’s answer, she chose [Plague] for seven of them (directly engage in a direct confrontation with a large-scale enemy), chose [Curse] for two questions (triggered a battle with a small number of enemies), and only one I chose [Nightmare] for the question (not to be discovered, complete the task in a low-key manner).

It can only be said that the Berserker is like this, he really deserves to be a replica of Naruto, such a ninja can only be found in the world view of Hokage, like other slightly more reliable worlds, this kind of ninja is to add to teammates troublesome.

For example, who once said that a real ninja is only understood after death.

Naruto didn't know that after she answered the ten questions, she left the impression of a berserker in Tang Yuan's heart—although she and Naruto had this kind of character in the first place—so she asked: "Teacher, What are you asking these for?"

"Hmm, ha, ha, ha... of course it is to determine the direction of your future training!" Tang Yuan stood up, and made a loud "boom" when his fists collided with each other, "According to your innate huge amount of chakra, And your fighting style, I found a ninjutsu for you that is very suitable for you, I call this ninjutsu... well, I haven't come up with an official name yet, let's call it 'Tianjiquan' for now, this jutsu is similar to a certain ninjutsu The Strange Power Fist of a blond old woman is a bit similar, but the principle is different. The principle of the Strange Power Fist is to concentrate the Chakra in one place and explode, but for me... it uses Chakra as fuel to drive the cells of the whole body to run at high speed, temporarily Ignore the protection mechanism of the human body... In short, it is roughly to run your Chakra through a certain route, and in this process, you will temporarily gain huge strength and defense... But the consumption of Chakra is very fast, and once If you use it for too long, it will cause damage to the body. Only people like you who are born with a huge amount of chakra are suitable for this technique. If anyone randomly uses this technique, they will definitely not live to be 40 years old!" (This technique Originally provided by Essia for free, the whole conception process did not exceed four seconds)
"Oh——" Naruko's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the introduction of this technique, "It sounds amazing... Teacher, do you really want to teach me this?"

"That's right, now I'll guide your chakra to run according to the route of this technique. Take the time to remember, and don't tell others when you have nothing to do in the future!" Tang Yuan stretched out a hand, palms facing each other. Naruko, closed his eyes.

Naruko felt that the Chakra in his whole body was mobilized by a mysterious force, and then began to swim in the body along a route that he had never imagined, starting from the heart, slowly passing through various parts of the body, getting more and more More and more chakras disappeared during the operation, and I also felt that I was holding back energy in my body and wanted to vent it, and this energy was getting stronger and stronger...

"It's now! Mingzi, try to stomp your feet." Hearing Tang Yuan's voice, she raised her right foot and stomped on the ground without thinking—


The three-generation old man was sitting in the office, biting a pipe, suddenly raised his head, frowned, and looked in a certain direction.

"Oh! Landslide!!" Tang Yuan was holding Naruko and Sanjin in both hands, with an anise sitting on his neck, floating in mid-air, looking at the already messy hillside below, " Half of it just collapsed, let me go... Naruko, how hard did you stamp your feet just now? I only guided less than one percent of your chakra, how can the effect be so terrible!?"

"I, I don't know either!" Naruko was held by Tang Yuan, his arms and legs struggling slightly, "You told me to stomp my feet, so I stomped, and it didn't take much effort, probably just kicking the little ones in normal times. It's just as strong as a stone..."

"Damn it! Then if you use all your strength, wouldn't it be landslides and ground cracks!?" Tang Yuanpiao screamed in the sky, "What kind of thing did Essia develop!? This kind of ninjutsu is too terrifying Let's order!?"

"Okay... it does seem a little scary..." Naruko looked at the wreckage on the hillside below him, and nodded in agreement.

"But I like it!" Then Tang Yuan changed the subject, "Mingzi, I will teach you this technique, and remember in the future, as long as anyone pretends to be aggressive in front of you, you can use this technique directly, and the bastard fist will be rounded. Paste it on the girl's face, do you hear me?"


[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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