my supplier is god

Chapter 283 - Team 0 (Fog)

Chapter 283 - Team Zero (Fog)
Chapter No.17 - Team Zero (Fog)
Triceratops, generally speaking, refers to a huge creature in ancient times, a prehistoric giant (don’t go, it will make you refresh your three views) Some experts discussed it and learned a shocking secret, that is - Triceratops In fact, it mainly feeds on Tyrannosaurus rex, the weakest creature in history, and eating grass is just to help digestion; of course, another part of experts also gave a different point of view, that is, Triceratops is actually very weak, and just walking will cause the whole body to be crushed. With a broken bone and no fighting power at all, Tyrannosaurus rex, as the king of dinosaurs, doesn't even bother to look at this kind of rubbish.

Why these two waves of immortals have not been handed over to the country is also a great unsolved mystery in the new century.

But Tang Yuan feels fine. The Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops in his family get along very happily. They often eat, sleep, bathe and go to the toilet together. If it weren’t for reproductive isolation (and the same sex), they would have had children already. ...

Anyway, if two taels and three catties are put together, the background will have special effects of lilies, which doesn't look too beautiful.

"...Ah, the scene has changed." Tang Yuan dragged Sanjin here for a while, before he belatedly looked at a bunch of strangers in front of him, and said, "There are so many strangers. , What do you want to do here from home all the way?"

Tang Yuan feels that this child has some characteristics. She doesn't seem to address others directly, such as "you", "I", "he", "big brother", "little sister", etc. She has never said that before. .

"Ahem... three catties, the country has a task for you." Tang Yuan carried her to the crowd, "From today onwards, you, and the star anise, will temporarily act together with this little sister Mingzi Come on, ninja! Doesn't it sound interesting?"

Sanjin looked calm - this child may have a slight attribute of the three non-attributes - and asked, "Ninja, what is it?"

"It's just a group of guys who like to fight. They have high fighting power, and the kind who draw their knives if they don't agree with each other." When Tang Yuan said this, he was stared at by a few ninjas behind him, making goosebumps all over his body, and he was carrying three catties. He shook his head, "Just think of it as playing games with your friends. Isn't the relationship between Bajiao and you very good? This little sister Naruko is also a good guy, and I can make friends with you."

"Friend?" Sanjin glanced at Naruko and nodded, "Okay, ninja... when?"

"Now, come, follow me, let's go find Mr. Hokage." With a wave of his hand, Tang Yuan took the three little girls and walked to Hokage's office, leaving Liu Yun and the people from class [-] staring at him. Small eyes.

"Is this... psychic art?" Naruto was still thinking about the scene where Tang Yuan tore a rift just now, puzzled, "Is that little girl summoned by the uncle?"

It's not just that he doesn't understand?Even Kakashi was not very calm, he finally knew what kind of person Tang Yuan would be if he was serious: "That kind of method may not only provide convenient transportation... Have you ever thought that if it is in During a mission, or during a war, how terrifying is this ability to teleport characters anytime and anywhere? A large group of ninjas suddenly appeared from behind the enemy... hiss."

However, what Sakura paid attention to seems a bit strange, she said to Naruto: "Your girlfriend has been taken away."

"What!?" So Naruto was not calm, "When did that guy become my girlfriend again!? Sakura, you have to believe me, you are the eternal goddess in my heart!"

"Fuck off! Big-tasting guy, let's live a happy life with you!" Sakura hit Naruto's head with a brain, "I don't want to be hooked up by a guy like you who can even become a ghost! Naruto You guys are really disgusting!"

Naruto was scratched, and felt that Sakura was walking farther and farther in his hallucination, and there was a sad violin sound drifting from the sky, he couldn't help stretching out his hand: "Sakura... Xiao Sakura, don't go..."

Sasuke couldn't stand it anymore, so he came over and kicked him: "You idiot, read the book obediently."

Well, now Naruto transferred his hatred to Nizhuzi: "Sasuke, you bastard, how many times have you said that you are not allowed to kick me! It seems that I need to let you know who is the strongest ninja in Konoha ah!"

"——━╋うFool, Lai Bi [-] Bi Actinium╋━—" Er Zhuzi blurted out an official tone of burying his family.

"Ahhh!! I can't stand your weird way of speaking for a long time! Sasuke! I, Uzumaki Naruto, will beat you to death today!!"

Kakashi saw that the two started to fight again, he couldn't help covering his face and turned his head away, sighing: "Young people are good."

He looked at the sky and thought of his former team. He could always see the shadow of his team from the seventh class, the crane tail who had a good impression of the female team members, the arrogant and supercilious, pretending to be mature. The fart boy, and the female team member who ignored the goodwill from the tail of the crane...

Lin, are you doing there? (Obito who doesn’t know where he is at this time: Ah Choo——)

Office building.

"Old man of the third generation... Hey, are you eating? I think it's still early, it's just after eleven o'clock, why are you still ordering a box lunch?" Tang Yuan looked at the plastic lunch box in the third generation's hand, which contained—— Rice with shredded pork and pepper! ?yo! ?

"What are you doing here again? Let me tell you first, we are not going to buy anything from you for the time being... Oh, and also, the results of the experimental department at the hospital are not bad these days. The healing technique is better than the medical forbearance Shulai does have a greater advantage." The third generation slowly put the lunch box in his hand on the table, looked at Tang Yuan who came in, "tell me, what do you want me for?"

Tang Yuan sideways let the three little girls behind him: "I want to set up a ninja team to have fun, will it work?"

Sandai narrowed his eyes and looked at the three little girls——Naruko had just met him, but the other two were a bit mysterious, so he asked, "Are you a guarantee?"

"Yeah, let me guarantee that these two are children in my family. Bajiao has been wandering around with me for the past few days. I believe you have seen it. Sanjin is very sensible and will never cause trouble... I will lead the team Can you? Just think of me as a foreign mercenary group, and I will make a name for you here."

The three-generation old man thought for a while and nodded: "Sure, but you three don't have an ID card except for Naruko... Especially you, I only knew your name a while ago... Come here, I'll give it to you." Sign it."

So Tang Yuan brought the star anise and three catties to the third generation's desk and made a fingerprint.

"Okay, special Shangren, Tang Yuan... do you have any comments?"

"What? It's just a special jounin?" Tang Yuan refused to accept it. The special jounin means a ninja who has unique talents and development in certain aspects. His strength is between the middle nin and the jounin. To put it bluntly, he is a ninja. A half-johnin, the actual status is a bit lower than that of a jounin.

"Okay then, I'll change it to Chunin for you."

"Don't, don't, old man, calm down... okay, if you are a special ninja, you can be a special ninja, but can you lead a team if you are a special ninja?"

"It's fine if I say yes, anyway, I think your virtue is just a momentary mood to play around...Okay, you keep this document yourself." Sandai said and handed over the document in his hand, "Class No. 11... originally there were only ten classes this year, and you just made up the number of bachelors here."

Tang Yuan waved his hands again and again: "No, I don't like the number 11."

"Then what do you want to do? Anyway, the ten classes in front of you all have names and surnames, so it's very troublesome to modify the system." Third Generation rubbed his temples with a bitter face, "Can't you just make up for it?"

Finally, after careful consideration, Tang Yuan clapped his hands together: "It's done! I thought of it! Since we are a foreign mercenary team, we can't follow your Konoha's weaving, right?"

"What do you want to do?" The third generation had an ominous premonition.

"Class Zero! Team Zero can only be entered by captain-level guys! My team will be Class Zero from today! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Aunt Hikifune Kiryu looks so cute when she lost weight..."

"...(Are you kidding me?)"

[To be continued]

 Yesterday a group of people stewed me in the chapter talk... So today I have to recuperate, only one update. (If you don't agree, come and call me)
(End of this chapter)

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