my supplier is god

Chapter 264 - Fatty High Defense

Chapter 264 - Fatty High Defense

Chapter 172 - Fatty has high defense

Laziness... This thing can be regarded as one of the root of all evils. Don't you see that the Catholic Church still classifies this thing as one of the seven original sins of mankind. It can be seen that human beings have been fighting against lazy cancer since ancient times.

It can be said that the great development of human beings so far is basically due to laziness.

I was too lazy to walk, so I invented the car.

I was too lazy to send messages all the way, so I invented the letter; I was too lazy to bother the postman every time, so I invented the telegraph; I was too lazy to press on the telegraph for a long time, so I invented the telephone; I was too lazy to run home every time Calling, so the mobile phone was invented; too lazy to run to the electric socket to charge the mobile phone, so wireless charging was invented.

Maybe I won't bother to pick up the courier in the future, and just research the teleportation technology... That's really welcome.

The above ↑This is just a small part of the human development route, such as other computers, excavators, TV remote controls, automatic doors, fast food, takeaway...all because of laziness, in today's society, to put it bluntly The only thing is that people who are not lazy charge money to serve lazy people.

And if lazy people don't have money... then hehe, they just don't bother to live and count the ball.

Tang Yuan has always felt that he has become a little lazy since he was discharged from the army. He often slumps on the sofa at home all day long, and can spend the day with a mobile phone in his arms. Or simply order a takeaway online—the delivery guy often leaves it at the door, and it takes a long time before he sits up from the sofa reluctantly cursing. At that time, the food outside the door is usually already cold. Thanks to this guy's good health, he didn't have a stomachache after eating cold food.

Thinking about it now, it seems like it was just yesterday, Tang Yuan really wanted to live the life he used to, but now he has reasons not to be lazy... There are many reasons.

But this does not prevent him from saying the following sentence↓
"Fuck, this is really lazy, I don't even bother to say it..."

I was too lazy to take a bath, so I just put on a pair of boxers and soaked in the water, and the faucet next to it was kept running to change the water in the pool - local tyrants, if you calculate the water bill for this month, I am afraid that it will directly annoy the students who are short of water in Africa. out of water.

I was too lazy to eat, so this guy directly evolved photosynthesis by soaking in the water, and he could survive in the sun... Tang Yuan always felt that this setting seemed to have been heard somewhere not long ago... Oh, yes, Tree Elf!
In fact, if you have empty will, you won't die even if you don't eat, right?
After solving the problem of eating, what else can make people unable to live?To put it bluntly, people live to eat, and the other way around, to eat is to live.

So this thing... ahem, so this guy has no desires after solving the problem of eating. When Tang Yuan brought her own son over, she saw this guy floating in the swimming pool motionless... Look again Looking at the bloated body, those who didn't know it thought that someone had been drowned in the pool for a long time, and the body was directly soaked in water.

"Is this the guy?" Tang Yuan asked looking at the dead fat man floating in the pool.

"That's right, that's the guy. I used to be too lazy to manage my own void and travel in other people's voids, but I don't know when I started getting lazy. I don't even bother to travel. Now I just know how to stay in the void. In my own emptiness, I can comprehend the highest state of laziness." Tang Yuan said and walked over.

"Hey! Hey! Qinshou! Did you hear that!? Qinshou!!" She yelled into the pool by the pool.

The fat man didn't respond when he floated on the water.

So Tang Yuan took a look and said to his own mother: "Mom, I'm afraid this guy is not a dead ball, right?"

"No, if he died, the Void would be finished." Tang Yuan shook her head, "I should have heard me call him, but I'm too lazy to answer."

"Damn it." Tang Yuan's forehead dripped a stream of clear water, probably in cold sweat, "How lazy is this? Are you sleeping?"

"Impossible!" My mother shook her head seriously, "It's impossible to sleep! Because he is too lazy to sleep!"

"That's being in a daze."

"It's impossible, this guy is too lazy to post in a daze."

"Then what is he doing!?" Tang Yuan lost his composure, "Just give up thinking!"

The mother nodded and looked at her son with relief: "Yes, if you have to say it, the thing floating in the pond is actually a corpse that is not dead... Because that guy is too lazy to think, he has been waiting for a long time. I've given up thinking about it before."

Tang Yuan's face collapsed: "Oh my god!! Then what are we going to do here!?"

"It's very simple..."

As she said that, Tang Yuan turned around in a circle, and with the special effect like a magical girl transforming, the tight windbreaker on her body instantly turned into a swimsuit... Strictly speaking, it was dead water, that is, those from those schools. The kind in the swimming class... is relatively conservative but inexplicably sensational-those who feel inexplicably inexplicably have watched too many things they shouldn't.

"Come on! This is my mother's starburst hidden super kill - the heel of heaven and earth!!"

So Tang Yuan watched his own mother spiral up into the sky... Flying to the sky, it was almost seen as a small black spot, and then speeded up and descended in an instant, how fast was that speed?Probably faster than the speed of light, because Tang Yuan could see clearly that when his own mother fell from the sky, there were streaks of dark spatial cracks behind her...

So this power that seemed to be able to destroy the world was all compressed by Tang Yuan on her right foot, and she quickly descended from the sky in a golden rooster's independent posture, aiming at the belly of the fat man floating in the middle of the pool.

Tang Yuan probably guessed what was about to happen, turned around to face the wall with a look of compassion, lit three cigarettes and stuffed them into his mouth.

I heard a loud sound like a star exploding from behind, accompanied by a deep tenor voice: "Voldmaria!!"

It should be to say "my mother"... right?

Speaking of which, who is the mother of Void Will?chaos?
Turning his head again, Tang Yuan looked at his own mother happily swimming in the swimming pool, beside a fat man who looked half dead, who was yelling "Ouch".

"Foot control benefits... right?" Tang Yuan swam half a circle in the pool, then kicked the fat man to the shore, "You should have heard me calling you just now, but you didn't bother to answer, did you? "

The fat man wriggled for a long time, and finally turned over and lay down on the ground. A set of vest, shorts, flip-flops appeared on his body, and then he kept the posture of throwing himself on the ground and said: "Sister, I was wrong."

Tang Yuan also climbed up from the swimming pool, her body changed into her previous white windbreaker again, she raised her right foot wearing hard leather boots and stepped on this guy's buttocks: "Go call someone, when the time comes, we will gather outside my house... ...don't ask me why, I'm too lazy to tell you."

"Yes, yes, big sister, I'll go right away." The fat man tremblingly agreed, "Don't hit me, I'll go right away..."


So the fat man pulled out a door from the ground, opened it and a carp rolled around and slipped in.

Tang Yuan looked at his own mother expressionlessly: "Aren't you afraid that you'll be lazy outside?"

"He doesn't dare." Tang Yuan crossed her hips and said arrogantly, "As long as he has the guts, if he dares to be lazy outside, I dare to kick his ass into a hollow heart shape."


Having said that, this fat man's name seems to be - Qinshou?What a nice name.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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