my supplier is god

Chapter 256 - Detective Tang Yuan

Chapter 256 - Detective Tang Yuan

Chapter 163 - Detective Tang Yuan

[163 Hahahaha... Netease Dafa is good. 】

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Although he now knows the whereabouts of Leian, Tang Yuan has no plans to find her... If he really wanted to find her, he had met Kaias a while ago, and he would have met Lei when he went back with him. It's all right, but tell me, what do you do with her if you have nothing to do?
What Tang Yuan was interested in was only the ins and outs of the previous incident. His intuition told him that this matter was definitely not that simple. If he was attracted by the rich second generation just because he had elf blood and was beautiful, what about that? A self-righteous idiot author would never write such a cheesy plot.

So he went back to the counter again, and showed a eel smile to the little sister sitting in the counter: "Well, sister, this Lean-Amber flower or something... Where does she live? I feel It is necessary to investigate and investigate."

The girl at the counter tilted her head: "Are you interested in this bounty? Yes, because it is a private bounty, the agency fee charged by the guild is twice that of the official bounty, which is 20%."

"Speaking also understand that this woman has done nothing wrong, right?" Tang Yuan asked, "Is this usually the case for private rewards? Who wants to buy someone else's head or something like that."

"It's about the same. Generally speaking, people who are worth this price are not too badly skilled, and there are very few private rewards, so there will be no chaos in the world...Because our trade union is absolutely neutral, we only need to issue rewards , entrusted items and bounties are enough; in fact, in my conscience, I really want to quietly tear up Lean's arrest warrant, but I will lose my job and be retaliated by someone... Maybe I will die In the sewer, right? If there is anything worse than this kind of death, that is, when my body was found...without least the lower body was without clothes, well, that's what it means."

Tang Yuan felt that the little girl's smile was forced, but he didn't plan to say anything, after all, life is chosen by people, sometimes blindly helping others is not really helping, and it may also be in a situation that he doesn't know The next time I gave people a pit.

"Ah, I'm sorry I said a lot of meaningless things... Leian's residence is an old house near the small park in the south of the city. I can say so much." The girl at the counter lowered her head and continued to flip through the thick book in her hand after she finished speaking, but then she made a very small voice, "My mortgage will be paid off in three months, I really don't want to Lose this job... And, big brother, let me tell you, although Miss Leian usually looks gentle, she is actually very scary. If you really want to offer a reward, the bounty hunter who can be driven by a mere thousand gold coins will definitely not be on her Hold on for ten seconds...I don't suggest you go to trouble with her."


This counter girl is so interesting!The fighting flower among the strange ones!

And what she said always had a feeling of inconsistency... Before she said that she wanted to tear up Leian's arrest warrant, but now she said that Leian was scary... If it was really scary, why should I worry about it?Why do you want to help tear up the wanted warrant?
Tang Yuan thought about it, and felt that the truth should be that this Leian did have a certain combat power, but it was probably just at the price of one thousand gold coins, and those bounty hunters who could be driven by the amount of one thousand gold coins would probably make Leanne was struggling.

But he really wasn't worried at all—worried about what?I don't know that woman, and let's not talk about the woman's combat effectiveness, let's just talk about the cat she raised... Kaias is not a vegetarian.

So according to his original plan, Tang Yuan wanted to understand the cause and effect of the previous incident, but he looked at the girl at the counter as if she didn't want to talk to him anymore, and if she continued to entangle, she would only get more wrong information. , so simply left the guild building.

"It seems that this woman is not considered worthy of fighting against the Grover family because of her... so the guild simply accepted the reward?" He looked at the guild building that was fading away behind him, and murmured He said, "You are all wrong, Caias is a dangerous guy... that is the last druid on the mainland, once he is really restored to human form, it is really unimaginable."

Regarding Druids, he also checked relevant records in some libraries. Due to the crazy belief in the God of Light, people from other religions are described as heretics who sell their souls to "evil gods" in exchange for power. "Cultists who call themselves Druids" can change the surrounding environment. Individual powerful guys can even drive lightning and magma, and even summon meteorite groups. In the records, advanced Druids refer to those who can already hear the words of nature The people in this group happen to belong to the kind that can summon meteorite groups—the strongest group, and above that there are only priests and high priests... If you want to describe it, it is probably the archbishop in Christianity. Up there are the cardinals and the pope.

But what is very interesting is that Tang Yuan also found an unofficial history in the related records of the druids, saying that after hundreds of years ago, the hometown of the druids—the village of Nakremi was wiped out by the holy expedition, there was a surviving Or, the girl who lost her right arm was helped by the witch at the time, and finally joined the camp of the intruder Zezhuo... It is said that she seemed to be married to the patriarch of Zezhuo at that time, and that girl finally killed the pope at that time with her own hands , I can only say that "hatred" is a very terrifying force.

But unofficial history is unofficial history, I don't know if it is true or not, so Tang Yuan didn't take it to heart.

Soon, he came to the area in the south of the city, and from a long distance, he saw an old house that was a head taller than the surrounding buildings, and it should be there.

After walking over, he found that the old house had been completely scrapped. There were holes everywhere in the walls, and even the gate had been knocked down. When he looked inside, all the furniture had been destroyed, and the house was in a mess.

"It's tough enough."

He looked around and saw that there were people living on the left and right of the house, so he went to the door of a house next door and knocked on the door.

"Here we come." Soon, a middle-aged man opened the door impatiently and looked at him, "Are you planning to inquire about Leian again? I told you all, but she only told us in the end that she was going to Southwest Mountains, we don't know what's next after that, and if we knew, we wouldn't say."

After he finished speaking, he was about to close the door, and he was still muttering: "Damn bounty hounds, they all fed their consciences to themselves for money..."

"Well, uncle, you misunderstood." Tang Yuan put his hand into the crack of the door with an innocent face, and stuck the door...It hurts to look at it, but his expression didn't change, "I didn't come to ask for a reward, I just I'm just curious about the story of that Miss Leian."

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, then pushed the door open again: "Are you an out-of-town boy? Everyone in the local area knows about this, but they are all overwhelmed by Grover, so Don’t dare to speak casually, even if you go to the tavern to ask, you won’t be able to ask anything.”

"Well, I'm here to risk my life. When I earn enough [-] million from her mother, I'll go back and marry my wife." Tang Yuan nodded, "I heard that the two young masters of Grewal were attacked by monsters. Seeing that Leian was offered a bounty at the Bounty Hunters Guild, I was wondering how this had something to do with that Leian."

In fact, Tang Yuan knew the relationship between Leian and this matter, but he was just curious why the rich second generation of Assis—and the rich second generation who overwhelmed the sky in the local area, why he let so many beauties go, but why He fell in love with Leian, even if she was a beautiful woman, even if she was a half-breed elf, but there were definitely more beautiful girls than her in the local area, there must be some reason for Assis to do so.

So what he has to do now is to listen to the ins and outs of this matter, ponder over the details, see if there is anything unreasonable, and then investigate that.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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