my supplier is god

Chapter 253 - Selling Popsicles

Chapter 253 - Selling Popsicles
Chapter 1 - Selling Popsicles
So, following the direction pointed by the old tree elf, Tang Yuan faced northeast and continued his journey.

But he didn't have to walk for more than ten days, because this guy was not stupid enough to actually walk there. He exchanged for a small three-wheeler, and watched the hot summer, selling popsicles along the way...

Although there aren't many places where human beings live in this wilderness, you can still meet some travelers, caravans, robbers and so on occasionally. These are Tang Yuan's main source of customers - the robbers will be beaten by Tang Yuan One meal, and then the price of a popsicle doubles, and if you don't buy it, you will be beaten.

Travelers and caravans are easier to talk to, after all, they are good people who abide by the law, aren't they?

Who wouldn't want to have a popsicle that's cold from head to toe when you're sweating profusely from walking in the sun?Not to mention that in this world, popsicles are definitely a novelty. These traveling adventurers and businessmen thought Tang Yuan was a magician with nothing to do (or poor and crazy), selling popsicles to make money, So whether they really wanted to eat popsicles or simply wanted to make friends with this magician, everyone generously bought a popsicle and stuffed it in their mouths to suck it up. Don’t even mention it, this thing is really popular, Tang I feel that if I have this idea, I might really be able to start a food company on this continent...

However, it is estimated that it is impossible for a magician to surrender his identity and run to produce popsicles. After all, all magicians aim to find the truth—what?Human high-end combat power?Magicians are indeed very powerful in combat, but they are not willing to sacrifice their research time to go to battle. You must know that things like magic cannot be learned by sitting cross-legged and absorbing elements (Long Aotian said that his face hurts), you You need to communicate with the elements through specific spells. Affinity is a joke at all. How are the elements arranged?formula?Conversion between various formulas and mantras?Losses incurred during conversion?Many magicians have devoted their entire lives to the research of elements, and in the end they just come up with a spell that is simpler, faster and more efficient to drive elements. In this way, they are still ecstatic and feel that their life's research is very worthwhile.

The above refers to elemental masters, and there are other branches of magicians. If it is really commercialized, rune masters are willing to sell popsicles... because runes are the easiest to learn among all magic.But it is also the most difficult knowledge to master. Many half-baked rune masters can only go to the street to sell some low-end runes, such as fire runes for wild fires, and frost runes for indoor cooling in summer (by It can be seen that someone has invented the "air conditioner", and those who want to sell popsicles must hurry up), and the recently emerging lightning runes, which are said to be used to drive some gadgets made by alchemists.

Tang Yuan heard all the above from travelers and caravans. He felt that this continent seemed very interesting, and he had an urge to travel in this continent.

So along the way, he pedaled a small tricycle and yelled: "Sell popsicles... Liangjinjin's popsicles... get one on a hot day, and keep you as cool as the twelfth lunar month in winter... One popsicle for one Silver coins..."

Yep, now he's changed his job to be a popsicle peddler again.

However, Tang Yuan still underestimated the charm of this thing. A few days later, when he arrived in a small town, he was surrounded by a group of little kids... It seems that some travelers have already been here first and spread the word Rumors about popsicles.

One silver coin, one silver coin is worth one hundred copper coins, and pork is only twenty copper coins a catty. Calculate the prices on this continent, one silver coin is 50 yuan, no wonder these little kids who want to buy popsicles They are all well-dressed, and they seem to be the children of rich families.

By the way, it’s super bloody: the exchange rate between gold coins and silver coins fluctuates up and down, but generally it is around 1:10 and the floating value does not exceed 2, so the annual expenditure of an ordinary family is only about [-] gold coins... I I won't tell you the background of the times, but see for yourself if you can figure out why.

Legend has it that there is a higher-end currency called holy coins on top of gold coins...

Tang Yuan didn't care whether these children had money at home, anyway, a popsicle cost one silver coin, and soon his pockets bulged, although it meant nothing to him.

There is no such thing as "intellectual property rights" on this continent, so the development of things is very interesting, that is, after half a month, things like "popsicles" became popular, and after another month, this thing was completely popular All over the continent, the rune masters selling popsicles on the streets constitute a beautiful landscape... That's right, popsicles, the production process can be figured out with a little brain, they just never had this idea before, that's all. Many inventions are like this. Before it appeared in the world, no one had any inspiration for it. After it appeared, many people quickly figured out how this thing works, and spread it widely...

Although there is no patent protection, all rune masters insist that the first person to invent popsicles is an adventurer named Ton (Tang Yuan), who is the ancestor of the popsicle world!When the rune masters spread the popsicle technology to each other, they must declare righteously that "this was invented by a man named Torn".

So Tang Yuan became popular without his knowing...

Well, Popsicle Master - Tang Yuan, sounds really powerful.

Where is Tang Yuan at this time?He pedaled the small tricycle all the way, and finally arrived at the destination of his trip—he kept inquiring about the news of the Grover family along the way, and finally figured out the name of the city where the Grover base camp was located. Emir City.

Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, at that time, Emil City belonged to a family's private territory, and that family once stood in the camp of a certain humanoid race——Ze Zhuo when Makavino invaded the mainland.

It seems that because the "Nafa" family was persecuted by the church, so driven by hatred, they chose to cooperate with non-human races, and on the side of Macavino, the Zezhuo didn't know what they thought, They actually accepted the Nafa family as comrades-in-arms. With the help of such a human ally, Zezhuo mastered many human weaknesses, fought all the way to the holy city at that time, and crushed the church to scum... But unexpectedly, This group of alien races who invaded the mainland didn't seem to have harmed the civilians very much, and the only human victims were the clergy.

However, the Nafa family betrayed the church, and under the crazy belief of humans in the God of Light at that time, the Nafa family was directly charged with the crime of betraying mankind, and then... when the angry crowd rushed into the city of Amir, When I went to the main mansion, I found that there was no one there.

The Nafa family disappeared mysteriously like this, and no one knew where they went.

Tang Yuan said that when he heard this, it was like reading a novel. It was so powerful. He even wanted to know what happened after that, but after all, it was a legend he heard from others and he was in some places. From the historical materials found in the small library, the story about the Nafa family came to an abrupt end here.

Now this Emir City has long been the territory of another small family, and the city lords of all generations have been members of this family, but this is not the point. The source of most of the income in this remote city - the family, that is, Grover.

A while ago, the first and second heirs of the Grover family, that is, the Eldest Young Master and the Second Young Master, the two brothers went out hunting together with a dozen guards, and then never came back... Later, someone was caught outside the city. A large number of demonic beasts have been found in a distant place, and by the way, a saber of the young master Assis was found. It seems that there is no need to elaborate on what happened to them.

However, this did not affect the power of the Gruwall family in Emile City. After all, the loss this time was only two heirs and a dozen guards.

But there are still many people in this city who know the ins and outs of this incident... What happened to the Grover brothers was not just an accident. If this incident is to be elaborated, a woman must be involved.

A young woman who used to run a flower shop in an old house in the south of the city.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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