my supplier is god

Chapter 239 - Find Mom

Chapter 239 - Find Mom
1Chapter 16-If you need anything, you can find your mother
Just like the original feelings, if you make a fairy-tale game casually, and then give the game the name "Legend of Sword and Fairy", there will be a large number of players who have not yet been disappointed with a certain factory. Immediately afterwards, a large number of players complained wildly, or some players simply hated the house and black people. Now as long as they see Xianxia games, they feel sick.

Having said so much, in fact, what I want to express is—who still remembers the most classic four words back then?
night passed...

Tang Yuan woke up from the sofa and began to doubt his life.

It seems that I have never had the habit of wearing a cuckold for others... But this can't be considered a cuckold, after all, these first-generation wills are dead, this is just an illusion, and I appear in the illusion as Utla, strictly Doesn't count as cuckolding that unlucky kid named Utra?

After all, now I am Utla, and I put on a cuckold for myself, I really feel indifferent when I think about it...

Well, in the end, after thinking about it, Tang Yuan decided to treat this matter as a dream, don't take it too seriously, after all, the blonde girl with big curly hair and curly hair in front of her is a will of the first generation, and she was confirmed to have died long ago. There is Alphia with a name and a surname on the list.

"It's so fierce... My back hurts from taking the drug Play..." Just as he was talking, Alphia also opened his eyes and sat up, "How is it? Do you remember anything?"

"...No." Tang Yuan pretended to hesitate for a moment, then shook his head, "Although you said you were my wife, I just can't remember, maybe what you said is true..."

"C'mon, I still can't remember." Alphia spat a little unhappily, pulled Tang Yuan and walked into the bathroom, "Come on, take a shower, eat something, and then we will find Mother, let's see if she can do anything."

"Oh, well, you have the final say."


After a while, Tang Yuan and Alphia walked out of the house... To be honest, Tang Yuan always felt that maybe his nerves were too thick. What happened this night is enough to make a movie?But he was so calm, with the same calmness on his face and heart.

The secondary void—strictly speaking, it is the secondary void long ago. During the "day" period, those big light balls in the sky will increase their brightness to an exaggerated level. If you just look at the ground, The brightness is about the same as the daytime in the normal world. As long as you don't look up at the dark sky, generally no one will realize that this is a secondary void.

But as far as Tang Yuan knew, in the secondary void later, those big balls of light were at such a brightness, the brightest state, and they were like this all day long. In that secondary void, there seemed to be no "day and night" at all. ", only the 24-hour time pointer is walking in the entire secondary void.

He looked at the big balls of light in the sky, and then continued to pretend to be mentally retarded, letting Alphia lead him in one direction.

Gradually, more and more people got up. At this time, the first generation of wills did not know why, but they were all wearing the same style of clothes—that’s right, that pale windbreaker. Same, it looks like a school uniform.

Many people saw Elphia leading Tang Yuan passing by, and they all smiled and waved to say hello: "Hey! Alphia, where are you taking Utla in such a hurry?"

I was asked this question several times on the road, and at this time Alphia would answer with a smile: "This guy is stupid for drinking, I will take him to see his mother, maybe his mother can help this guy return to normal. "

Not long after walking, Tang Yuan saw someone he knew—a handsome guy with a black cropped hair that he had met once in that cafeteria, the real macho Suleman.

"Ah! Isn't this Alphia? Uterra is here too. What are you doing here?" This guy is walking here carrying a box of glass bottles. As for the large box of glass bottles, there is Something... maybe wine, "Would you like to drink a bottle? It's very gay, the chicken will be hard after drinking..."

"Sulman, you bastard, shut up for now, and I'll deal with you after I solve the problem of my Uterra." Alphia gave him an annoyed look, and held Tang Yuantou Passed by Suleman without looking back.

"Huh? What's the matter? Hey, stop, friend, please stop!"

However, Alphia ignored Su Erman, and walked straight forward while leading Tang Yuan, without any intention of looking back.

When Tang Yuan followed her, he kept looking in all directions, but found that the sparse buildings in the surrounding area became less and less. At the end, even the entire horizon was empty. It's really like MC's super-flat mode, there is only an absolutely flat land, and there is nothing else.

"Hey? Where are we going? Didn't we say we were going to find some kind of mother?" Tang Yuan asked.

"If you are mentally retarded, shut up obediently and just follow me." Alphia said angrily, then became quiet again, and just led him to continue walking. For a while, Tang Yuan could only hear the footsteps of the two.

Thinking about it, this girl doesn't look like a heartless person. Now "Utra" has become a mentally retarded person. If I really want to say, she is definitely the one who is most worried. If I say that I am in a good mood, she is definitely I'm talking nonsense.

"Well... Ai, Alphia, right?" Tang Yuan thought for a while, but decided to say something, so he said in a hesitant tone, "Actually, I think I should be fine, and you don't need to worry too much about me .”

"Hmm!" Alphia frowned, turned her head to stare at Tang Yuan fiercely, and spoke a little louder, "Don't worry!? Are you kidding me! It's because you would say such a thing!" That’s why I’m worried!!”

"...Ah." He tried to say comforting words, but he didn't seem to be right, which had the opposite effect... Tang Yuan had no choice but to keep his mouth shut. It's better to keep silent.

"Although the tone you are talking to me now is not unfamiliar at all, it is not what you should be at all to me!" Alphia continued to say loudly, "Perhaps for you now, this is indeed true. It's the tone when talking to his wife, right? But it's not the tone of that guy in my memory! If you weren't exactly the same as that guy, even the smell, smell, code, concept, everything, I I even suspect who is doing some nasty pranks! If you really want to comfort me, then remind me! Otherwise, shut up!!"


It's scary, it's really scary for a woman to get angry, even if this girl who looks so gentle gets angry, it's still scary... Tang Yuan didn't dare to say anything at once, lest he would annoy this girl again, even though he was In my own illusion, but I guess no one would want to taste the smell of shit when dreaming, right?Some things are better left alone no matter where they are.

"Ahem, alright, let's continue walking. The place ahead is where Mother lives." Alphia took a few deep breaths, and her tone returned to normal. She said lightly, and her feet accelerated.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the two finally came to a...


In front of a "house" that looks more shabby and shabby.

Why is the "house" in quotation marks?Because this is not so much a house as it is a pile of rubbish... Tang Yuan's eyelids twitched as he looked at the crooked branches, old newspapers, iron can scalps that were flattened and nailed together, and patched fabrics. ... Waiting for a pile of various recyclables that looked like they were picked up at the Chengnan Garbage Treatment Plant to build it together. It was crooked, as if it might collapse at any time, and it was almost three meters high, two or three meters high. Ten square meters of mysterious buildings.

Saying that this is a house always feels a bit sorry for the house.

"It's here? I originally felt... You, bah, the place where our mother lives should be more... Well, more grand." He said with a trembling corner of his mouth.

Alphia looked helpless, she pulled Tang Yuan and walked towards the door of this mysterious building (at least it looked like a door): "No way, my lord mother doesn't want to live with you, even the place where you live is opposite. She doesn’t have any requirements, she’s too lazy to build a better house, and she doesn’t accept the good house we built for her, and everyone has no idea about it, so let her play like this.”

Tang Yuan took a deep breath. After all, he was about to see the dog management that Xilubia and the others kept talking about. Although it was in this illusion, and because of his own intrusion, these scenes in the illusion should have never happened in history. , the reactions of these people are probably also automatically deduced from this memory (probably Utla's memory), so the dog management is probably the dog management in Utla's impression... Don't say a word It doesn't matter if you kill him with two knives, I don't know what will happen if he dies in this illusion.

Alphia led him to the door of this mysterious building—let's call it a door—and knocked a few times.

"Knock knock knock."

Then came a very young-sounding voice from inside: "Come in... ah, wait a minute, don't move! I'll open the door myself... otherwise you'll have to take down my door again... …Did you hear me? Stand outside and don’t move! I’ll come and open the door right away.”

This dog's management is... simply... simply superb.

Tang Yuan suddenly felt that all of this must not be true. If Tangtang, the first living body in the chaos that created the void, would be so off-line! ?
[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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