my supplier is god

Chapter 217 - Resurrection!My warrior!

Chapter 217 - Resurrection!My warrior!

Chapter 124 - Resurrection!My warrior!

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola..."

"Wood, big, big, big, big, big, big, big..."

Hades frantically waved his claws at Kratos, and Kratos waved the Athena blade at the same speed, blocking Hades' attacks one by one. The golden blade of Athena's blade exploded in mid-air, and the weapons of two colors seemed to be drawing meaningless curves, constantly flying around the two of them...

Tang Yuan squinted his eyes and watched from the side, thinking in his heart whether he should take out his mobile phone to take a picture of this amazingly cool scene, and stood motionless on the spot with the golden door knife on his shoulder.

Demos looked at the battle situation, eagerly looking for an opportunity to cut himself into the battle. It didn't take long for Kratos to find a flaw in Hades, hold the Athena blade tightly, and kill Hades. The ghost claw on the right side that was flying towards him knocked to the side, and only heard a "bang", and the ghost claw dragged a long chain and flew aside. Hades saw it and quickly stepped back a few steps. With a tug of his right hand, he dragged the chain, trying to pull the underworld claw back into his hand.

At this time, Kratos shouted: "Demos!!"

"Oh!!" Demos also responded loudly, holding up the spear in his hand. The spear emitted a burst of intense red light. The red light became more and more intense, and it accumulated to a dazzling degree in the blink of an eye. Then Demos roared and threw the spear that seemed to be covered in blood towards Hades. At the same time, there was a burst of red light in his hand, and a new spear appeared in his hand. (The two brothers cooperated very well in battle. When they got together with Thanatos at the end of "The Soul of Sparta", it was Kratos who found the right time to direct Demos to throw the spear)
Hades' attention has been on Kratos in front of him, and he has just caught the flying claws, how can he notice the spear flying beside him?If it weren't for Kratos' roar, he would have almost forgotten that there were two people beside him, but he didn't have time to react. Although he took a small step back, he was still pierced by the spear. abdomen.

“啊啊啊啊!!痛苦就是我的力量!!!!”他痛喝一声,身体暴涨了一圈,看上去就像是一个巨人似的,奎托斯的身高刚刚到他的小腿,甚至Not to the knee.

After Hades became huge, he kicked towards Kratos, as if to kick him into a pulp.

However, he forgot one thing, that is—in front of God of War Kui Ye, the bigger the enemy, the faster he will die...

After he kicked the ground, he stood there and looked around in a could there be any Kratos?Only the two guys who came here with Kratos not far away were standing there looking at this side in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in the neck...

"Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh-"

He roared like a wild beast, and at the back of his neck, Kratos ran onto his back at some point, and the two chain blades wound the giant Hades' neck several times. He was clenching the two chain blades tightly, pulling them back crazily, in an attempt to tear Hades' head off!
"I curse you! The ghost of Sparta! Curse you! When you die, you will be a million times worse than me! My brothers will avenge me!" Hades struggled frantically, but couldn't catch it at all. Before reaching his back, a bloody wound gradually appeared on his neck, blood gushed out from it, and his voice became weaker and weaker.

Hearing what Hades said, Tang Yuan somehow remembered another sentence: "It's useless even if you defeat me, I'm just the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings..."

In the end, Tang Yuan seemed to vaguely hear an extremely weak "Persephone..." from Hades' throat, followed by the sound of bones and flesh being torn apart. After wringing Hades' head off, the headless corpse fell to the ground weakly spurting blood, fully showing Tang Yuan what an adult-only game is.

"Why do I always feel like I'm going to die so easily...?" Tang Yuan looked at Kratos who was waving Hades' head as if he was showing off his military exploits, and muttered in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, countless dead souls poured out from Hades' mouth and neck. The battle was more violent than spurting blood. I don't know how many souls Hades usually eats in one meal. No, it should be said that the point is that this guy has nothing to eat so much soul for what?

Anyway, Hades is dead, and the whole underworld is boiling... because the Hades who controlled the dead has died, and now the souls are completely free.

Tang Yuan always felt that he heard a certain soul shouting: "It's like a carnival! Long live my Great Underworld!!"

"...Hey." He patted the little girl sitting on his shoulder, "It's your turn, hurry up."

"Ah?" Ariane came back to her senses and glanced at him, "What are you doing?"

Tang Yuan pointed to Hades' body over there: "Pluto is dead... dead people are flying around, no one cares, why don't you hurry up and find a new Hades to take care of this matter?"

"Oh." Ariane nodded, then snapped her fingers towards Hades' huge corpse over there.

"Da~" After the crisp snap of fingers, Hades' body began to shake violently.

Seeing the movement, Kratos quickly threw his head away, grabbed the two swords and looked at the corpse with a vigilant look.

"Crack—creak—" There was a sound of something being torn apart from Hades' corpse, and the shaking of the corpse became more and more intense at this time, Tang Yuan always felt that there was some kind of déjà vu. I feel like I've seen this scene somewhere before.

In the end, there was a "pop--" on Hades' chest, and a hand made a cut in the chest of the corpse and stretched out.

The hand that was originally covered in blood was extremely smooth and white. After the hand stretched out from inside, it touched the surroundings, and then - stretched out another hand from the opening.

"..." Looking at this scene, Tang Yuan felt goosebumps, it was too heavy!

He finally remembered where he had seen a similar scene - Alien, sir!

Just when he was thinking about the alien, Hades' body over there shook to an exaggerated level, and then a big hole was completely broken in the chest, and then...a loli slipped through it out.

"Huh?" Tang Yuan glanced at Ariane who was sitting on his shoulder, and then at the loli over there, wondering why these two guys look so similar?
Ariane seemed to see what he was thinking, and replied: "Use waste, directly use this corpse to conceive a new one; also, I am too lazy to pinch my face, just follow my template and adjust the facial features a little. gone."

"Oh, what's this guy's name?"



So Hades, you died so badly!I can't rest in peace! !
Kratos over there was also shocked by the little loli that got out of Hades' body. He glanced at the little loli, and then at Ellie sitting on Tang Yuan's shoulder. Ann, looked at Tang Yuan for the last time: "What is this?"

Tang Yuan scratched his head and forced a smile: "Ariane directly recycles Hades' corpse to create a new... er, new... Pluto."

"...Just a little girl?" Kratos also felt a little indifferent, but after all, he was not very interested in this, so he didn't express any opinions. He shook his head, put away his double swords, and squatted in front of this new Pluto .

He turned his head and asked Tang Yuan, "What's this guy's name?"


"..." Kratos had a "you're kidding me" expression on his face.

"I can't help it, Ariane is so lazy, she didn't want to pinch her face, so she got an unlucky child who looks so similar to her, and then she didn't bother to think of a new name, so... Hey, actually, if you think about it from another angle, Isn’t the name Hattis very nice?”

"...(covering face)" Kratos felt that there seemed to be some ideological gap between himself and this guy, and he couldn't understand this guy's thinking at all.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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