my supplier is god

Chapter 192 - The Rising Sun Pill

Chapter 192 - The Rising Sun Pill
Chapter 96 - The Rising Sun Pill
Needless to say, I know that Chadanko is finished, not much to say, Kukov and Zelinsky teamed up to punish him, plus Oleg and Moskvin, two big bosses—why are they called big bosses? ?
Because these two people have a lot of background!Let’s not say that these two guys are just colonels at this time, but think of the moment of the uprising... Although the moment of the uprising was followed by the official default plot, which is the Allied route, in that line, Oleg became the leader of the Soviet Union. Handle, although the Soviet Union had already knelt down at that time, not everyone could be the boss. Oleg could sit in that position, either because he was capable or because he had connections, but no matter what, it was The embodiment of strength.

Moskvin... This guy is Oleg's good friend, it can't be that bad, right?
Counting Shana and Makarov... To be honest, among Red Alert [-], if you want to say which camp has the most united commanders, it is only the Soviet Union. On the Rising Sun side, Nagama Shinzo is old-fashioned and frantically chasing the Emperor. Although he is a loyal subordinate of the emperor with Kenji Tennis, Jin San has always believed that Kenji has the same problems as young people: he is too sloppy, does not care about the importance of things, and is not big or small in front of others.Xianzhi also thinks that Jin San is not very happy, and it is also due to the reasons that young people can't understand the older generation: too rigid, unsmiling, and even a party or a meal will always say "you young people"...

As for how ugly Kuroda is... Cough, Shirata Naomi, this aunt is really in trouble. Although she monopolizes the power of the navy, she is unanimously rejected by members of the shogunate. The emperor does not trust her. She has never performed a mission alone. I also can't understand her, because this aunt's words are very offensive... Of course, there may be another reason because she is ugly... Especially compared with Sato Gao Liangyi in the uprising moment, oops...that is really a goddess The difference between her mother and the goddess.

Let’s not talk about the Allies, capitalist maggots (funny), all hypocrites (funny) ... well, after all, all from different countries, no matter how good the relationship is, it’s impossible to compare with the Soviet commanders who were all family.

So as soon as Oleg returned to the command room, he contacted Makarov - he still remembered Kukov's instructions, he did not use the military's computer, but initiated the contact with his own mobile phone - and told him Chadanko this matter.

So he saw Makarov being pushed aside on the phone screen, and Tang Yuan's face appeared: "What? Ou Pang, why are you using your phone to chat on video and use voice-changing software? I haven't heard it for a long time. you……"

"Fuck!" Oleg almost threw his phone out in fright, "Tang Yuan!? Weren't you still in Mr. Kukov's office just now? Why did you go to Makarov again!? "

"Who knows?" Tang Yuan shrugged and left the screen, Makarov reappeared in the screen.

"In this case, I will come back as soon as possible after I do the handover work...Have you told Shana?" Makarov asked with a cold face, "Even if I was promoted by Chadanko, I can't pretend that I haven't heard about it. Those of us soldiers are fighting for him outside, and he is still doing this kind of trick behind... What a bastard! I hate Makarov the most in my life Two or five boys! Let me tell you, when I was at the Zakayev Airport, I had a friend named Yuri. That guy wasn't dead yet, he chased me all the way to the Burj Al Arab in Dubai a few months later, and was finally shot in the head by me...Hello? Old Ou, are you listening? Hey, hey??"

At this time Makarov looked at the screen, Oleg had already hung up.


Sitting next to him, Tang Yuan complained: "Do you still want to say that you were Zakayev's driver in Chernobyl decades ago? Si fell off the roof and hanged himself? Hehe, are those game discs I gave you fun? It’s part of the show, right?"

"..." Makarov blinked awkwardly and smiled, then turned and continued to stare at the big screen.

Here Osaka has been defeated. Makarov moved his command post to the Osaka prefecture. It is a sight to behold. In the days when he was cleaning up the mess, he ate folk dishes...not to mention Osaka's signature takoyaki He even ate several meals of puffer fish. Tang Yuan said that this guy was really lucky. He didn’t die after eating several meals of fugu... Ranunculus eats pufferfish, and after one bite, he finds that his side is poisonous... If he hadn't been so awesome, he would probably have become the first protagonist in the history of novels to be poisoned by pufferfish.

Thinking of this, he looked at Makarov who was still eating fugu with resentment on his face... Sure enough, Eastern Europeans are also Europeans, right? ?
Also, I just came over from Iceland after having lunch, but it turned out that it was almost ten o'clock in the evening here, and it was getting dark. Why are you still eating, Makarov, at this time! ?
Night snack! ?You have been poisoned by the evil capitalism! !

Makarov didn't know that Tang Yuan was complaining crazily in his heart. After he finished eating the last piece of puffer fish that had been cut crystal clear, he lost his chopsticks, and Daxia ran over to help him take away the plates and bowls and chopsticks.

It doesn't look like they are at war! ?If this guy hadn't been staring at the big screen, those who didn't know would have thought it was in some fugu restaurant!
Tang Yuan also noticed that the few small yellow dots on the big screen were engulfed by a large piece of red, so he asked, "Is it over?"

Makarov nodded: "It's over, now Osaka has completely become our territory. The next step may be to blow up Nagoya... I have to wait for the so-called experts above to study and report to me before I know what to do next." Come down and hit somewhere."

"No, no, no..." Tang Yuan shook his head again and again, "How about we make a bet? I guess the next step will be to attack Tokyo."

"Strike Tokyo!? Impossible!" Makarov shook his head and vetoed, "Rising Sun still has nearly half of its territory, and our front is still far away from Tokyo. How can it be possible to attack?"

As soon as Tang Yuan waved his hand, a golden translucent map appeared on the desk next to him. Makarov was no longer surprised by this, so he leaned over to listen to what Tang Yuan had to say.

"Look, this is Tokyo Bay, and the entrance and exit are relatively narrow... On the left is Kanagawa Prefecture, the capital of Yokohama; on the right is Chiba Prefecture, the capital of Chiba. The original floating island fortress also had the function of returning to protect the country in an emergency, but the floating The island fortress has been abolished by you, so let's not consider that thing, let's look at this..." Tang Yuan pointed to the map and muttered, "At this time, the rising sun has been beaten back to the mainland, basically it is no longer possible to fight in this war. In order to win the battle, all troops have been withdrawn to defend the country, do you feel that the resistance you have encountered along the way is a bit...soft?"

Makarov nodded: "It's quite soft... You mean we didn't meet their main force along the way?"

"I guess so." Tang Yuan pointed to Nagoya and said, "If Osaka continues to advance to the northeast, it will be Shiga County and Mie County. This is the narrowest section of the Rising Sun Land... It's like a waist, come across If you look at it, the battle line is very short, and the same amount of troops can lay out thicker fortifications, so I guess if you go out from Osaka and continue to push forward, you will be in a hard fight here before you push to Nagoya.”

"Oh, that makes sense." Makarov felt that it was indeed the case, and nodded repeatedly.

"Let's not talk about the rear front. Sister Shana has just pushed to Sendai. If you want to go down to Tokyo, it will be farther than your side. Don't think about it." Tang Yuan placed a Xia Na in the position of Sendai and made [_( :з」∠)_】The small model in the pose, and then continued to point to Tokyo.

"So you see, I guess after the Battle of Iceland, the Allied forces' bases in Europe will be completely gone. At that time, most of the troops originally in the European battlefield will be cast on the Tokyo Bay side, and they will take down Kanagawa and Chien with thunder. Ye, when the time comes, Tokyo will be right in front of you... Do you think the emperor will run away? The old guy who has been brainwashed by Bushido will definitely resist desperately. As long as the emperor dies, how much do you think the rising sun in a mess will be able to do?"

"...It seems to be the case?" Makarov was stunned for a while, and then he pointed to the figurine of Shana lying on the Sendai, "But why is your posture so coquettish, Shana?"

"..." Tang Yuan waved his hand, Shana's figurine disappeared out of thin air, and then the entire map disappeared, "Your focus is very strange... Anyway, I suggest that we should guard in Osaka now, and don't even think about it. Let’s continue to move forward, besides, don’t you have to get up and go back to Moscow tomorrow? Coup d’etat or something, it’s touching to think about it, what are you going to do with Chadanko after he steps down?”

"How else to deal with it? After the incident was exposed, he didn't even have the possibility of being dealt with in a low-key manner. He probably went to Vorkuta to dig mines...or go there to pick up soap."

"...beautiful." Hearing the word "Vorkuta", Tang Yuan felt that Chadanko's prospects were gloomy... It was basically the most famous labor camp in the Soviet Union, even if there were dead people there. No one cares - it's even possible that the guy who died was killed by the management.

"Speaking of Vorkuta..." Makarov shook his mouse and opened the game menu, "Reznov and Dimitri are heroes after all, but one was poisoned to death by Nova 6, and the other died. On the way to escape from Vorkuta... what a pity."

"Black Ops?" Tang Yuan felt a little regretful that he gave Makarov the Call of Duty game disc... You must know that World War II never happened in this world!If you want to talk about World War II, now this is World War II!

If Makarov's world view is hit... that would be fun.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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