Chapter 54
The spaceship sails along the predetermined track, and under the guidance of the Dragon Ball radar, it advances at an extremely fast speed.

Mechanic God Tumat played an amazing role, not only repaired the various systems of the spaceship, but also optimized several small errors in the manual, and finally even modified the energy conversion board, which increased the power by 20% .

A series of operations opened everyone's eyes, and a group of reckless men who only knew fighting looked at this little guy with incomparable admiration.

Tumat can also teach Gohan's homework, and all kinds of math problems can be easily solved under his professional explanation.

Gohan was able to participate in this trip, thanks to Raditz's mediation, one of the conditions was to complete a stack of practice questions, and with the help of Tumat, the progress was rapid.There is a saying, "Mom no longer has to worry about my studies."

In addition, he claims to have many, many functions.

But even though he is very familiar with Raditz and his group, he still only stays on Raditz's shoulder or flies around him on weekdays, relying on Raditz very much.Once the system determines followers, this kind of robot is extremely loyal and much more reliable than many humans.

After a few more days, the location shown by the Dragon Ball radar is getting closer and closer, and we are about to reach our destination.

"It's approaching the barren star Philo." Tumat fluttered on the transparent shield, the metal wings spread out, "It's ready to land."


"This is a well-known planet. It used to be prosperous for a while, but then it experienced a mass extinction, and almost all life was destroyed. Now it is a barren star." Tumat explained.

Raditz tapped his little head, "How do you know everything?"

"This is the information implanted into my core." Tumat said proudly, "Although my learning ability is very strong, sometimes I need this ready-made knowledge to fill in. After all, what I can record is more than human Too much."

"You said you were fat and panting. Can you analyze the structure of the barren star Feilu?"

"a piece of cake."

Two rays of light shot out from Tumat's eyes, and a huge screen was projected on the wall of the spaceship, which displayed the analysis of Felro, vegetation coverage, atmospheric composition, life response and other signals at a glance.

The life reaction of Feilu in the barren star is very weak, and the environment is very suitable for human survival.

Raditz confirmed the general situation: "Well, just land directly."

"Okay." Tumat flew to the console, drove the spaceship into the atmosphere of the barren star Philo, and landed on the ground.

Everyone got out of the spacecraft one after another, and then put it into the capsule.

Their landing point was the wilderness of the wild star Feilu, surrounded by a ruined scene, with yellow grass and leaves everywhere, and few tall trees.In the distance, there were several corpses of large herbivores, already exuding a rancid smell, and when the wind blew, a strong pungent smell wafted in.

You can see blue mountains as far as you can see, some with snow tops, but there are no civilized buildings.

"The response of the Dragon Ball radar is not sensitive enough." Raditz pressed the button continuously, and the magnification factor has reached the extreme, but the displayed position is still not clear enough. "Now I only know the general direction, but where is the final position? Not sure yet."

"Then we have to look for it."

Since there is no specific location of the Dragon Ball, everyone had to fly to the nearby area together and search separately.I have confirmed with the king of the world before that Dales often changes his base and his whereabouts are uncertain, so he is not on the road of Huangxingfei.And without his subordinates, he now needs to recharge his energy and recharge his batteries. It is estimated that he has gone to all parts of the universe to recruit villains, and by the way, he will plant spiritual trees to increase his strength.

Hiding the Dragon Ball here, Dales thought he was the only one who knew about it, but he didn't want the people on earth to have a special radar to detect the Dragon Ball.

Except for Vegeta, everyone else is looking for the Dragon Balls.Napa also had no choice, who made him afraid of Raditz, so he had to obediently follow them.

Everyone dispersed, Vegeta glanced lightly, sat on the stone, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

He learned a lot of skills in the battle with the clones, and it took time to digest them slowly, but in order not to take up the time for practice, he often chose this kind of rest to think.

Repeatedly replaying various combos of actions in his mind, as well as rehearsals of dismantling each other, Vegeta nodded slightly.

The wind blows and the grass flutters like waves.

Suddenly, he was resting his mind and suddenly opened his eyes, the whole body bounced up and looked towards the sky.

There is a gust of Qi flying towards him in the distance!

That was a guy with great combat power. Although he was much worse than him, he was very special on the barren star.Who is also active here?
The breath was getting closer, and Vegeta was shocked.


"Vegeta?" The spaceman flying in the sky also stopped, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Why are you here?" The two asked at the same time.

Koi landed on the ground, pointed at Vegeta and said, "You went to Earth against King Frieza's order, and came here again! Could it be... Could it be that you are for Dragon Ball..."

"You also know about Dragon Ball?" Vegeta whispered.

"Hehehe, the probe can communicate, you don't know that. King Frieza already knows that there is a very magical thing on the earth called Dragon Ball, which can fulfill any wish. King Frieza decided to get it, and someone A Saiyan named Dales betrayed an interesting information to King Frieza, saying that the Dragon Balls are here!"

Ke Yi's face changed, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Dalles the bastard."

"Hahaha, it's useless to curse people, Vegeta, since you exposed yourself, you will die." Koi and Vegeta are deadly rivals, because their combat power is similar, so there has been no winner.

More importantly, they are all working under King Frieza, so they are always a bit scruples when fighting.

It's all right now, Vegeta went to Earth privately, and came to Falu to look for Dragon Balls without telling everyone. It's a blatant betrayal. Killing a traitor is nothing!Maybe King Frieza will have to reward him.

But Vegeta laughed.

The laughter was full of disdain and helplessness, and the whole body was trembling with laughter: "Dead? Where did you get the courage to say such things to me, let alone you, I don't even pay attention to the Ginuit team now inside."

"Hmph, you learned to talk big on Earth! You and I both have [-] points of fighting strength, and I've already made progress!" Ke Yi said, clenching his fists tightly and showing a sneer.

Vegeta smiled evilly: "Then use your clumsy detector to see how much my uncle's combat power is! Stand firm and don't be scared!"

(End of this chapter)

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