Me and the male lead group CP

Chapter 996 Immortals Are Ruthless 3

Chapter 996 Immortals Are Ruthless 3
After living in Wenyun Town, it lasted for a month.

A sect of cultivating immortals came from afar, called Chongyangzong.

People from this sect stopped suddenly when they passed by Wenyun Town.

On this day, Mu Weiwei went out to drink for Shen Ming, and happened to be in the center of the town, and saw a dozen or so practitioners in green clothes.

For ordinary mortals, this is already a fairy coming!

The people around all knelt down one by one, for fear of offending the immortal.

Seeing that Mu Weiwei didn't kneel down, an old man next to her quickly gave Mu Weiwei a hand.

"Miss Weiwei, hurry up and kneel down, if you offend the immortal, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe!"

Mu Weiwei froze for a moment, immortal?

Just these mortal cultivators, dare to call them immortals?
It's just that Mu Weiwei didn't kneel, and was just seen by the disciples of the Chongyang Sect.

"Bold! If you don't kneel when you see a fairy, you will be destroyed!"

Another disciple looked at Mu Weiwei's face and walked over in awe.

"Little girl, don't be afraid. Although we are immortals, we won't do anything to you. I think you have excellent bones. Do you want to cultivate immortals with us?"

This wretched look made Mu Weiwei feel very uncomfortable.

"Immortal? Are you sure you are an immortal? Are you not some liar who pretends to be an immortal?"

The disciple of the Chongyang Sect was furious, "You are looking for death! You are a mere mortal, and you want to offend us? No matter how beautiful you are, you are still a beauty! Today you have offended us, and you must follow us and make amends all the way!"

Mu Weiwei laughed out loud.

"It's just a group of low-level cultivators. Calling you cultivators is an insult to the term cultivator. What do you really think you are?"

Hearing what Mu Weiwei said, all those people changed their faces.

"You! Do you know a cultivator? You are also a cultivator? Why are you in this barren land?"

Mu Weiwei looked at them disdainfully, "What qualifications do you have to ask me?"

"Woman, you really offend us again and again, even if you are also a cultivator! We have so many brothers and sisters, do you think you can escape?"

Mu Weiwei sneered and didn't answer.

But this arrogant attitude made the Chongyang sect people very dissatisfied!

"Okay, since you want to provoke us, let these mortals atone for your sins!"

One of them reached out and grabbed the neck of a woman kneeling beside him.

Just when he touched it, his wrist hurt and he couldn't move anymore!

"Witch, what have you done!"

Mu Weiwei looked at him with a sneer, "It's not your fault that you are not good at learning art, but if you are not good at learning art and come out to mess around, then it's your fault, you know?

"Things between cultivators cannot involve mortals, don't you understand this?"

When Mu Weiwei was speaking, the disciples of Chongyang Sect quietly surrounded Mu Weiwei.

"Today is in our hands, let's see how arrogant and arrogant you are, hahaha!"

In a flash, Mu Weiwei appeared next to the speaker, and kicked.

This man just threw it out!
"Just relying on you trash?" Mu Weiwei swept her contemptuous eyes.

Suddenly, Mu Weiwei seemed to see something, and a vague shadow came towards this direction.

The Chongyang Sect disciples were furious!
They all shot at Mu Weiwei!

(End of this chapter)

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