Me and the male lead group CP

Chapter 921 Mrs. Di Shao is cultivating immortals 36

Chapter 921 Mrs. Di Shao is cultivating immortals 36
Mu Xingyuan burst out laughing.

"Mu Weiwei, how much do you have? Do you think I don't know? You know Master Amphora? Why don't you say you know the president? I see you, you have some kind of paranoia, you should think about it Why beg your mother-in-law, kneel down and kowtow a dozen heads? Or just kneel and lick Young Master Qin?"

Mu Weiwei smiled lightly.

"You will know when the time comes, but Mu Xingyuan, you are not worthy of the disciple of Amphora."

After finishing speaking, Mu Weiwei turned around and left!

Mu Xingyuan wanted to scold, but found that there was a servant, so she swallowed it and watched Mu Weiwei leave.

Then I saw Mu Weiwei getting on a red sports car worth more than 600 million!
Red sports car? More than 600 million?
Mu Xingyuan froze for a moment, how could it be possible!

How did Mu Weiwei have such a nice car?
Mu Xingyuan would not think that this car was given to Mu Weiwei by the Qin family, it just felt wrong!

"Have you all seen it? The second lady got off that car?"

The servants were trembling, "Miss, this car is driven by the second lady, it seems to be the second lady's own."

Mu Xingyuan turned and left, feeling very suspicious in her heart, but still took out her phone and sent Mu Weiwei a WeChat message.

Tell Mu Weiwei to handle the matter that her father told her well!

Otherwise, Dad won't let Mu Weiwei go, and Mu Weiwei will be very miserable at that time!
Mu Weiwei ignored the news from Mu Xing Yuan and directly sent a message to An Feila.

"Honey, I heard that you are going to come to my base as an apprentice?"

An Feila's message was answered in seconds, "What is accepting apprentices? Why don't I know? My dear, I don't know. I have confiscated apprentices for many years. Now there is no one I like, or else my dear Come, I promise to give you everything!"

Mu Weiwei looked at it and smiled, this Amphora is still coveting her so much!

It's a pity that she doesn't like this path, besides, her current piano level, the title of that top master is not a problem at all.

Naturally, I can't look down on these little things!
After chatting with An Feila for a while, Mu Weiwei was relieved.

An Feila doesn't accept apprentices at all, she just came here to participate in some kind of event, and by the way, invited her to participate.

Thinking of the mysterious encounter between herself and An Feila, Mu Weiwei smiled.

An Feila is not the old woman in her 30s and [-]s that everyone thinks, she is only [-] years old, she looks as old as Mu Weiwei, young and beautiful!
Such a piano master is also well-known in the world!
Everyone thinks that art students are superior, but they forget that they also grew up eating grains, with all kinds of joys, sorrows, sorrows, and joys, and there is no difference.

However, Mu Weiwei still accepted Anfeila's invitation.

Of course, it wasn't to slap Mu Xingyuan in the face, she just wanted to slap the face, and she also appeared on the scene.

The future of the queen of variety shows, why hasn't it started yet? ,

Up to now, no one has invited her to participate in any show!
Therefore, Mu Weiwei had to be more photogenic by herself!

Mu Weiwei randomly chose a restaurant and planned to have lunch.

In the end, by fate, I saw Qin Yan, Song Mian, and a girl.

Several people walked into the private room, Mu Weiwei pretended not to see it, and chose a seat outside.

Start ordering.

A person with Mu Weiwei's appearance will never lack in turning heads anywhere.

So not long after she sat down, a man in a neat suit with a good face walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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