Me and the male lead group CP

Chapter 824 Mrs. Lu is a magic stick 68

Chapter 824 Mrs. Lu is a magic stick 68
Mr. Lu is not only not angry, but also looks very happy!
Is this world fantasy?
Yu Ting soon received the news that Lu Xing brought a woman into her office, and the two were chatting and laughing/
When Yu Ting came, she saw Lu Xing was with the authentic Mu Weiwei!
Instead of the female liar at the reception before, the goddess stick!
Yu Ting's expression was a bit complicated, she didn't understand what happened to Lu Xing?
Who does he want?

Could it be that he wants both?
But Mu Weiwei probably doesn't know that Lu Xing has found another person with the same name as her, right?

Yuting walked in, but the assistant didn't try to stop her.

Because in the past, every time Yu Ting came, Lu Xing would never let anyone stop him.

Yuting walked in, looked at Mu Weiwei who was sitting on Lu Xing's seat, and smiled. /
"Hi Vivi."

"Hi Miss Yuting, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon." Mu Weiwei smiled slyly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect Miss Weiwei to go back to Lu's house after going round and round."

Mu Weiwei looked at Yu Ting, "Wrong, I don't plan to go back to Lu's house, I just stay with brother Lu Xing."

Yuting's expression changed, she didn't expect Mu Weiwei to say it directly.

"Right, Brother Lu Xing?" Mu Weiwei blinked at Lu Xing.

Lu Xing immediately nodded, "Yes, stay with me."

Mu Weiwei spread her arms and looked at Yu Ting, "Did you see? Brother Lu Xing can't leave me, and I can't help it."

Yuting looked at Lu Xing with a complicated expression, "Brother Lu Xing, are you really with Weiwei?"

Lu Xing nodded, "Of course, we have been friends for so many years, have I ever lied to you?"

"But, Brother Lu Xing, that girlfriend who went back to the old house with you yesterday... Oh, no, who is that girl?"

"My girlfriend too."

Lu Xing directly admitted.

Yu Ting looked at Mu Weiwei, but Mu Weiwei didn't seem to care at all.

"Brother Lu Xing, I'm afraid it's not good to do this. If you do this, Weiwei will be sad. Are you planning to marry two women together?"

Lu Xing looked at Yuting, "Tingting, for the sake of us growing up together, I don't want to say anything more, can you stop meddling in my affairs?"

"But, Brother Lu Xing, this is unfair to everyone, and you have never been such a person, why this time?"

"You choose them, but not me, what's wrong with me?"

The assistant outside seemed to have heard something extraordinary, and silently retreated into the distance.

Lu Xing looked at Yu Ting who was so stubborn, "I only regard you as a friend, as a younger sister. I have never had any affection for you."

Yuting was not convinced, "Aren't you and Weiwei just brothers and sisters at first? Why can't we when you can? Is it just because you feel sorry for her?"

Lu Xing shook his head, "It's not like that. I just didn't realize that my liking for her has changed. And I'm sure, I don't like you. Tingting, don't come to me because of these things in the future, you know?" ?”

Yuting looked at Mu Weiwei.

"Lu Xing likes another woman, are you willing to share Lu Xing with others?",

Mu Weiwei spread her hands at her, "Don't worry, I have confidence, Lu Xing finally wants to marry me, Miss Yuting don't worry about our affairs, you are older than me, and you are still single, to be honest, I am a little Worrying about you."

Yu Ting's face was blue and red.

(End of this chapter)

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