Me and the male lead group CP

Chapter 801 Mrs. Lu is a magic stick 45

Chapter 801 Mrs. Lu is a magic stick 45
"Just make up for it?"

Yu Ting looked at Lu Xing, and there seemed to be some kind of emotion in her eyes, which was surging, but she was finally suppressed.

Lu Xing didn't look at Yuting, but just looked out the window and shook his head.

"I don't know, maybe I still want to take care of her."

Yu Ting smiled.

"I haven't seen Sister Weiwei for many years. I don't know how she is. Would you like me to make an appointment for you?"

Yu Ting's smile, in the eyes of others, is so understanding.

Lu Xing shook his head, "No need, let me see for myself, she doesn't want me and her affairs, there are other people involved. You know her temper is too strong, so I don't want anyone other than me, go find her again she."

Yu Ting's expression changed, Lu Xing's protection was so obvious?
It's just that Lu Xing didn't look at Yu Ting, so he didn't know Yu Ting's thoughts and expressions.

For a while.

Lu Xing looked at Yu Ting, "Okay, now that I know what you're thinking, it's probably useless for grandma to go on like this. If you want to be busy, go do it."

After Yu Ting left.

Sitting there, Lu Xing seemed to be thinking about something, laughing and meditating for a while.

Three days later,
Lu Xing went directly to Lingcheng University. Outside the university, Lu Xing stood for a while.

If you see Mu Weiwei, what should you say?
Will she be happy?
What if she gets angry?
Lu Xing walked towards the university, he naturally knew about Mu Weiwei's situation in the university.

Go straight to your destination.

It's just that when Lu Xing is such a proud son of heaven, when he appears in the university, the passing college students are all shocked!

"Oh my god, he's so handsome! Which department's senior is he!"

"Why haven't I seen him? Such a handsome person, I'm afraid everyone in our Lingcheng University will be ranked first!"

"Do you think he has an excellent aura about him?"

"But judging by his clothes, he doesn't seem like someone from our school!"

"How can a student have such an aura? Could it be that his girlfriend is with us?"

As soon as these words were said, a wave of hearts were broken!
"Impossible! Such an excellent person must be a wealthy young master! How could he find a student as his girlfriend? He must be looking for a woman of the right family!"

"Although I'm a little sour, this is reality!"

Naturally, Lu Xing didn't care what others said, he just went towards his destination wholeheartedly.

Lu Xing probably didn't know about his appearance, which shocked everyone who saw him, and even caused quite a disturbance.

Mu Weiwei was dragged into a so-called cheerleading team, in short, it was to cheer up the basketball team!
A duel between basketball teams from various departments!
So, at this time, she herself is beside the basketball court!
It's just that Mu Weiwei's state is very average, unlike other girls, she is very active!
"Mu Weiwei, what's the matter with you, now we are the cheerleaders! It's to cheer up the people in our department, you don't have any momentum, how can you cheer up!"

Yumin stood up, this time she was the captain of the cheerleading team, and she was the one who encouraged others to insist on Mu Weiwei's participation!

Now seeing Mu Weiwei's performance like this, Yumin's heart is filled with joy!
In this way, she has a reason to reprimand Mu Weiwei openly!
She has long hated this woman!

"This is the glory of our collective. Are you not taking the collective seriously by doing this?"

Mu Weiwei narrowed her eyes as she looked at the flamboyant woman in front of her.

"Since you're so dissatisfied, it's fine to change someone. Why do you have to let others fool you into participating? You think I don't know, I just don't want to talk to you, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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