Me and the male lead group CP

Chapter 434 Reborn Actor, Super Favorite 14

Chapter 434 Reborn Actor, Super Favorite 14
The two of them looked at the somewhat cold Mu Weiwei, and somehow felt that something was wrong.

Shouldn't Mu Weiwei be crying and complaining to them at this time?

Why are you so calm now?
"Weiwei, we didn't expect that Meimei would be such a person. I don't know how she got the WeChat account of King Su?"

The two have their own minds.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that Meimei could do such a thing. Fortunately, she is still our best friend!"

Mu Weiwei smiled, "Okay, Jing Ran has blocked her WeChat account just now, so she has no chance to tease Su Jingran again."

When Zhao Youran and Lili heard this, the words seemed reasonable, but something seemed wrong.

"Weiwei, what about Yang Chenxing? You have liked him for so many years, and now he is with your stepmother's daughter. It's obviously a slap in the face for you!"

"Maybe he has some difficulties? Weiwei, do you want to ask him in private? Don't choose when Mu Qingmiao is around, otherwise, she will definitely cause trouble!"

"Also, Weiwei, don't let Yingdi Su know about this, or the matter between you and Yang Chenxing may really be impossible! I heard that their family is already preparing for a marriage with Mu Qingmiao. Engaged."

Hearing this, Mu Weiwei suddenly remembered that Mu Qingmiao seemed to have asked her if she wanted to go home that day.

"Of course, I know this matter well. I'll go home in a few days."

"Then you have to hurry up!"

After Zhao Youran and Lili finished talking about this matter, they still sat on the sofa and didn't plan to leave.

"Weiwei, is actor Su at home recently?"

Lili asked suddenly.

Seeing Mu Weiwei's surprised eyes, Lily immediately added, "If he's at home, will it affect your actions, I'm a little worried."

"No, I just came back suddenly today, probably because I received news from Han Meimei, and I'm afraid I'll embarrass the Su family."

"Ah/"' Zhao Youran sighed, "My poor Weiwei, who obviously doesn't like Su Jingran, is going to be trapped here and tied up with Su Jingran! Weiwei, don't worry, Lily and I will definitely stand by your side side, help you successfully escape from this prison!"'

"Yes, Weiwei, you and Yang Chenxing must be happy!"

Zhao Youran and Lili were talking to each other.

"Vivi, I'm a little hungry, do you have any desserts at home?"

Xiao Cui suddenly made a sound from behind.

"Young Madam doesn't like desserts, so the family never prepares them."

Xiao Cui's tone is not good, she doesn't like these friends of Mrs. Young!
Not one!
"Master is talking, is there any place for servants to intervene!"

Zhao Youran gave Xiao Cui an unpleasant look!
"We are friends of your young lady. You are a little girl. If you don't respect us, do you disrespect your young lady? Hurry up and buy desserts!"

Lily followed suit.

Xiaocui looked at them, "My master and wife are the masters, not you! The lady didn't say yes! If you want to eat, you will have to buy it yourself!"

After saying this, Xiao Cui even muttered in front of her.

"It's so embarrassing to always come to feed on our young lady's meal!",

Zhao You suddenly stood up and stared at Xiao Cui with a ferocious face, "What did you say, my servant?"

Mu Weiwei stood up, "Okay, stop arguing!"

"Weiwei, she is just an inferior person! How dare you show us face!"

"Su Jingran is at home, do you want Su Jingran to see you as shrews?"

(End of this chapter)

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