Me and the male lead group CP

Chapter 1043 The school grass is reborn 4

Chapter 1043 The school grass is reborn 4
Although Mu Weiwei was a little surprised, she didn't ask. After all, the male lead doesn't seem to have a good impression of her now.

However, his aesthetics seem a little deformed!
Mu Weiwei politely turned her head to look at her mobile phone, but didn't speak again.

Jun Sheng sat not far from Mu Weiwei until the barber at the side came over and looked at them.

"Are you going to dye your hair?"

Mu Weiwei nodded, "Yes, but the classmate next to me also wants to dye her hair, please hurry up."

The barber was stunned when he saw Jun Sheng, he has such an aura at this age!
And this face, almost no one does not recognize it!
He looked at Jun Sheng tremblingly, "Master you want to dye your hair?"

It's really frightening!How could a person of this status come to his shop to dye his hair?

And the Jun family's face, with black hair, is already the prettiest!
If he is not satisfied with the colorful dye, will he still be alive?
Jun Sheng frowned, "Why, can't I dye my hair?"

The barber originally wanted to nod, but was startled by the coldness in Jun Sheng's words, and shook his head.

"Then I'll dye it for you right away, which color do you want?"

Jun Sheng glanced at Mu Weiwei, "Just be the same color as this classmate now."

Then Jun Sheng was taken away from the sofa and went to the hair dyeing area.

Mu Weiwei sighed melancholy, "I thought I met a little fairy boy in this plane, but it turned out to be a deformed boy? God is not fair!"

After Jun Sheng started for a while, another barber came to help Mu Weiwei when she became free.

Mu Weiwei sat on the seat, "Please help me dye my hair black, and then pull it black."

It was a cute voice, and the barber was very happy to hear it.

Jun Sheng's hair was the first to be done. After finishing the hair, Jun Sheng looked in the mirror.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he frowned. Although he was a bit handsome, this yellow hair was really...

Jun Sheng gritted his teeth, that's all, it's not bad to have the same hair color as Weiwei!

Since Weiwei thinks it looks good, then try to adapt to it!
When the barber saw Jun Sheng frowning, his heart beat!
It's really over, Mr. Jun doesn't like it, am I going to be killed?

Who knew that Jun Sheng didn't look at her at all, but walked to Mu Weiwei's side, only to see that there was something on Mu Weiwei's head!
It is very weird, covering all the hair in it.

As a result, Jun Sheng walked around twice, but Mu Weiwei didn't even look at him. In the end, he went to check out, but the barber followed him and refused to charge him no matter what.

Jun Sheng, "...'

"Then I'll pay for that girl."

Barber, "..." What is the expression of wanting to cry without tears?
"Young Master Jun, that girl is your friend, so we don't charge any money! It is our honor to serve Young Master Jun!'"

Jun Sheng didn't say anything, but had no reason to stay, "How long will she need?"

"About two hours!"

"What!" Jun Sheng was shocked!
However, all the barbers were trembling, what should I do, Mr. Jun is not satisfied!
Who knew what Jun Sheng was thinking at this time, "Two hours actually? Shouldn't it take more than half an hour to dye your hair and wash it?"

There is no reason to be here, Jun Sheng can only sulk and leave the barber shop!

When the driver saw a yellow-haired boy coming out of the barbershop, he complained a few words, "What's the matter with the children nowadays? Why don't they all learn well? They even dyed the hair of some punks!"

(End of this chapter)

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