The Heavens: Sign in as a soul beast 10 years ahead of schedule

Chapter 62 Kissing is here! (Thanks to Ye He and the Pigeon of All Things for their rewards, and I w

Chapter 62 Kissing is here! (Thanks to Ye He and the Pigeon of All Things for their rewards, a present for you on Qixi Festival)

Zhu Zhuqing left with deep thoughts.

Tang Yin looked at the field with a smile. Zhu Zhuqing's opponent was also a girl, but she was a level 29 assault system soul master, so it might not be easy to fight.

Sure enough, the opponent came up and pushed all the way. Although Zhu Zhuqing was very fast, he was still lost after a fierce battle. The opponent seized the opportunity and forced him into a corner, so he had no choice but to admit defeat.

But she didn't care, there was still some gap between her and the other party, and now her mind was full of the phrase "Want to learn" that Tang Yin said.

She came to Tang Yin's side and said with a serious face, "Please teach me."

"If you want to learn, just give me a kiss." Tang Yin looked at the cruel little cat with a half-smile.

Zhu Zhuqing was a little silent when she heard Tang Yin's words. Although she didn't hate Tang Yin, she even liked him a little bit, but it was too fast, so she didn't care, and quickly pecked Tang Yin on the face.

"It's okay now." She just wanted to become stronger, no matter what the price was.

Tang Yin shook his head, stretched out his slender fingers, and tapped his lips, "It's only here."

Zhu Zhuqing stopped talking completely and turned away from looking at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin is not in a hurry, kittens also need to be tamed, and there will be a long way to go.But it was too fast just now, I don't even feel it, bad review.

Seeing the little wild cat getting angry, Tang Yin laughed loudly, "It's time to go, there is still a two-on-two match."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't want to talk to Tang Yin now, feeling like he was being tricked, luckily it was just fast enough so no one saw it, otherwise he would lose his life.

Little did they know that there were two people secretly wiping tears, these two people were Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai who were peeping.

Dai Mubai has been paying attention to Tang Yin from the beginning to the end, seeing Tang Yin like this, feels like the sky is falling, "My Lady Queen" is looking for a girlfriend, so what should I do?
The other one is Ma Hongjun who pays attention to Zhu Zhuqing. There are so many beauties here this year, but Xiao Wu belongs to Xiaosan. Xiao Ao likes Ning Rongrong, and Ning Rongrong's character is something he can't handle.After all the calculations, only Zhu Zhuqing was left, and now that it was like this, would he dare to rob a woman with Tang Yin?He didn't want to become a freezing bird yet, so he could only secretly wipe away his tears.

Seeing the kitten ignore him, Tang Yin dragged her away, Zhu Zhuqing kept resisting, but unfortunately it was of no avail.

When they arrived at the two-on-two waiting area, everyone saw two beautiful girls coming in, and their eyes lit up.
However, it looked good from a distance, but it didn't matter that the people nearby were frozen by Zhu Zhuqing's air-conditioning, the main reason was that Tang Yin's aura was too terrifying.Although Tang Yin always had a smile on his face, there was a sense of staying away from strangers, and that feeling like an ant looking at a mountain was very uncomfortable.

Just like that, several positions were vacated near Tang Yin.

It's not so fast here, the time is a little boring, Tang Yin teased Zhu Zhuqing for nothing, but Zhu Zhuqing decided that he was being tricked, so he ignored Tang Yin at all, and almost wrote "Don't come near Tang Yin" on his face.

They arrived soon, and the host on stage was announcing the battle list.

"..., the eighth match of two-on-two, the Bull-Dun team played against the Silver Bamboo team."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, it's time to play, besides, who said I lied to you?"

Zhu Zhuqing was taken aback, didn't he lie to me?So……

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and go on stage." Tang Yin pulled Zhu Zhuqing and walked to the field.

As soon as he came on stage, he saw two strong men, and they looked very difficult to mess with.

Seeing the two children coming up from the opposite side, who were still beauties, they were all very surprised, and they all wondered whether they should keep their hands.

But since they are playing, they must have corresponding soul power levels, and they dare not underestimate them.

I saw the two summoning their martial spirits, one with a big shield and the other with a rhinoceros. Good guy, it's really a combination of a bull and a shield. I don't know if Niubi can handle it.

Zhu Zhuqing saw the martial soul on the opposite side, and she also showed her own martial soul. For a moment, the six yellow soul rings on the field were shining brightly.

Tang Yin summoned his fan with a smile on his face, and said to Zhu Zhuqing, "Look out."

Then he rushed directly towards the two of them.

The two of them were a little surprised to see a little beauty rushing over without opening the spirit ring, but they were still very confident in their defense.

They generally use defensive and counterattack tactics, first consume the opponent's soul power, and then defeat in one fell swoop, as long as the opponent does not destroy their own shield, they will at most draw and will not lose.

Tang Yin bullied himself up, the fan in his hand glowed with a white light, he slashed forward, and a silver-white sword energy hit the big shield.

The person holding the shield was shocked. It was a strong attack, but fortunately it was defended, but two more hits might not be able to stop it.

The companion next to him saw that the shield holder couldn't hold on any longer, so he rushed to rescue him.

Tang Yin turned around and swung his fan, a sword qi slashed across, but unfortunately he was dodged and fell to the ground, leaving a deep mark.

The two looked at Tang Yin solemnly, and charged forward together. They wanted to fight directly and beat Tang Yin down.

Tang Yin's complexion remained unchanged, he turned to Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Qingqing, look after it."

Tang Yin didn't do any extra moves, just simply slashed, and countless sword qi attacked the two of them.

The momentum of the two was frustrated, and Tang Yin was still not satisfied, so he moved quickly and attacked them in close quarters.Tang Yin's movement track could no longer be seen on the field, only the white light was constantly swimming on the opposite two people.

There were dense wounds on the two of them, but they were not deep.Tang Yin's speed was too fast, they couldn't stop it at all, and Tang Yin's attack seemed to completely ignore their defense.

The audience on the field were stunned. They thought the two girls were in danger, but they didn't expect that one of them would be so fierce that they couldn't lift their heads when their teammates didn't make a move.

Seeing the bright white light constantly flickering on the field, although everyone couldn't see Tang Yin's movements clearly, they also knew that Tang Yin was very powerful, and they started to applaud enthusiastically, and those who were captured by beauty began to shout one after another.

The layman watched the fun, the expert watched the doorway, and the people watching the battle area were stunned. Where did this monster come from? It is so strong. In all fairness, I have no room to resist on stage.

Zhu Zhuqing was already stunned, so quickly, the absolute sense of oppression can be felt even if he is not an enemy.

Tang Yin stopped and slashed out a huge sword energy. A deep pit appeared under the two of them. The two brothers knew that the other party had kept their hands, and they all raised their hands in surrender.

Tang Yin dragged Zhu Zhuqing, who was a little dazed, to the end. The simple opponent, if he hadn't wanted to show Zhu Zhuqing, he would have ended long ago.

Tang San and Xiao Wu had already finished, and everyone was already waiting when Tang Yin came out.

"Where's the principal?" Tang San asked.

Dai Mubai waved his hand, "I don't know, he told us to go back by ourselves after we finished."

Recommend a friend's book, Shishi's "The Daily Life of the Great Writer", if you are interested, you can go and read it.

(End of this chapter)

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