Daming Military Empire

Chapter 702 Establishing a Crown Prince and Developing Australia

Chapter 702 Establishing a Crown Prince and Developing Australia

Australia is a new land, and it did not appear in official documents for the first time until 1606 A.D., which is the 34th year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty.

Who discovered Australia?

This is quite controversial, because in 1606, navigators from two countries passed here successively.

Calculated in chronological order, it should be the Spanish navigator Torres who first discovered Australia. However, he only passed through the strait between Australia and New Guinea and made some records, but he did not actually land in Australia.

Then the Dutch navigator William Janes landed on the Australian continent and named it New Holland.

Australia is actually not far from the Nanyang Islands. The New Guinea Island of the Nanyang Islands is even less than three hundred miles away from the north of Australia. Why did the Spaniards and Dutch people in Europe find it instead of the Nanyang countries? Or what about the Central Plains Dynasty?
This is indeed an unbelievable thing, but it happens to be the case.

In fact, it cannot be said that the Southeast Asian countries did not discover Australia. The native Australians migrated from the Nanyang Islands.

It's just that for thousands of years, the Nanyang Islands have not seen a relatively developed civilization. They don't even have a compass, and they can't tell the direction at sea. To explore a new continent is purely courting death. to explore.

As for the people who were forced to drift to the Australian mainland, they basically encountered a typhoon or lost their way at sea. They didn't even know where they were, so naturally there was no problem of not being found. Because they are far away from civilization, they become local aborigines.

However, discovery and colonization are two different things. After the Spaniards and Dutch discovered this place, they did not colonize it. Maybe they thought it was too far away, or maybe the northern continent they discovered was dry and rainless and not suitable for farming, so they never Occupy here.

It was not until 100, more than 1770 years later, that Britain began to occupy Australia and declared it a British colony.

Of course, this is all the history of later generations. In this life, Zhu Cijiong came across, so naturally he would not give up such a vast and rich land to others. He has already named this place Dongsheng Shenzhou, and he is going to use it as a place. A place for the elderly in the future.

After the end of the European War, the Ming Fleet appeared one after another on the Australian continent. The first to arrive here was the North Sea Fleet and the Second Guard Corps led by Shi Kefa, accompanied by Jin Yiwei Commander Wang Zhengnan and hundreds of Jin Yiwei spies. There are two hundred armed blessing boats full of soldiers from the Second Corps of the Imperial Guard and various supplies.

They came here mainly for investigation.

This survey operation was naturally arranged by His Majesty Zhu Cijiong of the Ming Empire. Because it was the emperor's will, Yang Geng, Shi Kefa, and Wang Zhengnan never doubted whether there would be such a continent in the south of Nanyang. They set off directly from Dongdaying. All the way to the south, passing through Dongfan, passing through Luzon, and passing through the old Hong Kong Chengxuan Political Commissioner, just go straight south, south, and south again.

If it weren't for the land of Australia, they wouldn't even sail to Antarctica without looking back.

Of course, this is impossible. Less than three days after the fleet passed through the old port, a huge land appeared in front of it. This land is so wide that you can't see it with the latest telescope. to the brink!

Here, it should be the Dongsheng Shenzhou mentioned by the emperor. Yang Geng, Shi Kefa and Wang Zhengnan have never doubted it.

After seeing the coastline of Dongsheng Shenzhou, the fleet was immediately divided into two, with fifty super battleships and one hundred armed blessing ships on both sides.

They just walked along the coastline of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and slowly explored on both sides. Every [-] miles, an armed blessing boat would leave the fleet and approach the coast, followed by [-] imperial guards for the first time. The soldiers of the Second Legion and several Jinyiwei spies boarded the land in a small hand-operated paddle boat, scattered and began to detect.

These people all have special telescopes and drawing tools. Their task is to explore the terrain within a hundred miles and draw a standard map. As for the depth, it is tentatively determined to be five hundred miles.

Of course, five hundred miles is actually a bit long. The east-west length and north-south width of Australia are actually only over 300 kilometers, which is about six or seven hundred miles. coming team.

Needless to say, the arduous process of exploring the land that has never been developed is difficult. Fortunately, the Ming army is equipped with the most advanced weapons, and it is not afraid of the attacks of natives and wild animals.

After more than a month, the entire survey was finally completed without any risk. Yang Geng and Wang Zhengnan took the surveyed maps and led the North Sea Fleet back to the East Camp, while Shi Kefa led the Second Army Corps of the Imperial Guard and two hundred ships. The Fuchuan battleship stayed, waiting for the emperor to send people to develop it.

After Wang Zhengnan returned to the capital with the map, Zhu Cijiong immediately summoned relevant officials from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War to discuss the development of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

After discussion, the development plan of Dongsheng Shenzhou was initially determined.
First of all, build a large port city in the east, south and west of Dongsheng Shenzhou. As for the north, forget it, the climate there is indeed dry and not suitable for development;
Then, build a railway to connect various port cities, explore mineral deposits along the railway, and build a bastion of defense;
In the end, 100 million households were stationed in Tunwei for development, and the main focus was on food production first, and then various mineral deposits were exploited after the food production became self-sufficient.

After the plan was finalized, Zhu Cijiong immediately dispatched a construction corps with relevant supplies to Dongsheng Shenzhou to start building ports and railways.

Time flies, the sun and the moon fly by, and in a blink of an eye, it is the end of the 18th year of Chongzheng, and the New Year is coming again.

In this year, the Ming Empire seized control of the North American continent, and helped the allies Spain and Portugal drive away the British army, and then took control of the entire America;
In this year, the Ming Empire led its allies to defeat the anti-Habsburg alliance, and since then it has dominated the world without rivals;

In this year, the Ming Empire helped the Holy Roman Empire defeat the princes of the German Alliance, making the German Alliance reunified and becoming the Kingdom of Germany, and the king was Zhu Hezhen, the second prince of the Ming Empire.

This year, there are too many happy events worth celebrating, and the New Year's Day is naturally very lively. It can be said that the whole world celebrates and welcomes the new year.

Immediately after the New Year's Eve, Zhu Cijiong issued a decree to appoint the eldest prince Zhu Hejiu as the crown prince of the Ming Empire, and the Ming Dynasty fell into celebration again.

Needless to say, the importance of the canonization of the crown prince, there are countless tragedies in the past dynasties in order to compete for the throne. It can be said that the canonization of the crown prince is related to the stability of the entire dynasty.

In fact, Zhu Cijiong had long intended to be a crown prince, because Zhu Hejiu was almost six years old now, and he had already ascended the throne when he was six years old.

However, the sudden attack of the anti-Habsburg alliance disrupted his plan, so that the establishment of the crown prince was delayed again and again.

Now that the anti-Habsburg alliance has been defeated, Daming can say that the world is at peace, and he dominates the universe, and the appointment of a prince is naturally a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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