Daming Military Empire

Chapter 698 Please ask for peace talks again, trying to delay

Chapter 698 Please ask for peace talks again, trying to delay
In the decisive battle against the West, the Ming Empire's new type of iron-clad warship was born, and the anti-Habsburg alliance was caught off guard, and they fled in defeat after meeting each other.

The Habsburg Alliance of the Ming Dynasty took advantage of the victory to pursue, sank more than [-] super battleships of the anti-Habsburg Alliance powers, captured more than [-] enemy warships, and lost less than [-] of our own warships, which can be described as a complete victory. .

However, due to the remnant warships of the Anti-Habsburg Alliance hiding in the ports of Dover and Calais, Zheng Chenggong was unable to break through the blockade of the bastions and forts for a while, and had to return to the Guadiana River. Replenish ammunition at the mouth of the sea and switch to other tactics.

The tactic he came up with was very simple, that is, to transport a group of armored combat vehicles and elite troops to two ports, find a place without bastions and forts to land on the beach, put down the armored combat vehicles and the army, and let them attack by land , while he commanded the ironclad warships to attack from the sea, advancing by sea and land, and took down the opponent's bastion and fort in one fell swoop.

This idea is good, but there are no armored combat vehicles in the army base at the mouth of the Guadiana River, and it has to be dispatched from other places, so he can only wait while resting.

When the news spread back to the Ming Empire, the whole country naturally celebrated.

Winning, Daming finally won. From now on, the Ming Empire has the final say on the sea, and the Ming Empire is invincible both on land and sea!

However, Zhu Cijiong did not agree with Zheng Chenggong's tactics. He just asked Zheng Chenggong to wait for a month, and there would be a big surprise in custody.

The Ming Empire was overjoyed, but the anti-Habsburg alliance was gloomy. Representatives of the great powers gathered in Rotterdam again to discuss countermeasures.

Originally, a general like Van Mendy, who has been defeated repeatedly, should have been dismissed long ago and sent to a military court. However, there is no suitable general in the entire anti-Habsburg alliance. This time, he also discovered a big secret, that he miraculously stayed on.

The secret he discovered was naturally the secret of the sealed cabin of the ironclad battleship. He didn't think much about it during the battle, but he remembered it after the defeat and fled back.

Ironclad battleships, many countries have had this idea before, and even put it into action. However, the warships built are either too small or unable to drive, and some even sink to the bottom before they are built, and they cannot sail normally at all. , let alone used in actual combat, so everyone slowly gave up.

This time, the Ming Empire actually built such a huge iron-clad warship, which is a very strange thing in itself. How did they solve the problem that the iron-clad warship was too heavy?
Fan Mendi was also very puzzled. After thinking hard, he finally remembered the details of the enemy ship he saw when he first observed the impact of the shells.

It seems that he saw that the iron-clad warships built by the Ming Empire did not have a circular arc under the bottom, but had an obvious protrusion, as if a swim bladder was added underneath.

He was originally an expert in naval warfare, so he was quite familiar with the structure of warships. The structure under the armored warships of the Ming Empire was obviously different from ordinary wooden warships, which was naturally weird.

After he went back and thought about it carefully, he realized that the swim bladder-like thing underneath must be used to increase buoyancy!
After the buoyancy is increased, the weight of the ironclad battleship is no longer a problem. In this way, the anti-Habsburg alliance can also manufacture ironclad warships!

It was because of this discovery that he avoided the fate of being dismissed and investigated.

It is precisely because of his discovery that the anti-Habsburg alliance saw the hope of turning defeat into victory.

Ironclad warships, to put it bluntly, are a problem of buoyancy that cannot be solved. Now that we know the solution to this problem, as long as we concentrate all resources and manufacture frantically, within two years, the anti-Habsburg alliance will be able to produce thousands of ironclad warships !
In this way, the three hundred or so armored warships of the Ming Empire are not scumbags.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the Ming Empire will continue to storm the iron-clad warships, but they have always been confident that the shipbuilding capabilities of the Ming Empire are not as strong as those of the five countries combined. Therefore, they are still trying to delay time, brutally attacking the armored warships, and finally turned defeat into victory. .

How can we procrastinate?
Naturally, they are asking for peace talks. As long as they suffer a little, coax the Ming Empire back, and delay him for about two years, they can get back their principal and interest!
The anti-Habsburg alliance quickly reached a consensus and made a request for peace talks with the Daming Habsburg alliance.

Neither Philip IV of Spain nor Joao IV of Portugal could decide on the issue of peace talks, nor could Ferdinand III of the Holy Roman Empire. Only His Majesty Chongzheng Emperor of the Ming Empire could decide.

After Zhu Cijiong received the news, he quickly replied: peace talks are fine, let them wait for the Ming Empire to send peace talks representatives.

Peace talks are indeed possible, as long as they can accept the terms of the peace talks, there is no need to fight this battle.

However, Zhu Cijiong reckoned that they would not be able to easily accept the terms of the peace talks he proposed, because the terms were simply too harsh for the anti-Habsburg alliance.

The reason why he asked the Anti-Habsburg Alliance to wait was to wait for the high-explosive shells to be made before negotiating terms with them.

If they don't agree, go directly to the high-explosive shells and blast them until they agree!

The first batch of high-explosive shells will take about ten days to complete. Zhu Cijiong simply called Zheng Zhilong back to the capital and taught him how to negotiate with the anti-Habsburg alliance powers.

The terms of the peace talks he proposed were really scary. Even though Zheng Zhilong had been negotiating for a long time, he had rich experience, his skin was as thick as a city wall, and he was never lenient in extorting money.

Doesn't this kill people?How could people accept it!

Zhu Cijiong is naturally not afraid that they will not accept it. If there is no high-explosive shells, it may take a lot of trouble to get the anti-Habsburg alliance powers to accept such harsh conditions.

Now, with high-explosive shells, he doesn't worry at all about the anti-Habsburg alliance daring the powers not to accept the terms of the peace talks. If they don't accept them, they will explode!
Anyway, there was still time, so Zhu Cijiong simply took Zheng Zhilong to the Army Experimental Base to experience the power of high-explosive shells.

At first, Zheng Zhilong didn't take it seriously. He had seen a lot of new weapons, so he thought that this time they were at most the level of armored vehicles.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has even built iron-clad warships, it is not surprising that armored chariots have some new tricks.

However, what the emperor showed him was not an armored chariot at all, but artillery, to be more precise, shells.

Good guy, that shell blasted out, it scared him silly.

Is this still adding shells?It's even fiercer than a barrel of explosives thicker than a bucket!
No wonder the emperor is so confident. With this thing, no matter what conditions are put forward, the anti-Habsburg alliance has to be accepted.

If you don't accept it, I'll blast you into scum!

(End of this chapter)

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