Daming Military Empire

Chapter 591 New functions of Tunwei

Chapter 591 New functions of Tunwei
The green hills are beautiful, the water is beautiful, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, the cool breeze is blowing, the air is mixed with the fragrance of flowers and trees and the smell of soil. Luo Zongshan took a few deep breaths of fresh air comfortably, and then, he held his hands and began to inspect his own. Jurisdiction.

This is a wide basin, with small rivers flowing by and surrounded by green hills, it is a rare and good place.

Now, gray tents are scattered everywhere on the flat ground, and countless people are busy between the tents, some are weeding, some are digging holes, some are lifting water, some are mixing mud, some are pulling earth bricks, Others are logging in the woods not far away.

Luo Zongshan didn't hold a whip in his hand, and he didn't raise his voice to urge his subordinates. Everyone was very self-conscious, because if they didn't build a house quickly, they would sleep in the open in about ten days. The tent they live in now can be borrowed , It can only be returned in half a month.

Due to time constraints, Luo Zongshan did not let people build tall and strong brick houses. He asked the people below to build low mud brick houses, because it will enter winter here in two months, and they have no time to burn. To make red bricks and build buildings, we can only build some low mud brick houses to make do with and live in first.

Fortunately, they came from a poor place. Even in their hometown, they didn't have the money to buy coal to burn red bricks. They also used adobe bricks to build their houses, so building adobe brick houses is easy.

Everyone was very busy, but Luo Zongshan didn't do anything. Although he was considered a strong laborer, he was still the leader of these people. He had to worry about the food and housing of thousands of people, and he had to think about how to feed these thousands of people in the future. People, how to develop, how to make money, the burden on the shoulders is heavy, how can I have time to build a house.

What he has done the most these days is to read books in his own tent, whether it is the books given to him by Ma Kai or the books given to him by major royal firms, he is reading, because he wants to figure out what to do here Money is the fastest, and what is the most profitable.

After looking at it for a few days, he finally had a general understanding.

The fastest way to earn money is to go hunting and collect precious medicinal materials and fruits. If you go there on the same day, you will have a harvest on the same day. However, hunting skills need to be trained, and medicinal materials and fruits need to be identified by familiar people. These are imminent. The problem.

To say that the most profitable mine is naturally mining. No matter what kind of mine, as long as you find it, the court will reward you a lot, and then you can organize people to dig it out and sell it for money. Of course, the premise is that there is one here, and you must find it.

As for farming and planting, there is no profit in a short period of time, and these things can be taken care of by the elderly, women and children, without spending too much energy.

Taking these circumstances into consideration, Luo Zongshan decided to divide his strong labor force into four groups.

He personally took two hundred households, three hundred or so strong, to find mines, and spent a month or so searching the entire jurisdiction to see if they could find mines;
The more knowledgeable Pharaoh took two hundred households, three hundred strong and strong, with books, and went to the mountains and forests to find precious medicinal materials. First, he did a general search to see if there was such a thing in the area under his jurisdiction;

The more clever old Zhang took two hundred households, three hundred strong and strong, with books, and went to the mountains and forests to collect precious fruits. He also searched roughly to see if there were such things in the area under his jurisdiction;

The more intelligent old Xie took two of the hundred households, and the smartest young man of the three hundred, practiced hunting skills first, and then went hunting in the mountains;

As for the oldest Lao Cai, he stayed at home with the old man and the old man to do some planting and breeding. Anyway, this guy was raising livestock.

When he was done thinking about it, the simple adobe brick house was almost built. At this time, twelve days had passed since fifteen days, and he quickly ordered Lao Zhang to return the tent with his group of [-] people. , to pull the grain back. As for the cement, it won’t be needed this year anyway. If you can pull it, you can pull it.

Fortunately, the road had been widened when they came here. In addition, they didn't need to drag their families along. Lao Zhang's group of people drove the carriage, and they could make a round trip in a day.

The food allocated by the imperial court to them this time is eight months’ worth. Except for what they brought back on the first trip, the rest is about [-] shi, which will be shipped back after two trips. As for the cement, it’s only [-] bales. It was a coincidence that everything was shipped back in just three days, and the carriage was handed over, so there was no need to go to the Dusi Yamen for the time being.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zongshan began to assign personnel, weapons and tasks.

Lao Xie's group, 300 people, was equipped with [-] long spears and [-] waist knives, [-] longbows and [-] feathered arrows, and all the personnel selected the best;

Lao Wang and Lao Zhang have 300 men with one hundred spears, one hundred waist knives, one hundred long bows and one thousand feathered arrows;

As for his own group of 300 people, it was too much to bring a hundred spears and a hundred waist knives, because they mainly carried hoes.

As soon as the tasks were assigned, each group began to take active actions, because these were all related to money and future life, and they basically did not need Luo Zongshan's supervision, and they would automatically and consciously do it well.

Luo Zongshan himself is also very active, or rather rough, because mines are the most lucrative, and he can't help but get excited. After he finished the task, he immediately took about [-] people and searched all over the mountains and plains. up.

If you want to talk about this luck, I don’t know whether to call him good luck or bad luck. In fact, what he wants to find most are those mineral deposits with surface characteristics. Like places with dense iron ore, there are usually traces of lightning strikes. As the saying goes, it is a severed head. There are many trees, and malachite is usually found in places where copper mines are dense. If you see a large green stone on the surface, there must be copper mines underneath.

However, at the beginning, he was extremely unlucky. After searching for more than ten days across mountains and mountains, he did not find any similar surface features. In other words, he found nothing, and worked for more than ten days in vain.

This Luo Zongshan is also a person with a firm will, or rather, he is a bit stubborn. He searched for more than ten days and found nothing. Not only was he not discouraged, but he got into trouble with the mine. Every time he passed a hill, he had to have people dig hard at the foot of the hill, digging down to a depth of one or two feet. He wanted to see if the area under his jurisdiction was full of dirt. If it was all dirt, he would lose his desire to find mineral deposits. Focus on doing other things.

I have to say that he was extremely lucky at this time, because more than half of the coal mines in Siberia are surface mines, that is to say, as long as the top soil is dug up, the coal can be seen.

When he dug, he really found coal. In many places, coal was black and oily when he dug less than a foot, and there were more and more such places, almost everywhere. His jurisdiction was a huge open-pit coal mine. !
(End of this chapter)

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