Daming Military Empire

Chapter 519 The Ming Army Shows Its Power (5 more, thanks to T3485 for the big reward)

Chapter 519 The Ming Army Shows Its Power

Gushi Khan did not know that Sun Chuanting, the chief general of the Ming army, had led an army of 21 to encircle him, because this was the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and it was impossible for him to send the reconnaissance cavalry hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Know nothing.

It has been three days since the siege battle, and the Wacha infantry suffered heavy casualties.

On the first day, because he was dazzled by anger, he commanded the infantry to attack the city frantically, and as a result, he paid the price of nearly [-] dead and countless injuries;
The next day, he still didn't wake up from his anger, and he attacked the city frantically again. As a result, nearly [-] infantry were killed in battle;

On the third day, he came to his senses, but he had no choice but to continue to attack, because if he just went back like this, he would not be able to survive that day. He had collected almost all the food stored in the Wacha Department, so he didn't want to grab some If things go back, people will starve to death!

If Hamiwei could be captured, the hundreds of cannons used by the Ming army to defend the city alone could earn at least several million taels if they were transported back and sold to Tsarist Russia.

If a few million taels were used to buy food, it would be enough for everyone in the Wacha Department to eat for a year. In order to survive, he had to fight.

Fortunately, not only were people dying on his side, but the Ming army was also dying. After three days of onslaught, the Ming army was obviously powerless.

Moreover, it seems that there are not many such ghost things that they buried in the ground to blow up people. The sparse ones are not as dense as the previous two days.

After three days of attack, Gushi Khan has estimated that there are at most [-] Ming troops in the city, and less than [-] can move now. Let the pawns go up and attack for two rounds tomorrow, and Hamiwei should be almost able to be taken down. If it doesn't work, let the cavalry go up and attack for another round, and it will definitely be taken down!

His analysis was correct. There were 2 Ming troops in the city, and more than [-] had been killed and thousands seriously injured. Now less than [-] are active.

However, he didn't expect that he had no chance to organize three rounds of attacks, and even two rounds of opportunities were gone.

According to Sun Chuanting's plan, the Ming army originally came to steal the camp on the third night, but that could only defeat the Wacha army, but it was difficult to wipe out the Wacha army. How many can you catch!

The reason why it was set at night was because Sun Chuanting's troops were not enough at that time. At that time, he could only mobilize a total of 11 cavalry. If he fought head-on with the exhausted Wacha army, he would be able to defeat it.

But, don't forget, there are [-] Kazakh cavalry behind the Wacha army. If they rush up suddenly, the Ming army will be finished!
It's different now. He led an army of 21. Even if the Wacha army and the Kazakh cavalry go together, he is sure to overthrow it in one fell swoop. Therefore, he changed the time of the general attack to the morning of the fourth day.

On the morning of the fourth day, at Si time, the Wacha army gathered outside Hamiwei City on time. However, their number had been reduced by nearly half at this time. Now, their infantry who were not seriously injured and could participate in the siege was less than [-].

Gushi Khan stared coldly with binoculars at the famous general on the city wall who was covered in cloth strips, but still standing there upright. He already knew that it was Hou Gongji, the guard general of Hami, a young general who was less than 30 years old. , but let him lose almost 15 people back and forth!
Hou Gongji was also looking at Gushi Khan with a telescope. He was indeed exhausted. For three days in a row, fighting for several hours every day, he himself didn't know how many wounds he had on his body. Anyway, they were split open and covered again , the bag was torn again, old wounds added new wounds, and the number of layers was countless.

However, fortunately, he didn't hurt his vitals, he just lost a lot of blood and felt a little weak.

It's over, it's finally over, when he saw Gushi Khan raised his right hand provocatively and swung it down slowly, he couldn't help showing a relieved smile.

Of course Gushi Khan didn't know what he was laughing at, probably this guy knew he was going to die, so he was out of his mind!
When he waved his hand down, [-] infantry roared and rushed towards the city wall. At this time, the mines were obviously sparse, and even the roar of artillery was not so dense.

Gushi Khan also showed a rare smile, the Ming army finally failed, and it will definitely win Hamiwei today.

However, just as he started to smile, thunderous horseshoes sounded from the left and right, and the intensity was definitely no less than a hundred thousand.

Could it be that the kid Assad had figured it out and wanted to help him attack the city, or that the kid knew that the Ming army in the city couldn't hold on anymore, so he wanted to take advantage of it?
However, this time he was wrong. Not long after he remembered the sound of hooves, several scouts came galloping. A lot of Ming cavalry!"

Gushi Khan's complexion changed instantly, and then, there were also shouts of killing from the left and right front, it was so loud, there were at least a hundred thousand people!

It turned out to be the Ming army!He quickly ordered: "Hurry up, Ming Jin withdraws troops, let them all gather here!"

For a while, there was great chaos in the Wacha army, and Mingjin withdrew the troops, and they gathered westward again, and the chaos became a pot of porridge.

It took less than a quarter of an hour to gallop wildly for more than ten miles. Cao Bianjiao and Zu Dabi had already led the cavalry to charge up before the Wacha army had assembled a defensive formation.

These two men are the most powerful generals in the Ming army. Compared with strategy, they may not be ranked high. Compared with bravery, they can definitely be ranked in the top five. For their bravery, they didn't even let the cavalry finish a plate of bullets, just Hastily threw a wave of grenades and led the army into the Wacha army!

Wacha also has cavalry. If their infantry are mounted on horses, they can also be used as cavalry. Moreover, they have a full [-] war horses. came back, so they have no shortage of horses at all.

However, they were scattered into four pieces, and they didn't have time to get together in a hurry. Cao Bianjiao and Zu Dabi led the army to charge them, and they were even more scattered.

Cao Bianjiao and Zu Dabi are two killing gods. There is no such thing as a joint general in the Wacha army. The two who kill each other are called a joy. If they rush there, they will fry the pot, and the Wacha army will be killed quickly. Crashed.

Soon, the infantry of the Ming army also rushed up, and another member of Ma Xianglin fiercely killed Ma Xianglin into the Wacha army, and the Wacha soldiers were even more difficult to resist.

Seeing this scene, Gushi Khan shouted in panic, "Follow me, rush out!"

After shouting, he led thousands of fine riders and rushed westward first.

When Sun Chuanting rushed up, Gushi Khan had already led tens of thousands of cavalry to break out of the encirclement and rushed westward. Cao Bianjiao, Zu Dabi, and Ma Xianglin, the three major generals, rushed to him and begged for orders: "Vice Marshal Sun, let me lead Let the army go after it!"

Sun Chuanting glanced at them, and ordered: "You three go together, bring all the cavalry with you, don't chase too far, just let it go if you can't catch up after an hour, and be careful of the Kazakh cavalry."

When the three of them heard the words, they responded excitedly, then summoned the cavalry and chased westward.

Sun Chuanting looked at their back and shook his head helplessly. These three guys were fierce enough, but they were too young to hold their breath.

He wasn't really worried about the safety of the three of them, but because of the three of them, they went crazy, and thousands of troops couldn't stop them. If the Kazakh cavalry dared to confront them, they would definitely kill them!
(End of this chapter)

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