Daming Military Empire

Chapter 405 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 405 Lead the snake out of the hole
Zheng Zhilong looked angrily at Fan Mendi and others walking out of the meeting room, as if he wanted to catch up and take a bite, but when the back of the last representative of the great powers disappeared outside the door, he sat down with a sly smile and said triumphantly : "Hey hey hey, this kid will definitely not be able to sit still."

Seeing this, the admirals present all seized the opportunity to flatter them. For a while, the entire conference room was filled with all kinds of compliments, such as the lord is wise and powerful, the lord is mighty and domineering, the lord's acting is really good, etc. These admirals just opened their mouths.

Zheng Zhilong was enjoying this flattering meal comfortably, and Zheng Chenggong beside him coughed inappropriately, and reminded: "Father, even if Fan Mendi can't sit still, he has no place to go!"

His Royal Highness and Admiral of the Navy wanted to speak, and the generals naturally did not dare to interrupt, the conference room suddenly fell into absolute silence, Zheng Zhilong rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Why is there no place to go, the whole Nanyang and even Ming Dynasty Is the southeast coast not enough for him to toss?"

If someone asks this question, Zheng Chenggong will definitely ask back, do you have a brain?But it was his father who asked this question, so he had to patiently explain: "Father, think about it, with Xingcheng Port in the middle, they dare not go to the southeast peninsula; The [-] troops of the Second Army Corps are stationed, and they definitely dare not go; as for the southeast coast, the journey is far away, and they have not been able to find out the specific situation, so they dare not go, so where else can they go?"

Zheng Zhilong frowned when he heard the words, and sighed: "Yes, what should I do?"

Zheng Chenggong said confidently: "They have nowhere to go, so let's create a place for them to go. It's pretty good for the emperor to lure snakes out of their holes."

Zheng Zhilong asked in bewilderment: "Lead the snake out of the hole?"

It's not that he has no brains, it's that Zheng Chenggong's words have no beginning and no end. He knows that this "snake" is Batavia's United Fleet. The question is where does this "hole" refer?
Fortunately, Zheng Chenggong immediately explained: "We can withdraw the Second Army of the Luzon Expeditionary Army and replace it with thousands of recruits from the Navy Reserve Army. Do you think they will be fooled?"

Zheng Zhilong heard the words, slapped the table and praised: "Okay, what a lure the snake out of the hole, Fan Mendi's pig brain will definitely be fooled!"

Zheng Chenggong was shocked by his slap, and he couldn't help complaining: "Father, you are already a prince, don't just slap the table every now and then, it's unseemly."

Zheng Zhilong smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, I can't help it, I'm used to taking pictures, Sen'er, didn't I scare you?"

Zheng Chenggong rolled his eyes and shouted directly to the door: "Come here."

Zheng Zhilong glanced at him suspiciously, and said in his heart: "Boy, you can't be so short-sighted. Didn't I just slap the table? You won't ask someone to drag me out to beat the board. I'm your father." !"

In the Zheng family, Zheng Chenggong's status is indeed far higher than that of Zheng Zhilong, but he does not have Zheng Zhilong's messy and unrealistic ideas. When his personal guards responded, he immediately ordered: "Telegram Nan Daying, order the East China Sea Fleet to hurry up." Carry recruits from the [-] Navy Reserve Corps to Luzon to take over the defense, and then pull the Second Corps of the Expeditionary Army to Xingcheng Port. In addition, let Jin Yiwei spies spread the word in Manila, saying that the war in the Mughal Empire is tight, and the Expeditionary Army The Second Army was hastily drawn to support."

The personal guard led away, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but patted Zheng Chenggong on the shoulder vigorously, and praised: "Sen'er, not bad, you have the style of a general."

Zheng Chenggong rolled his eyes, he almost turned to the sky. Fortunately, the young master has practiced, otherwise he wouldn't be shot by you this time!

Seeing Zheng Chenggong's expression, Zheng Zhilong immediately realized that his pat was a bit too heavy, and he touched his palm in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

Zheng Chenggong asked full of resentment: "Father, you are responsible for the deployment of materials in the southeast peninsula. Have you finished transporting the gunpowder, shells, and bullets needed by Goa?"

The luggage required by the 60-strong army is indeed massive, so the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Households, and the Nanyang Governor's Mansion are all busy. Generally, the supplies are first transported by train from various places in Daming to the port of Ayutthaya in Siam, and then passed through The waterway was transferred to Goa by the North Sea Fleet and the South Sea Fleet. Zheng Zhilong's people were in charge of the Siam section, and he knew it all too well.

When the precious son asked, he immediately said without thinking: "The last batch of luggage was loaded five days ago, and it is estimated that it will be sent to Goa by now."

Hearing this, Zheng Chenggong nodded, and then shouted to the door: "Come here."

Soon, another personal guard came in, and Zheng Chenggong directly ordered: "Immediately send someone to notify the North Sea Fleet and the South Sea Fleet, and rush to Xingcheng Port to gather within ten days."

When the personal guards left with orders, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help asking: "Shouldn't the Beiyang Navy be transferred here too? Batavia's United Fleet still has hundreds of super battleships, and three or four fleets can encircle it." No?"

Zheng Chenggong shook his head and said: "The Beiyang navy cannot be adjusted. What if Fan Mendi goes crazy and goes to Goa to harass him, what should he do if he is shocked? Let them guard the outer waters of Goa. As for whether to surround it or not There is no need to think about the problem at all, they are sailboats, we are ships, and they can’t escape even if they are allowed to run away. We just need to set up a net and wait for it, and we will be fine.”

Zheng Chenggong is leading the snake out of the hole again, and he is waiting for the net. Will Fan Mendy be fooled?
Fan Mendi must have been fooled, because he had to take practical actions to coerce the Ming Empire to retreat from the Mughal Empire.

Therefore, after he returned to Batavia, he immediately convened a meeting with the generals of various countries to discuss threatening actions. However, after discussing and discussing, it turned out that, as Zheng Chenggong said, there was nowhere to go!
Going to the southeast peninsula must pass through the waters near Xingcheng Port, so there is no need to think about it at all. The Ming army is not blind, and they will definitely intercept it;
There is no need to think about going to Luzon, there is a hundred thousand Ming army there, it is impossible to take it down, and it is useless to go;
As for going to the southeast coast of the Ming Empire, the journey is too far away, and it is not known whether the Ming Empire has deployed troops along the coast. If they do, it will be a waste of time!
The generals of the great powers discussed for a few days, but there was still no solution. Just as Fan Mendi was jumping his feet anxiously, news came from Luzon that the [-] troops of the Ming Empire had been taken away, and only [-] recruits were stationed in Manila City. It is rumored that the [-] troops were urgently dispatched to support because of the tight war in the Mughal Empire.

There are only [-] recruits, so why hesitate, go straight up and do it!

Van Mendy learned the lesson of being captured in Manila Bay last time. Not only did he bring all the warships on board, but he also brought [-] musketeers from the Dutch East India Company to [-]. Manila city!
(End of this chapter)

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