Daming Military Empire

Chapter 349 Alliance of Great Powers

Chapter 349 Alliance of Great Powers
When Zhu Cijiong arrived in Siam, there was a huge fleet passing through the sea outside Goa port towards Malacca. This fleet consisted of about [-] super battleships and more than [-] other medium-sized warships. There are even flags from England, France and the Netherlands, and even Denmark and Sweden!

Naturally, such a huge fleet cannot escape the eyes of those who care about it. Soon, Jinyiwei spies, expeditionary outposts, and even Portuguese adventurers and pirate ships sent warnings to the Xingcheng Port base. Fleets of great powers are heading towards Malacca. , the intent is unknown.

Zheng Zhilong was stunned when he received the news. It was definitely not the Dutch Navy in Batavia, and it couldn't even be the fleet of the Dutch East India Company. The size of the fleet sent every time will not exceed a hundred ships. Although there are many medium-sized warships in the middle, Zheng Zhilong didn't pay much attention to it. The seeds of mutual suspicion have been planted. It is better to take over the British and French merchant ships. As for the Dutch merchant ships , It doesn't matter if you don't grab it, every time you bring so many warships to escort, the transportation cost will increase exponentially, let's see what money they make!

Since it can't be the fleet sent by Batavia, it can only come from Europe. This problem is a bit serious. Fortunately, Siam is not far from Xingcheng Port. He quickly sent a speedboat to Siam, asking for instructions Your Majesty, let's see how to deal with this matter.

So what happened to this fleet?
This fleet indeed came from Europe. It turns out that after Zhu Cijiong left Europe, Spain, in order to paralyze the anti-Habsburg powers, did not refuse all countries' requests for peace talks. As long as the powers made peace talks, he immediately dispatched The mission went to negotiate, back and forth, bargaining, and it seemed that they were really about to surrender.

The great powers did not doubt it, because the Habsburg dynasty could not bear it anymore. The Holy Roman Empire was about to split, and the Spanish army suffered heavy losses. Fleet, as long as the big powers start, they will really be unable to get out.

Under such circumstances, the great powers gathered in Amsterdam, the most prosperous city in Europe at that time, to discuss future plans.

What they discussed was not how to deal with the Habsburg dynasty, because Spain's attitude has proved that the Habsburg dynasty is really going to admit defeat this time, and the rest is just negotiations. What they are discussing is the future overseas colonial expansion. problem, and the focus of this problem is the Ming Empire.

The rise of the Ming Empire can be described as terrifying. Ten years ago, the country was closed and closed, ignoring world affairs. In the past few years, it has suddenly exploded with astonishing power. Various weapons have emerged in endlessly, and the number of various warships has soared. They have defeated Spain and The Netherlands regained Formosa, and then controlled the trade of Japan, North Korea, and even the entire Far East. Like a waking army, the whole world was shocked.

The European powers have been fighting the Habsburg Dynasty for nearly 30 years in order to compete for hegemony. I did not expect that the Ming Empire would come out just after the Habsburg Dynasty was suppressed. This is absolutely not allowed by the European powers. Now Africa and the Americas are rich. Almost all the places are occupied, and only the Far East is waiting for them to share. If the Ming Empire is allowed to develop like this, there will be no room for them in the Far East. Therefore, we must find a way to contain or even overthrow the Daming Empire.

Just as their discussions were in full swing, Fan Mendy's report arrived, along with a detailed plan for dealing with the Ming Empire.

This following force exploded, shot special, the Ming Empire has already begun to expand outwards, how can this work, it must be stopped immediately, so the anti-Habsburg alliance quickly transformed into an anti-Ming Empire alliance, which should have scattered to snatch the colonies The great powers united again and pointed their finger at the Ming Empire!

They are still using the old method to deal with the Habsburg dynasty, the rich contribute money, and the powerful contribute. This time, the main contributors are the Netherlands, and the contributors are Britain, France, Sweden and Denmark.

The shipbuilding capabilities of the Netherlands are also quite terrifying. In less than 50 years, they have built 300 large ships capable of oceangoing navigation. That is to say, they can build at least 1 large ships a year. They never There is a lack of ships, but a lack of people. Like super battleships, there are hundreds of them that have not been assembled. There is a shortage of more than 100 merchant ships, most of which are armed merchant ships. After a little modification, they become warships. It is still a matter of personnel. They have a total population of more than [-] million. The gunners are the only ones, otherwise there won't be enough people to fire the guns.

Now the combination of several great powers is quite terrifying. The personnel of Britain, France, Sweden and Denmark are gradually in place, and a huge fleet is gradually taking shape. This fleet originally consisted of [-] super battleships and [-] to [-] medium-sized battleships. To fight against the Ming Empire, not to mention hitting the mainland of the Ming Empire, at least drive them out of the Nanyang region.

This idea seems a bit naive, even if this huge fleet is all set up, they may not be able to do well in Nanyang, and they may not even be able to take down the Xingcheng Port base, but if such a huge fleet goes there, it will be more beneficial to Daming Threat, because in Batavia there are also the Dutch navy and the fleet of the East India Company. The combined fleets of the two fleets are not enough to catch up with the strength of the Ming navy. If the two sides start fighting, it will definitely be a shocking war. .

Fortunately, just as they were about to head to the Far East, the first batch of [-] super battleships that Ming sold to Spain arrived.
They sent envoys to ask Spain, but naturally they couldn't get an accurate answer. Philip IV even said that he didn't know what the Ming Empire meant.

Well, no matter what it means, the fleets left by the great powers in the mainland are not enough to deal with Spain, which has fifty more super battleships. They have to keep half of the joint fleet to prevent Spain from turning its face, and the other half will continue to be sent to the Far East, but they Their goal has also changed. This little power is not enough to fight the Ming Empire to death. They have retreated to the next best thing. The goal has become to threaten the Ming Empire, keep Donghu, and first curb the expansion momentum of the Ming Empire.

When Zhu Cijiong received the news, he immediately became furious. The great powers made it clear that they did not want Da Ming to develop well. Seeing that Nanyang was about to be unified, they even sent a combined fleet to make trouble. Do you think Da Ming is easy to bully!

He doesn't really care about this battleship, but if they are allowed to merge with Batavia's Dutch fleet, the threat will be greater, and the size of the combined fleet will exceed that of any other fleet in Ming Dynasty. Daming really couldn't bear it, so he decisively ordered that the Nanyang Navy, the South China Sea Fleet, and the North Sea Fleet, the three major fleets gather at the Xingcheng Port base to block the Strait of Malacca and prevent the two fleets of the great powers from converging!
(End of this chapter)

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