Daming Military Empire

Chapter 328 The army gathers

Chapter 328 The army gathers
Siming Mansion is located at the southernmost end of the Guangxi Chengxuan Government Envoy Division, and further south is the territory of Annan, the kingdom of the Ming Dynasty. It was originally a Tuzhou, that is, the state capital where a few ethnic groups gather, but now the entire Fucheng Street is full of people. There are no civilians in strange clothes, almost all of them are formal clothes, and Ming soldiers are everywhere!
In the center of Fucheng, a huge palace is almost completed. This is specially prepared for the emperor. There is no way. Seeing that there were plenty of staff and raw materials, Lu Xiangsheng simply asked Zhu Cijiong to build such a palace.

Naturally, Zhu Cijiong would not object, why should he wrong himself if he could live better? do something.

He does not plan to transfer the more than 55 captives to other places immediately. The other [-] captives will be transported one after another. Even the experts from the Ministry of Industry who build railways and bridges will all gather here. Why is this?Although it is said that now that the railway has been repaired, the transshipment of grain and grass is not a big problem, but there is no need to waste it like this!
In fact, this is not a waste at all. The successful experience of Northern Xinjiang has given Zhu Cijiong a lot of inspiration. It is not that the Ming Dynasty has not conquered Northern Xinjiang before. It merged into the territory of Ming Dynasty, however, the northern border slowly escaped from the control of Ming Dynasty, and even invaded Daming several times, causing serious losses to Ming Dynasty. The cost of a large-scale garrison, so the supervision is not strict, can only be levied again and again, and they are lowered and re-judged again and again.

It is different now, with the railway, the allocation of food, grass and materials is not a problem at all. Daming can station as many troops there as he wants, and there is basically no possibility of rebellion in northern Xinjiang.

This time to conquer Nanyang, Zhu Cijiong wanted to use the same method to use the railway to run through the whole Nanyang according to the terrain. At that time, Nanyang would no longer be a place on the edge of the South Antarctic, and the Ming army could be stationed here in large numbers, and the south would no longer be a gathering of Nanman Therefore, Daming will educate the barbarians here, develop the economy here, and let the Nanyang people live a life of adequate food and clothing like all ordinary people in Daming. In this way, will they still rebel?
Zhu Cijiong's decision directly led to a sea of ​​tents outside the city of Siming Mansion, with all kinds of tents everywhere, on hillsides, beside small rivers, and in fields, there were gathered Ming soldiers and prisoners everywhere. , The train at Siming Mansion Railway Station has never stopped, and troops and prisoners are constantly pouring out of it, and supplies and food are constantly being transported out of it. The liveliness of remote prefectural cities is likely to surpass that of Guilin, Guangzhou, Kunming and other provincial capitals.

Now, the Guanning Army led by Cao Wenzhao and the 15 prisoners under escort have already arrived, the Dingliao Army led by Qin Yiming and 25 prisoners have also arrived one after another, and the Wuwei Army led by Li Mingfu and 25 prisoners have also arrived from Guangzhou. The entire Siming Mansion has gathered 30 troops and 55 captives. The camp is nearly a hundred miles away. Fortunately, Siming Mansion is a large basin. Otherwise, there is really no place for so many people to camp.

As for whether the captives will rebel, there is no need to worry about it at all. Like the captives of the peasant army, the emperor has already spoken to let them serve five years of hard labor and then let them go back to their hometowns. It’s been almost three years, and I’ll be free in two more years. If you let them rebel at this time, it’s no wonder they don’t kill you.

Manchurian captives, Zhu Cijiong also treated them equally, let them serve five years of hard labor, and then let them go back to their hometowns. Although it is not long now, don't forget that their families are all under the control of the Ming army. If they dare to rebel , The consequences are not something they can bear!
Of course Zhu Cijiong was not afraid that they would rebel. Right now he was sitting in his own imperial train, discussing the issue of the "Ming Dynasty vassal system" with Sun Yuanhua, Cheng Guoxiang, Huang Daozhou and other court officials.

As he and King Philip IV of Spain described this special train, it has a special bedroom, a special dining room, a special study room, a special meeting room, as well as an imperial dining room, an imperial doctor's room, a toilet, etc. And so on, there are also resting places for eunuchs, court ladies, and Jinyiwei, which can be said to have everything that one expects to find. It is a mobile palace.

As for the reason for discussing the "Daming Fan vassal state order system", there is nothing wrong with it itself. The main reason is that it is too programmatic and lacks the necessary detailed regulations. Zhu Cijiong called Huang Daozhou and others this time to discuss a supplementary detailed regulation. .

For example, both the vassal state and the vassal state are managed by the vassal kings and vassal kings conferred by the Ming Dynasty, so what is the specific process of the feudal kings and vassal kings canonization, what are the credentials, and who is eligible to accept the canonization of the Ming Dynasty?These must be explained clearly and a fixed process should be formed, otherwise when it comes time to canonize the next vassal king and vassal king, there will be chaos.

For another example, the taxes of the vassal state and the vassal state are collected by the vassal king and the vassal king themselves. There must be a collection standard, otherwise those vassal kings and the vassal kings extort violently for pleasure and arouse civil uprisings. Don't let Daming wipe his ass.

For another example, the vassal king and the vassal king are responsible for providing the food and supplies for the army of the vassal state and the vassal state. He Shuwang would definitely not accept it, and they couldn't give as much as they wanted, otherwise Daming would lose a lot of money. Therefore, a specific standard must be given according to the number of troops.

For another example, the officials of the vassal state are all appointed and removed by the vassal king. What is the standard of appointment and removal? It cannot be said that they can appoint and remove whoever they want. Wouldn’t the unified imperial examination organized by the Ming Dynasty become a joke? The above must be held by people who have been awarded the title of Jinshi by the Ming Dynasty, and those who have a few ranks and above must be held by people with the title of Juren, so that those national students who have studied the Four Books and Five Classics of the Ming Dynasty have sufficient motivation, otherwise who will learn what Chinese? ah.

When these supplementary details are almost revised, and the convoy is about to arrive at Siming Mansion, at this time Nanyang can be said to be full of troops:
In the Siming Mansion in the north, there are Tianxiong Army, Guanning Army, Dingliao Army, Wuwei Army, the Second Army of the Frontier Defense Army, and the First Army of the Imperial Guards who are about to arrive, with a total of 60 troops;
In the Xingcheng Port base in the south, there are Ming's Nanyang Fleet, South China Sea Fleet, and Naval Reserve Corps with a total of 25 troops and thousands of warships;

In Fangcheng Xingang, south of Siming Mansion, there are also Ming's Beiyang Fleet and Beihai Fleet with a total of 20 troops and more than [-] warships;

In Menggen Mansion in Yunnan, there are tens of thousands of chieftains gathered from all over the world. Well, what is going on with these chieftains?Let's see the breakdown next time.

(End of this chapter)

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