Daming Military Empire

Chapter 317 The Crown Prince of Portugal

Chapter 317 The Crown Prince of Portugal

Zhu Cijiong naturally knew about Gaston's sneaking away. Now that it's over, the European peace talks are completely impossible. In addition, the cultural invasion and economic invasion have also been resolved. The goal of his trip to the European continent is even It is completely completed, and the next step is the real family visit.

On the third day after Gaston slipped away, Zhu Cijiong formally bid farewell to Philip IV and embarked on a journey to the Holy Roman Empire to visit relatives. After another ten days of boring travel, they arrived at the port of Valencia. , When he got here, he didn't set off right away, because there was still a large piece of land to receive.

Regarding the construction of the Daming Commercial City, Zhu Cijiong had already discussed with Xu Erdou, Sun Zhihao and others several times on the road. He devoted a lot of effort to the first commercial base established by Daming in Europe, and combined with the business model of later generations, He came up with a lot of ideas.

If you want to do business well, the traffic is naturally the first condition. Only when there are more people coming and going, the business will be booming. The Daming Trade City is next to the port, and the traffic is not bad, but Zhu Cijiong feels that this is not enough. He thinks There are many ways to create and convenient traffic.

First of all, he decided to set the starting point of the Valencia-Madrid railway at the back of Daming Trade City. Anyway, the railway was built by Daming. Of course, this condition must be fully utilized. In this way, Daming Trade City is located at the port and railway station In the middle, if you want to go to Madrid by train, you must pass through Daming Trade City, and if you want to go to the port to go to sea, you must also pass through Daming Trade City, so it is difficult to think about the flow of people.

Then, he also decided to build a small ring road to connect the port, the old city of Valencia, Daming Trade City and the railway station, and all of them will use viaducts. Anyway, there are no super-high vehicles in this era, and they will be three or four meters high. That's enough, with Daming's current technology, it's not a problem at all.This will not affect the land transportation, but also create a novel scenic spot, and there will be many people who will come to see it.

The loop line is planned to be only forty or fifty kilometers away, but Zhu Cijiong decided to add ten trains, so that each station will have a train passing by almost every 5 minutes, which is very convenient for transporting people and goods.

In the end, he also decided to help Spain renovate the port of Valencia. All the docks are equipped with steam-powered hoists, and they are the kind that can be hoisted directly onto the train. In this way, the cargo throughput of the port of Valencia can be increased. More than ten times.

In terms of the internal structure of the trade city, he decided to introduce the model of a pedestrian street. Of course, ordinary people travel on foot now. This pedestrian street mainly does not refer to whether to take a car or not, but to the setting of shops. He asked Xu Erdou, He Sun Zhihao, etc. People classify all the products of the royal store, and open all the stores as specialty stores. Each store only sells one kind of product, instead of selling everything like the grocery store, which makes people look for it. For half a day, all the shops, including the roads, should be built in a fashionable and beautiful way, plus some special food, and some leisure and entertainment places will be built, making people feel that shopping is like traveling.

After finalizing the general layout and planning of the trade city, Zhu Cijiong left ten thousand Jinyi guards here to assist Xu Erdou, Sun Zhihao and others in building the trade city, and then set foot on the Daming and rushed to the Holy Roman Empire. As for these Jinyi guards, Anyway, Daming will have a large fleet of ships traveling between Europe and Daming every month, so it will be very convenient for them to go back.

Zhu Cijiong originally thought that nothing would happen during this trip. With such a huge fleet and so many super battleships, no one dares to provoke them even in Europe. Unless the big powers are full of food, it is impossible to gather a huge fleet to provoke them. his.

However, as soon as the fleet left the port of Valencia, and the fleet sent off by Spain had just returned, his combined fleet was stopped!

Zhu Cijiong was so strange, he quickly picked up the binoculars and ran to the bow of the Daming ship, watching nervously.

Looking at it this way, he didn't turn his nose upside down by mistake. There were more than a dozen ships scattered in front of him, and the Fuchuan battleship was at the head. It turned out to be Shivira. In front of the fleet, you're looking for death. If Zheng Zhihu and Huang Long's tendons are wrong, they don't stop the boat and just run over them, you will burp!
At this time, the sailor who was watching from the mast suddenly climbed down, knelt in front of him and reported: "My Majesty, the forward raised the flag, and important people are visiting."

VIP?In Zhu Cijiong's eyes, only kings and emperors can be regarded as important figures. The problem is that he knows the king of Spain in Europe. Could it be that the Holy Roman Emperor came here to greet him in person? That is impossible, even if he really There is at least a large fleet of hundreds of ships, how come there are only more than ten ships.

Zhu Cijiong thought for a while, and he simply asked people to lift the dragon chair and place it in the middle of the deck, then spread a red carpet in front of the dragon chair, and lined up a hundred palace ladies, a hundred eunuchs, and a hundred brocade guards on both sides of the carpet, and then , sitting directly on the dragon chair and waiting for this important person to "visit".

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the Fuchuan warship borrowed by Shivela finally passed through the heavy guards and approached the Daming. After a while, Shivela led a tall, thin man who was nearly 40 years old to the red carpet In the front, looking at the thin and tall man, he should be a nobleman with a relatively high status.

This time Shivela didn't rush up to meet him, but followed the tall and thin man in a well-behaved manner, and slowly came to the front of the dragon chair.

The tall, thin man didn't look very nervous, but seemed a little excited. He came to Zhu Cijiong, touched his chest with his right hand, bowed his head slightly, and then said something in Portuguese, which Zhu Cijiong naturally couldn't understand. Sitting on the dragon chair, he looked at Shivera curiously, waiting for his explanation.

Shivira followed suit with a boob salute, and then explained: "This is the crown prince jointly recommended by our Portuguese nobles, a descendant of Joao I of the Portuguese Avis Dynasty, His Royal Highness the Duke of Braganza."

Halo, that means this is the future King of Portugal. Zhu Cijiong still attaches great importance to Portugal as an ally. He quickly stood up from the dragon chair, gave the same chest salute, and greeted in Spanish: " Your Royal Highness, Duke of Braganza, hello, I'm sorry, because I don't know your identity, so I didn't arrange a grand reception, please forgive me."

The Duke of Braganza saluted again, moved: "His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire, hello, I took the liberty and came here in a hurry without notifying you in advance, please forgive me."

The Duke of Braganza spoke Spanish this time, but Zhu Cijiong understood it. He looked around and saw that it was in broad daylight. The Duke of Ragansa and Shivira entered the study on the second floor, closed the door, and discussed in secret.

(End of this chapter)

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