Daming Military Empire

Chapter 115 Continue to Bunker

Chapter 115 Continue to Bunker
After repelling Huang Taiji, Zhu Cijiong did not let people pursue him, but let the whole army rest on the spot and wait for orders.Early the next morning, he summoned all the generals to come to a meeting again, but this time instead of a blank piece of paper, he hung a huge map of Liaodong, and what he held in his hand was not a charcoal pencil, but a smooth stick. white wooden pole.

Zhu Cijiong saw that all the generals had almost arrived, so he pointed to the map and said: "Now that Huang Taiji has retreated to Haizhouwei, hundreds of miles away from our army, what should we do next, whether to attack or defend, let everyone discuss. "

Hearing this, the generals began to stare at the map and meditate.

After an unknown period of time, Zhu Cijiong felt that his legs were going numb, and none of the generals spoke.Zhu Cijiong became a little impatient, he glanced around, and found that everyone was a little timid, as if they were afraid of offending Long Yan, only Sun Chengzong's eyes were excited, eager to try.

Zhu Cijiong walked over directly, put the white wooden pole into Sun Chengzong's hand, and said without denying it: "Teacher, you are the most familiar with Liaodong, so let's talk about it first."

After all, he turned around, turned the chair over, faced the map, and sat down directly.

Sun Chengzong took the white wooden pole, hesitated for a while, then straightened his face, bowed and saluted: "Please forgive my offense."

Zhu Cijiong raised his hand and pointed at the map, urging him: "I forgive you for your innocence, go up and talk about it."

Then Sun Chengzong took the white wooden pole, passed Zhu Cijiong, came to the map, pointed to the map and said: "I think that now that Huang Taiji is newly defeated, he has scruples about our artillery, and he will definitely not go out of the city easily to fight our army. We can first build a fort on the bank of the Sancha River, and then use this fort as a basis to continuously repair the surrounding guards and forts, weaving a tight defense network to prevent Huang Taiji from advancing an inch. At the same time, we can also send troops Going straight to Gaizhou Guard, Huang Taiji's main defensive focus should be in the north, and the Gaizhou Guard in the south does not have too many soldiers and horses. As long as we take Gaizhou Guard down, the entire southeastern part of Liaodong can be slowly acquired. At that time, there will be no obstacles between the Liaodong Army, the Shandong Army and the Dongjiang Army under Mao Wenlong, the Pidao general, and the three armies can completely unite to fight Jiannu, and there is hope for the recovery of the entire territory of Liaodong."

Still building bunkers, don't you find it troublesome?Zhu Cijiong glanced around again, and found that all the generals nodded thoughtfully, but no one raised any objections!

Since these battle-tested generals think it is feasible, then this method must be feasible, Zhu Cijiong decided: "Then follow the Taifu's order, the army will rise tomorrow, go to the Sancha River to repair the fort, and go to build the fort. The state guard took it down."

Now the army assembled in Liaodong includes Sun Chuanting's 12 Qin army, 25 elite Beijing camps, and about [-] Liaodong army. After discussing with Sun Chengzong, Zhu Cijiong and Sun Chengzong decided to leave [-] Liaodong troops to garrison Santaizibao and Xiping. Fort and Zhenwu Fort, the remaining [-] troops escorted the [-] civilians who originally built Santaizi Fort to build the city by the Sancha River.

Early the next morning, when the army was up, Zhu Cijiong didn't care about how the army went. Sun Chengzong made the arrangements for the specific things. He himself sat on the dragon chariot, looked around with a telescope, and took a look at Sun Chengzong's arrangements. Keep it in your eyes, keep it in your heart, and prepare for leading the army to fight in the future.

Sun Chengzong has always been mature and prudent, and he is also meticulous in the arrangement of the march. Although Huang Taiji has been bombarded and is unlikely to ambush and sneak attack on the way, Sun Chengzong still sent all the scouts to the Santaizi Fort, Haizhouwei and Gaizhouwei. Searching back and forth in the vast area between the cities.

Huang Taiji didn't come to sneak attack, but he didn't stay in Haizhouwei honestly either. According to the report from the scouts, he even dispatched about [-] infantry and [-] cavalry to guard about [-] cannons. Went to Gaizhouwei.

Sun Chengzong said inwardly that it was a pity that Houjin had never paid much attention to defense. Gaizhouwei originally had 5 defenders, and sent 20 troops to attack the city, which could be easily captured.He originally thought that as soon as he arrived at the place where the Sanchahe Fort was being built, he would immediately divide up 5 troops to attack Gaizhou Guard. With [-] troops standing between Haizhou Guard and Gaizhou Guard, Huang Taiji would rescue him even if he wanted to. no.But now that Huang Taiji divides his troops to garrison, it will be more troublesome to attack the city. [-] horses are definitely not enough, at least [-].

The siege was originally the most troublesome thing. When the quality of the soldiers on both sides was about the same, the attacking party would definitely suffer a lot of casualties. Now that Huang Taiji had transported twenty cannons, the casualties in the siege would definitely increase greatly.But Gaizhou Wei must attack, and no matter how many casualties there are, they must be attacked. This time, Huang Taiji's arrogance was finally suppressed, and the emperor led an army of 15 troops to come to help. State guard, after that there is even less hope.

Zhu Cijiong didn't know about Sun Chengzong's entanglement, and he had never led an army to attack a city, so he didn't have an intuitive understanding of the difficulty of attacking a city. He only had a little experience in hot-weapons combat, which he saw on TV, compared to marching and fighting , commanding the battle, he might not even be as good as Zu Er's fool.

Fortunately, the siege of Santaizi Fort has been lifted, and Zu Dashou has also been rescued. Now there is no need to be so anxious. You can build the Sanchahe Fort first and then attack Gaizhouwei. This is blocking Huang Taiji.As long as there are 20 horses left, Huang Taiji will not even think about capturing Sanchahe Fort in a short time; as long as 5 horses are left, Huang Taiji probably will not even have the slightest desire to attack.In this way, the remaining troops can all attack Gaizhouwei, and there is no need to worry that Huang Taiji will suddenly come out from behind when attacking the city and engage in two-sided attacks.

Sun Chengzong reported the actual situation and his own thoughts to Zhu Cijiong one by one, to see if the emperor had any better solutions, what could Zhu Cijiong do, he was mainly here to command hot-weapon warfare, he really didn't understand the siege of the city , In the end, we can only follow what Sun Chengzong said, build the fort first, and then talk about it after the fort is built.

Sun Chengzong is worthy of being an expert in building fortresses. Under his command, 15 civilians and [-] Liaodong troops worked together to quarry, dig soil, burn bricks, and build walls in one go. [-] people played together. The speed increased rapidly, and the wall was completed in less than ten days.

Normally at this time, Huang Taiji would come out to demolish the bunker, but this time he didn't come because there was the Chongzheng Emperor Zhu Cijiong who was idle and panicked beside him.He couldn't get in the way of building the fortress, so he could only practice the infantry and artillery coordinated combat system. He led Sun Yuanhua and Sun Chuanting to drill around with [-] Beijing elites and [-] Tianxiong troops all day long. Never stopped.

If Huang Taiji came here at this time, he would only be the best sparring partner. He thought he was born to be the protagonist, how could he do such a thing as a sparring partner, so he didn't come.

After the wall is built, there are auxiliary facilities such as the nun’s wall, arrow stacks, city gates, and turrets. If these are to be carefully crafted, it may take several months, but if you only want functions, it is still very difficult to ignore the appearance. Soon, Sun Chengzong naturally didn't have time to pay attention to the appearance, so in less than five days, these auxiliary facilities were almost completed.

If it is a complete city, roads and residential buildings must be built inside the city wall, but if it is purely used as a fortress, this is enough.As for the roads and houses, you can wait until the surrounding area of ​​the fort gradually becomes stable, and then recruit refugees or military households to come and build them.

After the fort was completed, people would be stationed there. Zu Dashou seemed to be a city guard specially trained by Sun Chengzong, and this time he was left behind by Sun Chengzong again.However, the Sanchahe Fort is not the same as the Santaizi Fort. It not only guards the passage leading to the Jin area of ​​Guangning, but also cuts off the connection between Haizhou Wei and Gaizhou Wei. The key to regaining the lost land in southeastern Liaodong for the first time.

Therefore, Zhu Cijiong deliberately left Sun Chuanting and his 45 musketeers and [-] cavalry, plus the [-] Liaodong soldiers led by Zu Dashou, the Ming army stationed at Sanchahe Fort reached [-]. Zhu Cijiong also left all [-] [-]-type howitzers in Sanchahe Fort, so that even if Huang Taiji brought artillery to attack with all his strength, it would be difficult to capture them.

As for the candidate for the left-behind general, it is naturally Sun Chuanting. Although Zu Dashou has rich experience in defending the city, he is only a general after all. The positions are all first-rank titles, and he is more familiar with flintlock guns and artillery than his ancestors, so even Sun Chengzong has no objection to appointing him as the chief general.

So far, Sanchahe Fort is considered to be a real fortress, with one hundred thousand troops stationed there. Da Ming has never invested so many troops to defend a fortress since the war with Houjin. Huang Taiji will probably vomit blood depressed when he finds out. The most he can mobilize now is 15 troops, and 15 horses will attack the fortress garrisoned by 10 horses. Unless Sun Chuanting and Zu Dashou are traitors, there is basically no hope of conquering it.

Naturally, Sun Chuanting and Zu Dashou couldn't be traitors, so facing the fortress guarded by an army of [-], Huang Taiji had no choice but to vomit blood!

This is not over yet, and there is another thing that makes him almost spurt blood in anger: the little emperor Zhu Cijiong and the old guy Sun Chengzong actually led an army of 15 to attack Gaizhouwei!
Do you want to do this!He has never been the only one who calculated others, and no one has ever calculated him like this. He built a fortress and blocked it in the middle, turning Gaizhouwei into an isolated city, and then surrounded it with an army. This is the same tactic he used when he attacked Santaizi Fort. It's so similar, he just didn't build the fortress, and if he blocked the road, he blocked others first!
Of course, Zhu Cijiong and Sun Chengzong didn't go to besiege Gaizhou Guard. They had already decided from the beginning that no matter how many people Huang Taiji arranged, they must capture Gaizhou City!
Not only because Gaizhou is an important throat connecting the north and south of Liaodong, but also because winning Gaizhou is equivalent to winning the south of Liaodong. The more important reason is: since the Sarsh War, Da Ming has been passively defending, defending, No matter how defensive they were, they were attacked by Jiannu from Shenyang to Ningyuan, and countless cities were conquered, but Daming never organized a decent counterattack. The only counterattack against Ningyuan was a sneak attack while Huang Taiji's main force was not in Liaodong.

Daming is no longer the original Ming. With the rapid development of the military system of the Ming Dynasty, the combat effectiveness of the Ming army has made a qualitative leap. Now Zhu Cijiong has no shortage of money, food, or weapons and equipment. The only thing he lacks is a hearty battle A dripping victory, to announce the rise of Ming Dynasty!
Therefore, Gaizhou City must be captured!

(End of this chapter)

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