Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 86 To the Territory

Chapter 86 Return to the Territory
Yellow Turban Camp, Chinese Army Tent...

Wang Teng sat in the middle, his already gloomy face became even gloomy.

On the first seats on both sides, Ju Yi and Guan Hai were both wearing bandages, looking at Wang Teng nervously.

Wang Teng was very angry. Two first-class historical generals, together with Xiandeng Shishi and Huangjin Lishi, not only failed to capture Cheng Huang and the seriously injured Gan Ning, but also lost many soldiers.Even Guan Hai and Ju Yi were injured. In a short time, they will not be able to go to the battlefield.

This is not important, the soldiers were about to catch Gan Ning, but were rescued by a master.Being able to rescue Gan Ning in an instant without the high-level special unit reacting, shows how terrifying the visitor is, probably much higher than Master Zhang Jiao!
If this person is willing to make a move, he must have something to do with Cheng Huang.

There was such a master behind Cheng Huang, which caught him off guard.

"Hehe," Wang Teng laughed uglier than crying, "You two generals, it's not your fault this time, it's that bastard Cheng Huang who is too cunning. You have done your best, go down and take care of your wounds first, don't worry about the military camp. "

"Thank you my lord,"

"Thank you little virtuous teacher,"

Wang Teng's words worked, Ju Yi and Guan Hai cupped their hands at the same time, then turned and walked out.

Seeing the two disappear, the smile on Wang Teng's face gradually turned cold, "A first-class historical star, who can't even catch the garbage Cheng Huang, is really a waste."

"Cheng Huang, I have sealed off the entire mountain range, and you must escape with your wings."

Immediately, he took out the ancient mirror and cast a spell. The scene on the ancient mirror made him feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

I saw Gan Ning and Cheng Huang, sitting on a raft, drifting out of the mountains from the only river in the mountains.

And Gan Ning, who was talking and laughing with Cheng Huang, didn't look hurt at all.

"I'm so stupid..." Wang Teng's face was covered with veins, obviously extremely angry.After all calculations, they did not expect Gan Ning's injuries to recover so quickly, and they escaped by water.

If you want to intercept now, I'm afraid it's too late.The most important thing is that Gan Ning's injury has healed, and two of his generals were injured again, so now he sent people to deliver food.


Gan Ning and Cheng Huang made the raft by themselves. They cut down some trees with long knives and tied them together with vines to form a raft.

Although simple, the raft was driven by Gan Ning, the old driver of the navy general, and the raft ran smoothly.

Sitting on the raft, looking at the receding mountains, the haze in Cheng Huang's heart was swept away.

"Xingba, we are basically safe when we leave the boundary of Xuzhou! Only this time, we almost confessed to being in this mountain range." Cheng Huang said lightly.

"Hmph," Gan Ning snorted coldly, "Yellow Turban Thief, this time you hurt your Grandpa Gan, in the future your Grandpa Gan will definitely pay you back ten times."

"Well, Xingba, the mastermind of this attack on us is Wang Teng, we must make him look good in another day."


The two went smoothly, and within a day, they left the territory of Xuzhou.Then the two went ashore, bought two fast horses at a nearby market, and went straight to Jingzhou.

Along the way, they encountered no less than ten groups of Yellow Turban soldiers, but they all got through without any danger.

Three days later, the two returned to Dongting.

This is my territory, my home, looking at the plants and trees in Dongting, every commoner, of course Cheng Huang felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Back in Xingyue Town, Ma Liang and Xu Shu had already greeted them.

When everyone meets, a warm greeting is unavoidable.

Back in the meeting hall, Cheng Huang sat down on the town bench with a tired look on his face.These few days, Gan Ning and Gan Ning kept traveling, eating and sleeping in the open, it was really hard work.

"My lord, seeing how busy you are, you must have encountered a lot of trouble on the road!" Xu Shu is worthy of being a wise man, observing the micro, and seeing the appearance of Cheng Huang and Gan Ning, he already guessed that things are not that simple.

"Hey!" Cheng Huang sighed, and told everyone what happened on the road, which made Ma Liang and Xu Shu break out in cold sweat.

"My lord, next time you go out, you should bring more guards. You are the backbone of our territory! If something goes wrong, who will lead the people in the territory? How about this! I will bring the twelve guards, and I will take care of you later. How about using it to protect you? Anyway, I stay in the territory, so there is no need to worry about safety." After hearing Cheng Huang's narration, Ma Liang said.If he chose Cheng Huang, he would do his best to assist him, so he cared about Cheng Huang very much.

"That's right! My lord, you can't easily risk yourself in the future," Xu Shu also said.

The two people's words of concern moved Cheng Huang's heart, so he could only smile brightly: "Mr. Ji Chang, Mr. Yuan Zhi, this time is really an accident. Who would have thought that the Yellow Turban Rebellion would suddenly erupt? Who would have thought that Wang Teng would come to plot What about me? I thought my own safety must be the most important thing, the two gentlemen can rest assured!"

"Cough cough," he coughed twice, and then said, "Mr. Yuan Zhi, the yellow scarves suddenly broke out like a flame of fire, and have already controlled many towns in the Central Plains. I wonder what Mr. Yuan Zhi thinks about this matter? "

"Hehe," Xu Shu showed an inscrutable smile on his face, "My lord, the advantage the yellow scarf has is only temporary. When the court reacts, it will definitely send a large army to counterattack. When the time comes, the battle between dragons and tigers will be over, and whoever wins will lose." It's still unknown."

"However, no matter who wins or loses, it is an opportunity for us. Even if the court wins, it will definitely become extremely empty under the consumption of the war. In addition, the emperor's greed and eunuchs' power will definitely increase taxes. This made the already impoverished people even worse, under heavy pressure, civil uprisings were bound to happen again, and the Han Dynasty was in danger."

"If the yellow turban moth bandits win, because of their lax discipline and offending the interests of the gentry, they will definitely cause resistance from the local armed forces, and the world will also be in chaos. What's more, the moth bandits will fight on their own, and their strength will be greatly reduced. I am afraid they cannot withstand the local armed forces. cannibalization."

After Xu Shu's analysis, Ma Liang, Cheng Huang, and Gan Ning couldn't stop nodding.

"So, Mr. Yuan Zhi, what should we do?" Cheng Huang asked again.

"When troubled times come, there are bound to be heroes. What we should do is to gain more benefits from the Yellow Turban Rebellion. My lord, I suggest building another village on the north bank of Dongting to attract refugees from the war. As long as we The territory is rich, supplemented by preferential policies, so there is no need to worry about the population issue."

"Of course, as a waterside city, we should train a more powerful navy and build more advanced warships. As long as our navy is strong, we can wipe out all the water bandits on the Yangtze River and completely control the Yangtze River Basin. Even, we can Enter the sea and open up sea lanes. War, you can go to the big cities in the great north through the rivers, and you can trade with the various tribes in the north."


Xu Shu unraveled, analyzed slowly, and soon planned the future of Dongting.

PS, the author still has a sigh of relief, don't rush to update!
(End of this chapter)

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