Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 67 Villager Migration

Chapter 67 Villager Migration
An idea popped up in Cheng Huang's mind. It seems that it would be good to live in this mountain village for the rest of his life.Immediately, he strangled the thought again.

This is the game world, and everything is ruled by the system. If a group of bandits are spawned near the mountain village, the consequences will go without saying.

Before rebirth, this village was bloodbathed by bandits. In order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, it is better to take these villagers away.

"Damn, hairy dog," Cheng Huang said with a smile on his face, calling the children by their names.These children were not shy either, they affectionately pulled Cheng Huang's trousers and walked into the village clothes.Some children just twisted their noses, and then pulled Cheng Huang's clothes.

Cheng Huang didn't take it seriously, and soon walked into the village.

"Boss," at this time, a teenager jumped out of a house and called affectionately.

It was Liu Qi. Before rebirth, Cheng Huang and Liu Qi had the best relationship.After being reborn, in just a few days, Liu Qi and Cheng Huang became good friends again.

Liu Qi's cry attracted the villagers, and everyone came out of the house one after another, and greeted Cheng Huang affectionately.

They live here all the year round, and some of them have never walked out of the mountains before, and they yearn for the outside world very much.People like Cheng Huang who came from outside the mountains and wandered outside are brave in their minds.

Duan Shi, Zhu Sheng, Shi Long and others also ran out and hugged Cheng Huang affectionately.After a long absence, Cheng Huang has never smiled so innocently like today.

"Folks, what do you think I brought you?" Cheng Huang saw that almost everyone came out, so he took out the packed meals from the storage ring like a burning knife.

"Okay!..." The villagers cheered immediately.Seeing Cheng Huang take out the burning knife, Wang Ran involuntarily stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

With wine and food, the villagers hurried home, took out their own family's case books, and sat on the ground, and several people distributed the meals Cheng Huang took out to the villagers' dining tables.

Amidst the laughter, a sumptuous lunch officially began.

Along the way, Gan Ning looked at Wang Ran with fiery eyes, just like worshiping an idol.

At the banquet, Gan Ning even toasted to Wang Ran frequently, and there was a burning knife that he liked, and Wang Ran would not refuse anyone who came, and the two had a great time drinking.

Satiated with wine and food, Cheng Huang stood up and said loudly: "Folks, Cheng Huang has received your kindness, and he can't repay you. To be honest, I was conferred by the emperor this time as a general of bandits, and I have a piece of territory."

"Okay," the villagers cheered immediately.

"Brother Cheng, what is General Dangkou? It seems very powerful." An old villager asked.

"Uncle Zhu, you don't even know General Dang Kou, you should go out more often." The young Shi Hu smiled, "Dang Kou Jiang fungus is a kind of mushroom, it's delicious."

Hearing Shi Hu's words, the corners of Cheng Huang's mouth couldn't help twitching, you generals don't know about it, cheers!

"In short, I'm an official outside, and I have my own territory. Now, I'm going to come back to pick up Master and go out to enjoy the blessings. I also want to take you out. I don't know if you are willing."

"Everyone in our village was saved by the village chief. We will go wherever the village chief wants us to go." The old villager replied immediately.

"Yes, let's follow the village chief." This time, no one refuted his words.

Cheng Huang walked up to Wang Ran, "Master, what do you mean? I forgot to tell you, I found a doctor with excellent medical skills, hoping to cure your leg disease."

Wang Ran smiled, "Don't bother your kid, let me tell you first, I can't help you with anything!"

Cheng Huang and Gan Ning were overjoyed, Wang Ran meant, of course he agreed.

That night, the villagers held the last bonfire party, singing and dancing, which was very lively.Gan Ning and Cheng Huang were also infected by the joyous atmosphere and joined them to spend a happy night.

Early the next morning, the villagers packed up and saluted, and began to move their families.Cheng Huang's storage ring played a role, and put all the villagers' heavy luggage into the ring.

Because there were old people and children in the team, they didn't move fast. It took three days to arrive at Yuanling City, and then headed straight for Dongting Lake on Gan Ning's warship.

Along the way, I also encountered several waves of water bandits, but they all ran away when they saw the big brocade flag hanging on the battleship.

After returning to the territory, Ma Liang came to welcome him immediately, and even paid respects to Wang Ran.

The villagers came to the outside world for the first time, and they were very curious about everything. They looked here and there in Xingyue Town, and they looked like farmers entering the city.

For the villagers from the mountains, Cheng Huang is not stingy, and the town is responsible for everything he needs.In addition, Cheng Huang not only designated an area in the town, but also designated an island in Dongting Lake for these villagers to live in.

As for Liu Qi and the other ten original brothers, Cheng Huang took him with him, planning to let them train the Wudang Flying Army as soon as Wang Ping came back.

Of course, Cheng Huang had another idea, which was to give these ten brothers to the master for training.If the master taught these ten brothers himself, then these ten brothers would definitely become his most powerful assistants.

After arranging these people, Cheng Huang took his master and walked to the Heroic Soul Tower.He believed that Master would definitely like the environment of the Heroic Soul Tower.

Familiar with the road, the two walked to the second floor of the Heroic Soul Tower, and Cheng Huang found that Wang Ran was enjoying the environment here with his eyes closed.

After a while, Wang Ran opened his eyes, looked at Cheng Huang and said, "Do you know why my feet are limping? It's not because of a fall, but because of internal qi stagnation during practice. I found that the breath here is very Cultivating inner qi is extremely helpful, if I can live here, in time, my leg injury will definitely heal without medicine."

Cheng Huang said happily: "Master, I brought you here, and I guessed that you would like it here. It's great. It's great to have Master guarding the Hero Tower. I'll ask someone to bring all the supplies here immediately." .”

"Oh," Wang Ran showed a wry smile, "Huang Er, you don't know! According to the rules, we hermits can't take action against mortals, nor can we directly participate in worldly affairs, unless others do it first and have the intention of killing me." Only then can I fight back.”

"That's it," Cheng Huang was stunned. In this way, people at the Five Sage level are subject to more severe system restrictions, and they may not be able to walk in the secular world at all.

"Master, although you can't directly intervene in the affairs of the territory, there is one thing that this apprentice wants to ask of you."

"Huang Er, please tell me,"

"Actually, it's nothing, just Liu Qi and other ten outstanding hunters. I want to train them to be my personal bodyguards, and I want to ask Master to help guide them."

"That's it," Wang Ran replied after hesitating for a while, "Well, you hand over ten of them to me. After three months, I promise to train them to be your ace guards."

PS, not today, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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