Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 55 The end of the bandit suppression (Part 4)

Chapter 55 The end of the bandit suppression (fourth update)

Just as Xu Shu expected, the water bandits stationed at Lingyunzhai knew that Huang Zu had escaped, put down their weapons and chose to surrender.

The other people who were taken away by the head of Sanzhai also chose to return to Xingyue Town under the encirclement of Wang Ping and Jiang Qin.

"Ding! The system prompts that you have successfully wiped out the Dongting water pirates. The system will reward you with a master carpenter, a master blacksmith, a master shipbuilder, and a master mason."

As the system prompt sounded, the Dongting Lake Bandit Suppression War came to an end.In this battle, more than [-] water bandits in Dongting were killed, and more than [-] were summoned.As for the officers and soldiers of the imperial court, there were less than [-] casualties, which can be said to be a complete victory.

At the end of the battle, Wang Ping and Jiang Qin cleaned the battlefield and received surrendered troops.Cheng Huang, Xu Shu and Xing Daorong led the team back to the barracks.According to the agreement, Ma Liang chose to be loyal to Cheng Huang.

After defeating the Dongting Water Bandits and gaining Ma Liang's allegiance, Cheng Huang's mood is of course very happy.After checking Ma Liang's attributes, Cheng Huang found that Ma Liang was not only a second-rate counselor, but also a rare internal affairs talent.Therefore, the position of the mayor of Xingyue Town must belong to him.

In the barracks, Cheng Huang specially visited the wounded officers and soldiers, and slaughtered chickens and sheep to reward the three armies.He personally toasted the soldiers and did enough superficial work, and the favorability of the officers and soldiers gradually increased.

Even Xing Daorong looked at him with admiration, and called General Cheng very affectionately.

They stayed in the barracks overnight, and Cheng Huang brought Xu Shu and Ma Liang back to Xingyue Town early the next morning.

Back in Xingyue Town, Gan Ning was already waiting.

Wang Lie also came to congratulate him. Now, he admires this lord very much.Even the Dongting pirates who are far stronger than themselves can be wiped out, what else can't be done?
Cheng Huang introduced a few people, and then brought them to the mayor's meeting hall.

Although the battle is over, there are many remaining problems left behind, but fortunately, with Ma Liang as an internal affairs talent and Xu Shu as a top-notch counselor, all problems are no problem.

First of all, Cheng Huang asked Ma Liang to take over all the tasks of Wang Lie.All the work in the town was handed over to Ma Liang.

Under Ma Liang's suggestion, the eighteen villages in Dongting were integrated into eight villages, and Xingyue Town was assigned special personnel to manage them.In addition, an academy was established in Xingyue Town, with Wang Lie as the dean, for the people in the town to learn knowledge.

Of course, the most important thing is that the academy can improve the hearts of the people.But Cheng Huang doesn't think so. He thinks that academies can not only learn culture, but also learn military skills and various skills.More importantly, it is necessary to educate the minds of the people.

Those newly surrendered pirates are too full of vigor and have problematic thinking. They must go through the education of the academy and pass the test before they can be officially naturalized in Xingyue Town.

In addition, with master-level talents, the blueprints of the Heroic Soul Tower and the Guanxin Tower in Cheng Huang's hands can be started to be built!Cheng Huang is looking forward to the role of this special building.

For the more than [-] water bandits who had surrendered, Gan Ning first selected [-] suitable ones to join the Jinfan Navy.

Out of more than [-] people, only [-] were selected. It can be seen how harsh the recruiting conditions of the Jinfan Navy are, which reflects the strength of the Jinfan Navy.

After Gan Ning made the selection, Wang Pingyou selected ten with outstanding qualifications to train Wudang's flying army.Of course, Wudang Feiyun's training requirements are also very demanding.

For the rest, Jiang Qin selected 800 people to train the navy, and Wang Ping selected 800 people to train the infantry.

As for the captured warships, only the high-level warships were sent to the shipyard to be dismantled and reinstalled to obtain the bonus of the special attributes of the territory.The rest were all converted into fishing boats, allowing a small number of water bandits to act as fishermen to save food for the territory.

The rest of the water bandits were assigned to various positions in the town according to their qualifications.

In addition, all kinds of equipment, food, gold, silver and jewelry seized in this battle were all transported back to Xingyue Town for unified distribution.

Not to mention, the pirates have occupied Dongting for many years, and they have collected a lot of treasures, which are all cheaper for Cheng Huang.

Only one item of gold coins was seized in the millions.Of course, for Xingyue Town, which already has a population of more than 1, a million gold coins will not take long.

Three days later, Cheng Huang finished handling the affairs in the town.If there is no Ma Liang, I am afraid that I will only be called the emperor when faced with such a mess.

However, even so, he was tired enough.

At this time, Xing Daorong had already returned to Changsha with his officers and soldiers.Cheng Huang took Xu Shu and Gan Ning to Changsha after dealing with the affairs of the town.

If he guessed right and handed in the mission, he should go to Luoyang to meet Emperor Liu Hong, and then accept the reward!

Nanyang County, one of the nine Jingxiang counties,

On the street at this time, a group of people surrounded them, including NPCs and non-players.

"Nimma, a rusty arrow costs a hundred thousand gold, why don't you grab it?"

"That's right, this guy is either a lunatic or a ****?"

This is the voice of the players talking.

At this time, a middle-aged man with ragged clothes and a dirty face came over with a heavy package on his back.Glancing at the crowd, he immediately showed an expression of interest.

In the middle of the crowd, there was a wooden cart covered with sackcloth, and the outline of a child could be vaguely seen.

A plainly dressed middle-aged man with a chiseled face sat beside the cart with a sad expression on his face.In front of him, there was a rusty iron arrow. Beside the iron arrow, a few words were written on the ground with stones.

"Sell arrows and bury children, one hundred thousand gold coins."

Ignoring everyone's arguments, the middle-aged man focused all his attention on the cart, stroking the child covered in linen with his hands.

"Haha, learn to be good at lying. If you write that your son is seriously ill and ask everyone to collect donations, I might give you back a gold coin."

"Yes! If you write that you haven't eaten for a few days and need money to buy buns, I might give you some."

The onlookers and NPCs were joking.However, the middle-aged man didn't seem to hear it at all, he only had eyes on the child covered in the sackcloth on the cart.

"It's boring, let me expose your fake tricks," a young player said, walking straight over, reaching out to catch the piece of sackcloth.

At this moment, the middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at the player.

That look, with endless killing intent, caused the player to shudder and retreat a few steps, too shocked to speak.

And this scene happened to fall into the eyes of the middle-aged man walking from the street.This middle-aged man was none other than Han Xuan who escaped in Dongting Lake.

After the three village masters escaped from Dongting Lake, Han Xuan quietly killed the other two village masters and snatched their treasures.

He thought about it, relying on these treasures, he would go to Luoyang to buy an official.However, because he had too much money, he had to disguise himself and sneak to Luoyang.


Seeing the killing intent of the middle-aged man, Han Xuan's heart suddenly brightened.I have countless treasures, and I happen to be short of a bodyguard, so why not bring this expert with me.

So, he pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the middle-aged man.

PS: I believe everyone already knows who it is. . .That's all for today, after reading this chapter, brothers, let's wash up and sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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