Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 504 God of Creation

Chapter 504 God of Creation
Locking Tower...

Cheng Huang's eyes blurred, and he appeared in a manor.

In front of my eyes, there are blooming flowers and green grass, an image of spring in the world.

"You came!"

A male voice sounded, and Cheng Huang realized that the door of a room in the manor was open, and the sound came from there.

Cheng Huang stepped into the room.

I saw a man in a suit with a straight nose sitting on the sofa.

That's right, no matter the room decoration or the person's clothes, they don't look like characters in the game world, but are no different from the real world.

Cheng Huang had the illusion of returning to the real world.

When he saw the man's face clearly, Cheng Huang frowned even more, inexplicably surprised.

That person's face was actually exactly the same as his own.

What's happening here?
Countless question marks popped up from the top of Cheng Huang's head.

Seeing Cheng Huang walk in, the man had a sweet smile on his face, "Please sit down, how about a cup of coffee?"

As he spoke, he pointed, and a cup of hot coffee appeared in front of him, floating in the air.

Cheng Huang didn't sit down.

At this moment, his heart is like ten thousand cockroaches galloping.

All of this is so weird!

The man saw Cheng Huang's doubts, and said lightly: "I know, you have a lot of doubts in your heart, but please believe that all your doubts will be solved now that you are here. Well, you sit first, you Ask questions, and I will answer."

Cheng Huang knew the truth that haste makes waste, so he sat on the sofa opposite the man, and then asked, "Who are you? Why are you here, and, is this the real world?"

"Hehe..." The man smiled faintly, "I guessed that you would ask this question first, what should I say? You can call me Tian, ​​or you can call me Creator. I am the patron saint of this face, that is, The GM in your mouth. In order to let you identify with my identity, I changed into your appearance, so that maybe it will give you a sense of intimacy."

While the man was talking, Cheng Huang checked the man's information using probing techniques.

Mysterious creature: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

A series of question marks made Cheng Huang a little confused.

But the man continued: "This is neither the game world nor the real world. This is just my private space. As for the decoration here, it is up to my will to change."

The man said, and with a wave of his hand, the scene in the room suddenly changed, like the scenery in the palace, but the man turned into an emperor wearing a dragon robe.

Cheng Huang was dumbfounded. The situation here was somewhat beyond his understanding.In other words, the guy in front of him might really be the legendary system god, the GM.

"So, why did you come to me? What is the secret of the game?" Cheng Huang asked again.

The man raised the coffee in his hand, took a sip, and said, "Of course I came to you because I have something important to do. Let me tell you the truth, I want you to take over my class and be the manager of this game. I Think, when you know the truth of the game, you will definitely agree."

"For tens of millions of years, I have guarded the order in this universe and made the world run normally. However, the time was too long, and I accidentally fell asleep. This sleep lasted for thousands of years. When I woke up It was only when I discovered that an extremely powerful demon broke into this universe from the outer universe and wreaked havoc on the order of the universe, and many planets with human civilization were invaded by this demon."

"So, I started a big battle with that demon. That battle lasted for decades, and countless galaxies were destroyed. Finally, I killed that demon, but I was also seriously injured. And after I fought with that demon At that time, a black hole that could swallow everything was created. The black hole was raging in the universe, and because I was seriously injured, I was helpless against the black hole.”

"So, I thought of a way, which is to find a successor to pass on my most powerful technique, the Jiuding Zhengong, so that my successor, with the forbidden weapon, can eliminate the black hole. So, I found someone with The earth where intelligent humans live, read the memories of the people on the earth. Then, I found the planet in the current game world, and used my weapon armillary sphere to change the memories of the people on this planet and the rules of this world, making you The online game server in the minds of people on earth. Finally, I convinced the leaders of your earth to believe the rumors that the earth is doomed, and fully promoted this game. The purpose is to find a player who is most suitable for the armillary sphere among all the people on earth. My successor."

"Finally, this person appeared, and he is you. When Xu Ding and your soul are fully fused, I will use my own magic power to make you reborn before the server opens, and then I will test you and let you grow. As a result, you You have not let me down, and you have come here. Little brother, are you willing to inherit my wish and go to destroy the black hole that is causing disaster to the universe?"

After finishing speaking, Chuangshi stared at Cheng Huang with infinite expectation in his eyes.

The corner of Cheng Huang's mouth twitched. This was the funniest joke he had heard this year.

Saving the universe sounds like a fantasy.

"I want to ask, since you can change the rules of a planet, why can't you eliminate black holes? Besides, why do you say I can do things that you can't do. Also, why should I promise you? What's the benefit?" Cheng Huang said coldly.

"Little brother, well said!" Chuangshi seemed to know what Cheng Huang would say, and said calmly: "If you promise me, you will become the master of this universe. From now on, you can do whatever you want." You can get it. Besides, it doesn’t matter if you don’t agree. In three months, the remaining power of the armillary sphere will be exhausted. At that time, all creatures on this planet will lose the blessing of the power of the system. It will all be wiped out. Is it? Are you willing to see your relatives, brothers and yourself just disappear like this?"


Huaxia District, Dongting...

The Yanhuang League and Jiangdong Sun Clan were hunted down by Shengguang City and Lijian Country, and there were not many soldiers left.

However, Shengguang City and Lijian Country District quickly gave up hunting down and killing the remnants of the two major forces, and joined forces with high-end military forces from other districts to directly kill Changsha.

As long as they take Changsha, China will fall completely.

The troops from the two super game areas, together with no less than [-] limited-level masters, entered Changsha very quickly without encountering any resistance.

The Dongting army had already withdrawn to Changsha and Dongting under the arrangement of Jia Xu and Xu Shu.They concentrated their forces in order to keep the imperial city in Huaxia District.

Now, all the Dongting generals gathered in the Xingyue City Lord's meeting hall, waiting for Xu Shu's dispatch.


(End of this chapter)

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