Chapter 475
That Liu Qi already had a death wish in his heart, and only hoped that Cheng Huang would kill him. How could he know that Cheng Huang didn't kill him, but let him go instead, and his expression suddenly became complicated.

"You, why did you let me go?" He asked tremblingly.

Cheng Huang smiled faintly, "My nephew refused to surrender to me because he wanted to protect his father's career, filial son! Didn't I say that? The most respected thing in my life, Cheng Huang, is a filial son. What are you guilty of? When you enter the city, How about I reward you heavily?"

Then Liu Qi looked at Cheng Huang in a daze, not knowing what to say.

Xu Shu and Zhao Yun beside him were already blushing, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Those who surrender are also filial sons, and those who do not surrender are also filial sons. His mouth grows on the lord, so he is justified in what he says.

As for Liu Cong, his heart was pounding, and he tied Liu Qi here. He thought that Cheng Huang would use it to sacrifice the flag, but he didn't expect that Cheng Huang would not kill him, but also rewarded him.Then in the future, my elder brother will definitely hate me, and I am afraid that my life will be difficult.

Cheng Huang's intention is very simple, that is, to make the Liu brothers fight among themselves, so that the officials in Jingzhou will never be united.If Liu Qi was killed by himself, then these old officials of Jingzhou would follow Liu Cong's lead.At that time, the scene will not be cleaned up.

And the other officials in Jingzhou couldn't figure out what Cheng Huang was thinking, so they lowered their heads and didn't dare to look up.

Cheng Huang's eyes swept across the audience with a smile on his face.

Loudly said: "Everyone, the emperor has made Changsha the capital, and Xiangyang is very close to you. You should have gone to worship. However, I think you are busy with business and don't have time, but it doesn't matter. From now on, you all go to Changsha, good luck." To serve the emperor."

Everyone suddenly realized that Cheng Huang was going to send himself and others to Changsha and watch them.

They were already very satisfied if Huang Cheng didn't kill them.

At present, Cheng Huang ordered Dongting soldiers and horses to enter the city.He sent Zhang He and Zhang Xiu to receive the Jingzhou soldiers who surrendered, and brought Xu Shu and Zhao Yun to the meeting hall of Jingzhou to arrange the affairs of these Jingzhou veterans.

First of all, he first used the Yue brothers to hand over the list of officials, listened to the opinions of the brothers of the Jia family, and sent most of the officials to Changsha.The brothers of the Zhang family took over the affairs of Jingzhou in their entirety.After all, the abilities of these two people are famous in history.

Secondly, adding Liu Qi and Liu Cong as members of the court, of course, are all useless titles.The Cai family brothers, who were in charge of Jingzhou's soldiers and horses, were sent to Wuling to wait for orders under Wei Yan's tent.Cai Xi, the head of the Cai family, was taken to Dongting for the elderly.

In a few days, Cheng Huang arranged everything.Then let Zhang Xi lead [-] soldiers to join Jingzhou's headquarters to guard Dongting, and he took Zhao Yun and Zhang Xiu two generals to send troops to Nanyang with Xu Shu, preparing to take over Nanyang Wancheng.

Wancheng, as the northern gateway of Jingzhou, has a very important strategic position, so Cheng Huang had to pay attention to it and went there by himself.

Soon, Cheng Huang's army arrived at Anzhong, an important town in the south of Nanyang. At this time, news came from the front that Yuan Shu sent a large army to attack Nanyang City.Under the cooperation of the inside and the outside, the Jingzhou army in Nanyang was defeated and had surrendered to Yuan Shu, and Nanyang fell.

Hearing this news, Cheng Huang was furious, and immediately led the army to rush, and soon arrived outside Wancheng.

Set up camp thirty miles away from Wancheng, Cheng Huang ordered Zhang Xiu to garrison the camp, and he led Zhao Yun and other generals with an army of [-] to kill Wancheng.

On that day, in the Battle of the Yellow Turbans in Wancheng, the two sides dispatched a total of 200 million troops. Now, Cheng Huang only brought [-] soldiers and horses. Can he take down Wancheng?
Cheng Huang led his troops and lined up at Nanyang City.

When the Dongting army arrived, Zhang Xun, the Nanyang guard, had already received the news and hurriedly summoned his men to discuss.

Chen Lan stepped forward and said: "General, although the Dongting army is small in number, they are all elite soldiers. We should not underestimate the enemy. In my opinion, we should stick to the city and immediately send someone to ask the Lord for reinforcements."

Zhang Xun was silent, but he heard Lei Bao say: "General, although the Dongting army is fierce, are we all vegetarians? General Chen is raising the ambitions of others and destroying his prestige. The last general is not talented, and he is willing to lead [-] soldiers." Ma, go out of the city and try this famous Dongting elite soldier."

Zhang Xun thought for a while, "Forget it, if the enemy comes, we don't even have the courage to fight. Let the world laugh at us if we tell it. General Lei, you will lead your troops to meet the enemy. However, don't love to fight. If you lose, immediately Return to the city."

"Yes!" Thunderstorm ordered to go.

Cheng Huang was about to send people forward to call for battle, when suddenly the gate of Wancheng was opened wide, and a group of men and horses rushed out shouting and forming formation outside the city.A mighty general rushed out, raised his knife and came to the front of the formation, pointed at the Dongting army and shouted: "Where is Huang Cheng in Dongting, come out and fight Grandpa Lei for three hundred rounds."

The surname Lei, I have never heard of it.It seems that it is just a nobody.

Cheng Huang was about to go forward, but he heard Zhao Yun say: "Brother, watch me go get this guy's head."

In today's world, apart from Lu Bu, no one is Zhao Yun's opponent, Cheng Huang nodded.

As soon as Zhao Yun stepped on Xue Feihong, the horse neighed and rushed out.

Seeing someone fighting, the thunderstorm raised his long knife and came to fight Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun shouted loudly, and Treading Feihong rushed forward like lightning.

In an instant, he was in front of Lei Feng, and with a wave of his spear, Lei Feng's long knife flew out of his hand.But Zhao Yun didn't let go of his remaining strength, and he sent the thunderstorm flying horizontally, flying ten feet away, before landing with a loud crash.

By the time everyone reacted, the thunderstorm had already died out.

The Wancheng defenders and Zhang Xun, who was watching the battle from the top of the city, were immediately stunned. They had never seen such a brave general.That Thunderstorm was a third-rate famous general in history, but he was killed in a single blow, and he had no power to fight back.

The Dongting army was stunned for a moment, and then let out earth-shattering cheers.

Cheng Huang looked at Zhao Yun, who was showing off his power on the battlefield, and sighed in his heart.

This time, he gave Zhao Yun another Forged Body Pill. Zhao Yun's aptitude has reached the level of a god-devil body. In time, his third younger brother will surely become the number one general in the Three Kingdoms, unrivaled.

Just when the defenders of Wancheng didn't react, Cheng Huang pointed his sword and uttered a loud roar. "Come on! Attack Wancheng for me."



The Dongting army gave off a monstrous momentum, shouted in unison, and rushed to the enemy army under the city of Wancheng.

These Yuan Shu's defenders, who had never seen such a fierce team, hurriedly fled towards the city.

But at this time, Zhang Xun at the top of the city was afraid that Wancheng would be lost, so he ordered people to close the city gate, and the defenders at the top of the city shot down arrows, cutting off the retreat of the troops.

Pitiful for these [-] troops, the retreat was cut off, and except for a small part of them surrendered their weapons, the rest were massacred.

Outside Wancheng, blood flowed like a river, and the scene was horrible.

After cleaning up the defenders outside the city, Cheng Huang reorganized his team and prepared to attack the city.

Zhang Xun and Chen Lan at the top of the city were also inexplicably shocked. Seeing that Cheng Huang was about to attack the city, they broke into a cold sweat.

Cheng Huangzong immediately stepped forward and shouted at the defenders at the top of the city: "My Dongting army is here, you should surrender quickly, otherwise, when I break through Wancheng, you will be killed."

Zhang Xun was flustered, at this moment, Cheng Lan said: "Don't panic, general, as long as we stick to the city, when the Lord's army arrives, the Dongting army will retreat."

Zhang Xun breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the high city walls and wide moat.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Cheng Huang's face darkened. It seemed that they would not surrender unless they were given a little bit of strength!
With a thought, he summoned Xiao Zi.

(End of this chapter)

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