Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 471 The Dungeon Controversy 2

Chapter 471 The Duplicate Controversy Twelve
"Eighteen of us were born because of the armillary sphere. If you activate the armillary sphere, we can reunite. The armillary sphere, before the beginning of chaos, gathers the energy of chaos between heaven and earth. The power of heaven and earth. Those who have an armillary sphere can build a brand new world."

"This world of "Emperor Map" was built by Lord God with the armillary sphere, and all the rules here also come from the armillary sphere. However, changing this world has exhausted all the divine power of the armillary sphere, and now it is just a fake.

The amount of information that Emperor Wang said was too large, and Cheng Huang couldn't turn his head for a moment.What an armillary sphere, a weapon forbidden by the gods, sounds like a fairy tale.

After sorting out his thoughts, Cheng Huang asked: "You said these are all system settings, right, and you are just a bunch of data. The armillary sphere is just a tool for predicting earthquakes researched by Zhang Heng, an ancient Chinese scientist. That's all, where is the super artifact."

"Haha!" Everyone in the hall laughed. Emperor Wang looked at Cheng Huang and said solemnly: "If we are a pile of data, and this world is a virtual world, what are you? Are you also a pile of data?" Data? The thinking of you people on earth is narrow, and you don’t recognize things you don’t understand. And the Zhang Heng you mentioned is just a prince who fell to the earth. The armillary sphere on your earth is based on his It is a counterfeit made out of the real armillary sphere. It does have the function of predicting earthquakes, but it is far from the real armillary sphere, which is forbidden by the gods. And your Lingxian Huntian Jue is just for the convenience of the Lord God , data that can be changed at will.”

After listening to Emperor Wang's words, Cheng Huang still didn't understand, so he asked again: "You said that you were born because of the armillary sphere, so may I ask, what kind of existence are you, and what kind of existence is the main god of the system in your mouth. Since none of us are data, what about the aborigines and players here?"

"This?" Emperor Wang hesitated for a moment, but still replied: "The main god of the system is the master of the armillary sphere. He is the truly supreme god and our master. However, the main god of the system is not an invincible existence. There are other gods. And we are just a part of the armillary sphere. The main god of the system has endowed us with wisdom and made us exist like human beings. In fact, we are just the eighteen primordial spirits on the armillary sphere. As for The aborigines here don’t let you know for the time being. After you have successfully refined the Shenzhou Ding and cultivated the Jiuding Town God’s Kungfu, the Lord Lord God will tell you. In addition, I can remind you that only when the armillary sphere is fully activated. You can Take control of the lives of these aborigines and NPCs. Otherwise, when the divine power of the main god is exhausted and the energy of the armillary sphere is exhausted, everything here, including you players and NPCs, will be reduced to nothingness. Young man, it is up to you to save the world Already!"

These words are as simple as talking in the night, Cheng Huang pinched his thigh hard.

Pain, isn't it a dream, isn't it!Is all this true?
Cheng Huang suddenly felt a little dizzy. How could such an illusory thing happen to him?

It's kind of funny to think about saving the planet.Could it be?Have you entered a real nightmare?
Those people looked at Cheng Huang's puzzled look, and they also knew that it was difficult for an earthling to accept so much information suddenly.

Everyone looked at each other, Emperor Wang sighed, and said: "Young man, what I said is the truth, and you will understand in due time. The Lord God established such a world to find a new generation of God Lord. And you It just so happens that you and Cheng Gong practiced the Shenzhou Ding, which proves that you have a divine body. Also, your rebirth is also a masterpiece of the Lord God."

At this time, the fiery woman who had been silent all this time said: "It is indeed difficult for him to believe this. I think that since the lord god has made arrangements, let's just go with the flow. Young man, as long as you complete the tasks assigned by the lord god , that is, all tasks, you will find that the answer is actually so simple. But I have to remind you that there is only less than a year before the system crashes. During this year, you must activate the armillary sphere, otherwise, the world's Everything will cease to exist.”

"Okay, that's all for now, we should go where we should go. From today, no one will maintain the rules of all game areas, you have to know yourself well."

"Wait!" Cheng Huang shouted suddenly, but it was too late.In a blink of an eye, he reappeared on the dungeon map.

I saw eighteen colorful brilliance, circled twice on the armillary sphere in front of me, and then merged into the armillary sphere.At the same time, the armillary sphere flashed and automatically drilled into his storage ring.

At this time, the system announcement and system prompt sounded almost simultaneously.

"Ding! World announcement, the mid-level dungeon battle is over, and the server will be updated for the last time. After 10 minutes, players will be able to view the updated content."

"Ding... This time, the champion of the dungeon battle is won by Cheng Huang, a player from the Huaxia District, and the Huaxia District's combat power has been increased by [-]."

"Ding... the system prompts, dear player, because you have won the championship of the intermediate dungeon competition, the system will reward you with ten special items such as calcined body pills, one billion gold coins, three million hero souls, and one Shenzhou Ding Yang Ding."

"Ding... The system has improved, dear player, because you won the championship of the intermediate dungeon battle, you got the god-level task to save the world. Since you accepted the god-level task, the unfinished tasks before are forcibly cancelled."

"Ding...the first stage of the god-level mission has started, you can click to view it."


Cheng Huang was not happy at all after winning the championship and receiving generous rewards.

What happened today was so weird that he would rather believe it was a dream.However, everything in front of him told him that this was not a dream, it was all real.

save the world!It sounds ridiculous, but it actually happened.

Standing on the island, Cheng Huang's heart was extremely heavy, and the pressure in his heart made him almost out of breath.

One year, only one year, if you can't complete the task within one year, then all of this will be reduced to nothing.His brother, his relatives, everything will cease to exist.

To change all this, only he himself.

No reason, even for the brothers in Dongting, those soldiers who followed him unconditionally and went all out for him, he couldn't refuse, he had to accept this task.

Just responsibility. . .

PS: Hey, this bullshit is a bit big.The author is already crazy, let's see how he solves this trap, if he can't solve it, everyone will scold him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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