Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 459 World Dungeon Opens

Chapter 459 World Dungeon Opens

The development of Dongting was soon on the right track, and the construction of Changsha has been completed.

The little emperor Liu Bian has already brought a group of former officials of the Han Dynasty into the palace.Although these former officials of the Han Dynasty were dissatisfied with Cheng Huang's behavior, they now had no forces loyal to the Han Dynasty, and they only dared to slander in their hearts.

Jia Xu sits in Changsha, with his wisdom, if there is any change in these former officials of the Han Dynasty, he will definitely not escape his eyes.

And Chen Gong was sent by Cheng Huang to southern Xinjiang to assist Wang Ping in pacifying southern Xinjiang.With Chen Gong's participation, Cheng Huang believed that there shouldn't be much problem in pacifying southern Xinjiang.

During this period of time, Cheng Huang was happy and leisurely, either to tease Diao Chan, or to Cai Wenji's boudoir to chat.Or just wandering around the affiliated cities of Xingyue City.

On this day, Cheng Huang was on the top of Junshan Island, admiring the scenery of Dongting, when suddenly, the system announcement sounded.

"Ding... World Announcement, due to the overall strength of players all over the world, the conditions for starting the battle for the intermediate world dungeon have been met. The battle for the middle world dungeon will start at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Ding... World announcement, the conditions for participating in the world dungeon battle are the top [-] players in the world's combat power rankings. Those who meet the participation conditions will be sent to the world dungeon battle map at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. World The player battle list is now open, players can click to view it."

"Ding... World announcement, the rules for the mid-level world dungeon battle have been updated, players can check the rules now."

"Ding... the world announcement, in order to protect the interests of players participating in the dungeon, during the dungeon battle, all forces are not allowed to attack each other, otherwise, they will be sanctioned by the system."


The sudden announcement caught Cheng Huang off guard, and without warning, the battle for the intermediate dungeon finally started.

The mid-level dungeon competition is a platform for exchanges between districts around the world, and it is also a test of the overall strength of each district.But what Ling Chenghuang didn't expect was that this battle for the intermediate dungeon was not participated by forces, but by individuals.

After the mid-level dungeon battle, there will be a high-level world dungeon battle. After the high-level dungeon battle, it's time to enter the border.At that time, it will be the real collision between the various regions of the world, and the major forces in the world who hide their strengths and bide their time will show their fangs.

Click to open the newly opened world player combat power list and take a closer look.

World player battle list:
001: Peter X, with a combat power of 120000, belongs to the game area, Eastern Europe
002: Arthur/Delong, with a combat power of 90000, belongs to the game area, Lijian Country

003: Long Yu, combat power value 78000, belongs to the game area, Huaxia area
005: Broken sleeve, with a combat power of 70000, belongs to the game area, Dongying area
006: Alos, with a combat power of 67000, belongs to the game area, the Tsarist Area
007: Hong Wutian, with a combat power of 60000, belongs to the game area, Eastern Europe
008: Cheng Huang, with 52000 combat power, belongs to the game area, Huaxia District

Cheng Huang also saw Xuanyuan Fei's name in the combat power ranking list. In the entire Huaxia District, there were only three people on the list.

Cheng Huang has always been unmatched in his combat power among players, but what he didn't expect was that he only ranked eighth in the world combat power list. Compared with Peter, who ranked first in Eastern Europe, he Ten generations, more than double the difference.

What is even more surprising is that Long Yu's combat power is so much higher than her own, and what is the reason for this.You know, before the Huaxia combat power list was closed, there was no shadow of Long Yu on the combat power list. I don't know when, this kid became powerful.

I don't know how this combat power is calculated, but one thing is certain, I have underestimated the heroes of the world.

Although Cheng Huang was shocked in his heart, he also had a faint feeling of excitement. This time, he could finally meet the heroes of the world.Look at Peter X, what is so special about him.

While Cheng Huang was looking at the combat power list, all the players in the world were watching the combat power list.All the names on the combat power list represent the high-end combat power of a district.

The victory or defeat of this dungeon battle is also related to the strength of each district in the future.After all, in this emerging world, no one wants to be considered a colony of other regions.

Open the dungeon rules, Cheng Huang read it, and then closed the rules page.

The content of this dungeon battle is very simple. Players who need to enter the dungeon rush to the center of the map and activate the totem pole in the center of the map. Whoever activates first will be the champion.

It is worth mentioning that in this copy battle, only the champion, the others are all losers.

Although the rules are simple, Cheng Huang knows that the simpler the rules, the more serious the hidden crisis.In the map, there must be many restrictions.Even if there is no limit, it is not easy to deal with the attacks of other players.After all, there are no allies on the map.

After reading the rules of the dungeon battle, Cheng Huang thought for a while, activated the lord skill, and returned to Xingyue City.

He will definitely participate in this dungeon battle. Everyone knows that there are only a few times of this kind of full-server event, and the rewards are quite generous.

Back in Xingyue City, Cheng Huang went through the preparations, cleared out unnecessary items, and bought items that might be used this time.

When he was ready, he found Ma Liang and other high-level officials in Dongting, and ordered all the affairs of Dongting.In fact, Cheng Huang himself didn't take much care of Dongting's affairs.It wasn't once or twice that Cheng Huang left, but the others were not so surprised.

After explaining the affairs of the territory, Cheng Huang went to Xingyue City to browse for a volume, and then returned to the General's Mansion, waiting for the dungeon to be opened.

The next morning, the system announcement sounded on time.

"Ding... The middle-level world dungeon battle map is about to open, players who need to enter, please get ready."

"Ding... Your combat power ranks eighth in the world, and you will be sent to the battle map soon, please get ready."

In this battle, as long as the combat power ranks the top [-] players, they will be sent to the dungeon map, and after entering, they are not allowed to leave unless they die or the dungeon ends.

To a certain extent, this dungeon battle is mandatory.

"Ding... The middle-level dungeon battle map has been opened."

As the system prompt sounded, Cheng Huang's eyes blurred and he appeared in a strange place.

All of a sudden, a barbaric atmosphere came to the nostrils, and what caught the eye was a field full of low shrubs, and not far away, there were some small hills.

The scenery here reminded Cheng Huang of the world of dinosaurs on TV.

Could it be that this dungeon battle map is a wild world?

(End of this chapter)

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