Chapter 271
In the tent of the Yellow Turban Army, Cheng Huang, Ma Yuanyi and other generals took their seats separately.

"Brother Ma, I heard that Tao Qian, governor of Xuzhou, together with Pingyuan Liu Bei, gathered countless strangers to clear Qingzhou Yellow Turban. I don't know if it is true or not." Cheng Huang asked.

"Hey!" Ma Yuanyi sighed with a hint of worry on his face. "The day before yesterday, my general Zhou Cang, knowing the territory of Wang Teng's dog thief, led [-] soldiers and horses to attack. When the battle was fierce, Liu Bei, Prime Minister of Pingyuan, came suddenly with an army. Defeated, the entire army was wiped out, and only General Zhou escaped."

Zhou Cang!

Cheng Huang's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect that there were hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, even Zhou Cang was among them.

Zhou Cang, who helped Guan Yu resist the knife, must have good martial arts, and may have reached the level of a first-class historical star.

"I don't know, where is General Zhou now?" Cheng Huang asked quickly.

"General Zhou is now leading 20 Qingzhou Yellow Turbans to deploy defenses [-] kilometers northwest of this place, hoping to stop Liu Tao's coalition forces." Ma Yuanyi said.

Xu Shu, who had been silent all this time, touched his mustache and said, "Brother Ma, with all due respect, although you have many Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, you have no territory of your own and your foundation is not stable. I am afraid it will be difficult for you to resist the Tao Liu coalition army. Or, you have no fixed place to live, and it is very difficult to even supply, so you can last forever."

Ma Yuanyi cupped his hands and said: "Master Xu doesn't know something. It's not that we don't want to build our own base, but that once we settle down, we will be besieged by the imperial court and have to withdraw. I have already Send someone to notify the Black Mountain Army in Youzhou that they will send troops to attack the plains and force Liu Bei to withdraw."

"Well," Xu Shu nodded, expressing his approval of Ma Yuanyi's strategy against the enemy.Then he said: "Then, brother Ma, why don't you follow the example of the Black Mountain Army and hide troops among the mountains to resist the imperial court's encirclement and suppression?"

"Well, I am willing to listen to Master Xu's teachings," Ma Yuanyi cupped his hands.

"Hehe," Xu Shu said with a smile: "Qing, there are no less than one million yellow scarves in Xu Liangzhou, and the momentum is huge. But they are all distributed in two weeks, so it is difficult to form a real combat power, and they are easily defeated by the imperial army. Between me, It’s better to gather the Yellow Turbans from the two prefectures, find a good place, and train an elite army to wait for the opportunity. It will echo with our Dongting from a distance, and then we will surely achieve great things.”

"The military division's words are very true, but where does the military division refer to the good place?"

"Mount Tai, known as the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, stretches for thousands of miles and houses millions of soldiers. It's easy as turning one's hand. Brother Ma, why don't you gather your troops on Mount Tai?"

After hearing Xu Shu's words, Cheng Huang's eyes lit up. This Mount Tai was basically under Zang Ba's control. There should be no problem for the Yellow Turban Army to enter Mount Tai.

"I, Ma Yuanyi, am willing to listen to the arrangement of the lord and the military advisor!" Ma Yuanyi said.

"Okay," Cheng Huang said, "now that the Tao and Liu armies are pressing down on the border, you should first send someone to inform the Yellow Turbans in other places in Qingxu to gather on Mount Tai. And our main force here will not fight head-on with the Liu-Tao coalition forces. A group of troops held them back, and the rest of the troops retreated eastward at an accelerated pace."

"Okay!" Ma Yuanyi said, "Just follow my lord's wishes."

"Hehe," Cheng Huang smiled, and Ma Yuanyi's re-serving himself as the master is a recognition of himself.No matter what, he was unwilling to give up the fat of the Yellow Turban.

"General Ma, I have one more matter to discuss with you. To the east of here is Beihai Kingdom. Kong Rong, Prime Minister of Beihai, is a Confucian scholar. We can send a team to borrow food. Kong Rong's If you have a character, you will definitely panic and send someone to ask for help from Liu Tao's coalition army. And Liu Bei has a sense of benevolence and righteousness, so he will definitely send troops to rescue, then our main force can calmly retreat to the east!"

"Okay, just follow the Lord's words!"


The main force of the Yellow Turbans pulled out their camp overnight and began to march eastward, and several warships brought by Cheng Huang were also put to great use, continuously transporting the Yellow Turbans to Mount Tai.

On Mount Tai, Zang Ba had already sent people among the mountains to choose an area as the residence of the Yellow Turbans.

The retreat proceeded in an orderly manner, and by the next morning, all the 40 troops stationed at Yingling had all withdrawn and entered the territory of Xuzhou.

Early in the morning, Beihai City...

Just like in history, Guan Hai has already approached the city with an army of [-].

The soldiers patrolling at the top of the city noticed the arrival of the yellow scarf and hurriedly flew into the city to report it.

As soon as Kong Rong got up, he heard the guards report that a large number of soldiers had already approached the city, and the generals outside the city were calling for battle.

Kong Rong, who had always been pampered and pampered, had never seen such a battle before. He was shocked immediately, and hurriedly summoned his officials to come to the top of the city to watch.

Under the city wall, there was a large area of ​​yellow scarf army in black, with flags fluttering and spears and halberds everywhere.

A military general rode a tall horse and held a long knife, showing off his might under the city.

"I have heard for a long time that Kong Beihai is a loyal man. When I was young, there was a good talk about letting pears. Today, my Yellow Turban army is short of food and grass, so I came here specially to borrow food. With your Kong Beihai's virtue, I think you will not let my Yellow Turban army suffer from cold and starvation!" Guan Hai reined in his horse, stood in front of the formation, pointed at Kong Rong at the top of the wall and shouted loudly.

"Zhuzi," Kong Rong was trembling with anger, he didn't think about it, Guan Hai was so shameless that he came to grab food and said it in a grand manner.But he was originally a scholar, so his ability to curse people is naturally not as strong as Guan Hai from a poor and humble background.

"I, Kong Rong, how could I lend food and grass to you and other grassroots bandits? It's just wishful thinking."

"What, you won't?" Guan Hai scolded, "I respect the virtue of Kong Beihai, so I came to you to borrow food. I never thought that you don't know what is good and what is bad. When I break through Beihai City, I will slaughter the city for three days and let Beihai City bleed." Flow like a river. When the time comes, let's see what kind of face you have to meet Confucius."

"Who is willing to catch this thief for me?" Kong Rong turned around immediately, not wanting to talk nonsense with rough people like Guan Hai.

"A certain general is willing to go," a tall general came out more and more.Kong Rong took a closer look, but it was Wu Anguo, his general.

Immediately overjoyed, Wu Anguo ordered [-] troops to go out of the city to fight.

After a while, the gate of the city was opened wide, and Wu Anguo led [-] strong soldiers to form a formation outside the city.

"Hey, that little thief who uttered wild words just now, hurry up and die." Wu Anguo came out more and more, pointing at Guan Hai and cursing.

"Haha," Guan Hai laughed, "It turns out that those who come out to die don't leave, and take my knife."

After speaking, he waved his long knife, leaped forward on his horse, and went straight to Wu Anguo.

Wu Anguo also shouted loudly, raised his spear, and galloped to meet him.

"Ding..." The two horses collided, their guns and knives collided, and they fought together.

In less than twenty minutes, Guan Hai summoned up his supernatural power, shouted loudly, and beheaded Wu Anguo under his horse.

"Kill!" Guan Hai shouted loudly, leading his subordinates to rush to kill.

Kong Rong immediately closed the gate of the city because he was afraid that Guan Hai would break in.

The poor [-] soldiers who fought with Wu Anguo were quickly beheaded by Guan Hai.Guan Hai was about to attack the city, but was shot by the archers from the top of the city. He had to camp outside the city and besieged Beihai City.

PS, everyone should know that he is about to appear!Ha ha.

(End of this chapter)

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