Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 266 The Arrival of Pang Tong

Chapter 266 The Arrival of Pang Tong

Under the expectation of the people, Huang Chengyan and Mr. Pang Degong walked down with red faces, and Cheng Huang rushed up to meet them.

"That is Huang Chengyan, a well-known scholar in Jingzhou, and the one next to him is Duke Pang De."

"I heard that General Zhao married Huang Lao's daughter. I don't know if it's true or not."

There was a sound of whispering in the crowd, and the people of Xingyue City looked proud.

"General Zhao is the lord's brother. The lord said that even if his brother wants to marry the princess, he will help her marry him."


Seeing the envious faces of the people watching the ceremony, the people of Xingyue City felt a sense of pride.

"Old Huang, Old Pang," Cheng Huang led Ma Liang, Xu Shu stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute.

Seeing Xingyue City's ostentation, Huang Chengyan nodded in satisfaction.After all, the bigger the display in Xingyue City, the more important it was for his daughter.

"Hehe..." Pang Degong and Huang Chengyan hurriedly cupped their hands, smiling.

Suddenly, the detection crystal on Cheng Huang's chest was beating rapidly, and he saw behind Mr. Pang De, standing a short, ugly boy, dressed in a Confucian gown, with eyes as bright as stars in the sky.

Cheng Huang's eyelids twitched, "Who is this brother?"

At this time, Xu Shu and Ma Liang had already held the boy's hand from left to right. "My lord, this is our good friend, Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan!"

"Pang Tong," Cheng Huang's whole body trembled, and his head buzzed.

It's not right to look for him in front of Baidu, it's not right, it's not right to find no place to find him after breaking through the iron shoes.Anyway, the person Cheng Huang had been looking forward to for a long time finally came out.

Crouching dragon, phoenix chick, only one person can make the world safe.This man is Pang Tong!One of the top strategists of the Three Kingdoms.

"So it's Brother Shiyuan," Cheng Huang stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"This..." Huang Chengyan, Mr. Pang De, and everyone around were shocked.You know, for the two celebrities Huang Chengyan and Pang Degong, Cheng Huang just bowed his hands.

But Cheng Huang bowed deeply to the young man in front of him, but the young man didn't evade at all, and accepted it calmly. What's the situation?
"General Cheng is very polite!" Pang Tong cupped his hands and said, "I heard that Dongting is rich, the people of Xingyue City are rich, and the army is even more elite, so I took this opportunity to come to Panheng for a few days."

When Cheng Huang heard this, he was overjoyed, this is a field trip!Two of his good friends in his territory.In addition, Mr. Pang De had a good impression of Dongting when he went to Dongting last time, and he would definitely say it in Pang Tong's ear.

In this way, wouldn't it be a chance for me to subdue Pang Tong?This is Pang Tong, the top strategist of the Three Kingdoms!

"Ahem..." Seeing Cheng Huang focus on Pang Tong, Huang Chengyan coughed lightly, and Cheng Huang realized it.

"Mr. Pang can come to Dongting. I welcome it very much. After the wedding is over, I must have a chat with you."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Huang waved his hand and shouted, "Bring up the sedan chair!"

Sure enough, not far away, a large sedan chair for eight people was carried by several healthy soldiers and came over.

At this time, the real protagonist of the wedding, the bride Huang Yueying, who covered her head with a hijab and was dressed in a bright red brocade robe, stepped down gracefully from the boat with the support of several bridesmaids.

Although she was covered with a red hijab, she couldn't see her appearance clearly, but judging from her figure and posture, it was obvious that she was a beautiful woman!
The bride appeared, and the crowd, although sweating profusely, cheered loudly.

The bride was helped onto the sedan chair.At this time, the sound of horseshoes sounded, and Zhao Yun, dressed in a bright red wedding robe, came galloping with five hundred horses.

The five hundred white horses were all dressed in wedding robes, and even the white horses were covered with red silk around their necks and bodies.

The neat team, the neat equipment, and even the height and appearance are not much different.Its neat movements are even more amazing.

Walking forward, five hundred white horses stopped Qi Qi, Zhao Yun got off his horse, and bowed deeply to Huang Chengyan and Pang Degong.

Huang Chengyan looked at the handsome and extraordinary son-in-law in front of him, and smiled very satisfied.

Soon, with Bai Mayi in the front and the sending off team behind, the group walked towards Xingyue City.

The crowd of onlookers was about to follow to the territory, at this moment, someone shouted: "Xuzhou Mi's fleet has arrived!"

Everyone turned their heads quickly, and sure enough, another fleet was slowly approaching on Dongting Lake.

As the fleet gradually approached, people discovered that the arrangement of this fleet was almost the same as that of the previous fleet.

The fleet docked, and the soldiers on board stepped off the ship, standing in a neat line just like before.

The one who went to Xuzhou to greet the bride was Xingyue City's navy general Qin Che. After using the famous historical general's martial soul, Qin Che has become the second only to Jiang Qin's general in the Xingyue City's navy.

As Qin Che disembarked, the Mi family's send-off team also stepped down.They have no flower girls, only hundreds of maidservants carrying various jade plates.On the jade plate, there are all kinds of gold, silver and jade objects.

The Mi family is rich and powerful, and all kinds of exquisite ornaments make Cheng Huang secretly speechless.

Mi Zhu got off the boat, and Cheng Huang rushed up to greet him. After being polite, he called a sedan chair for eight people and invited the little sister of the Mi family to get on the sedan chair.

This time, Gan Ning rode a big horse and led two hundred and You Mingwei to greet him.

Both teams of brides had already arrived, with the sound of gongs and drums, amidst the cheers, the crowd followed the welcoming team and rushed towards Xingyue City.

The parade ground in Xingyue City was already overcrowded, and everyone was eagerly waiting for the wedding to begin.

"Du..." With a long horn sounding, Cheng Huang stepped onto the high platform and bowed his hands to the audience.

"Everyone, welcome to Dongting to attend my brother's wedding. Thank you for your support."

"Since you are here in Dongting, you are my friends in Xingyue City. Everyone must eat well, drink well, and play well. If you have any needs, please directly ask them. I will definitely solve them for everyone."

As soon as Cheng Huang finished speaking, there was a burst of politeness from the audience.

"Next, I announce that the wedding is just beginning. After the wedding, please don't leave in a hurry. We have also arranged a wonderful program. Play music!"

All of a sudden, the drums sounded, and two couples stepped onto the high stage.

Zhao Yun and Gan Ning bowed their hands to the audience, showing some politeness.Then, Mi Zhu and Huang Chengyan also came on stage, and they were polite to the audience.

The wedding ceremony officially began. Amid the loud shouts of Mr. Pang De, the two teams of newlyweds put on a show, and the wedding ceremony reached its climax.

Just as the crowd was immersed in the joyful atmosphere, there was a chirping sound from the sky. When everyone looked up, they saw a big snow-white eagle circling back and forth in the sky.On the big eagle, sat a fairy-like woman, holding a bottle of guqin in her arms.


The melodious sound of the piano sounded, and Cai Wenji's master-level piano art showed its power.Everyone was fascinated by the sound, completely immersed in the melodious sound of the piano.


(End of this chapter)

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