Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 262 Territory (Part 3, Happy New Year, Friends)

Chapter 262 Territory (third update, Happy New Year, friends)

As Zhang Jiao's eldest disciple, Ma Yuanyi has a strong influence in the Yellow Turbans. Cheng Huang is not surprised that he can unify the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou and Xuerzhous.

However, Cheng Huang and Ma Yuanyi only had a verbal agreement.Although the system can restrain him, what about the other Yellow Turbans?

It must be a huge project to buy the morale of other Yellow Turbans.

"My lord, after Xingba and Zilong's wedding is over, I'm willing to go to Xuzhou to share my lord's worries." Seeing that Cheng Huang was still hesitating, Xu Shu said.

Cheng Huang waved his hands and said, "Mr. Yuanzhi should sit in Dongting! I already have a suitable candidate for the Yellow Turban in Qingxu Erzhou. Miss Huang's family. It shouldn't be a problem to control the Yellow Turbans of the two prefectures in Xuzhou. After Zilong's wedding is over, I will send him to Xuzhou to help Ma Yuanyi."

After hearing Cheng Huang's words, Xu Shu nodded, expressing his agreement with Cheng Huang's thoughts.

Seeing that both of them have agreed, Cheng Huang said: "Mr. Yuan Zhi, I have an idea, that is to send Wang Ping to the Vulcan Clan to select elite and strong soldiers from the Vulcan Clan and train them to be a flying army. What do you think?"

"Okay, my lord's move is wise. In this way, we can not only train special troops, but also control the Vulcan clan." Xu Shu couldn't help but be overwhelmed by Cheng Huang's thoughts.

At that moment, Cheng Huang asked the guards to summon Wang Ping.

After a while, Wang Ping strode into the city lord's meeting hall.

"I don't know why elder brother summoned me?" Wang Ping cupped his hands.

"Zijun," Cheng Huang stood up, walked to Wang Ping's side, and patted Wang Ping's shoulder. "During this period of time, you have worked hard for the safety of the territory, and my brother has seen it. Thank you for your hard work!"

"Brother's business is my business, so I dare not complain." Wang Ping said hastily.

"Hehe," Cheng Huang smiled, "Zijun, I called you here today because I have an important person entrusting you to you. Now the Vulcan clan in the southern Xinjiang region has pledged their allegiance to Brother Wei. I will let you bring a few people in the territory with you." Ten Wudang flying troops went to Huolong Mountain, selected members of the Vulcan tribe, and trained an elite Wudang flying army. What do you think?"

Wang Ping leaned back and said, "Just follow my brother's orders."

"Okay, Zijun, I will give you enough funds. In addition, I will give you [-] sets of rattan armor exchanged from Southern Xinjiang. I hope you can train a real elite for Brother Wei."

"Yes, Ping will definitely do his best to train an elite division that can cross the battlefield."

"Okay," Cheng Huang said happily, "then it's not too late. Two days later, I'll fix a book, and you'll set off for Huolongshan."

"Yes! Brother."

Watching Wang Ping walk out of the conference hall, Cheng Huang's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Cheng Huang is looking forward to how powerful the Wudang Flying Army with rattan armor will be.

After Wang Ping left, Cheng Huang chatted with Xu Shu and Ma Liang for a while.Then he went to the warehouse, put the materials for building the handsome warship into the storage ring, and went directly to the shipyard.

The ships built by Dongting Lake Xingyue City Shipyard are of high quality, and with the help of Huaxia Business Alliance, they have been sold all over the country.

In the shipyard, hard workers and low-level shipbuilders are sweating profusely and working hard.The senior shipbuilder, on the other hand, commands.

"My lord," seeing Cheng Huang walking in, they stopped what they were doing and hurried forward to meet him.

There are thousands of workers in the entire shipyard, which can produce dozens of ships of various kinds every day.

"Everyone has worked hard," Cheng Huang waved his hand, and patted the shoulder of a young shipbuilder beside him.

The shipbuilder was immediately overwhelmed by flattery, his face flushed, and the others immediately cast envious glances.

"Everyone, take a break. I'll give you half a day off. Come and see what I brought you?" Cheng Huang waved his hand, and dozens of jars of good wine were taken out.

Seeing the delicious wine delivered by the lord himself, the shipbuilders immediately cheered and gathered around.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, a stern voice sounded, and Cheng Huang smiled when he saw the person coming.

It was none other than Li Yun, the manager of the shipyard and the only master-level shipbuilder in Xingyue City.

Li Yun walked over and found Cheng Huang in the crowd, and hurriedly went to see him.

"Master Li, these people work hard, let's give them half a day off!" Cheng Huang said.Then he pulled Li Yun aside, "Grandmaster Li, come with me, I'll show you something good."

After speaking, Cheng Huang took Li Yun straight to the warehouse.

Walking to the warehouse, Cheng Huang poured out the necessary materials for building three kinds of handsome warships.

"My lord, what is this?" Li Yun immediately opened his eyes wide with excitement, "This is the legendary black iron wood, snow tiger skin, and woven gold wood! My lord, you have gathered all these three materials .”

"How?" Cheng Huang said: "With these materials, how many handsome warships can you produce?"

Li Yun was still in shock and turned a deaf ear to Cheng Huang's words.As a master craftsman, of course, he is proud of being able to produce the highest quality products.The handsome warship can represent the highest level of the Han Dynasty, how can Li Yun not be excited.

"My lord, these materials are enough to produce a hundred commander-level battleships. Rest assured, my lord, within half a year, I will definitely hand over the commander-level warship to you."

"Hehe," Cheng Huang said with a smile, "Then, I'll just wait and see! Grandmaster Li, you are the treasure of our Xingyue City,"

"Thank you for your praise, my lord. I, Li Yun, can be what I am today, thanks to my lord's cultivation. I should devote myself to my lord."


After finishing Li Yun, Cheng Huang was very happy, and walked out of the shipyard amidst the cheers of the workers.

Thinking that Xingyue City will soon have a handsome warship, Cheng Huang is in a good mood.With the handsome warship, the Dongting water army is even more powerful, and it is no longer a distant dream to dominate the waters of the Han Dynasty, and even explore the mysterious vast sea.

Cheng Huang strolled leisurely, and came to a mansion unconsciously, looked up at the two large characters of Cai Mansion, Cheng Huang couldn't help but smile.

It seems that subconsciously, I still want to see Cai Yan.It's been a long time since I came to Cai Mansion, how is Cai Wenji doing now?
"See my lord," seeing Cheng Huang standing at the door, a servant of the Cai Mansion hurried over and bowed his hands to Cheng Huang.

"Well," Cheng Huang nodded, and asked, "Is Miss Cai Yan at home?"

The servant hurriedly said: "Yes, Miss hasn't been out of the house for a long time! Playing the piano in the backyard every day seems to have something on her mind."

Cheng Huang touched his chin, pondered for a while, and walked towards the mansion.

PS: It’s a new year, a new beginning, and I hope that all book lovers will continue to earn more RMB and have good luck every day in the new year.Watch "Three Kingdoms: Field Warriors" in my free time. "

(End of this chapter)

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