Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 257: Mass Teleportation

Chapter 257: Mass Teleportation

Cheng Huang has been with Xu Shu for a long time, and he has been fascinated by it. In addition, he has an amazing understanding, and has learned a lot about commanding battles.

Immediately, he asked the cave master to gather the barbarians, and he rode the lightning eagle to check the terrain and fortifications of Huolongshan.It didn't take long for Cheng Huang to know all the dangerous places in Huolong Mountain.

Then, he arranged for the people of the Huolong tribe to step up the construction of temporary fortifications, and then sent soldiers to collect wood and rolling stones, and then dispatched elite soldiers to guard the two main passes leading to the mountainside.

After arranging the defense of the Fire Dragon Clan, Cheng Huang rode the Lightning Eagle to check on Meng Huo's troop deployment.

About five miles away from Huolong Mountain, Cheng Huang saw Meng Huo's vanguard.There are about 2 people, and the vanguard officer is the Jinhuan Sanjie who has been defeated by Cheng Huang several times.

When the barbarians saw Cheng Huang in the sky, they immediately started yelling and cursing. For the yelling and cursing of the barbarians below, Cheng Huang only thought it was a wild dog barking.

After flying for more than ten miles, Cheng Huang saw the Chinese army led by Meng Huo.About 6 people are all elite barbarians.It is estimated that at least it is a unit above Tier [-].

After checking the situation of Meng Huo's army, Cheng Huangfei returned to Huolongshan to personally supervise the people's construction of defense facilities.

Not long after, the [-] vanguard troops led by Jin Huan Sanjie had already arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Jin Huan Sanjie rode a spotted leopard, and couldn't help frowning as he looked at the soldiers of the Vulcan tribe who were taking care of themselves in the mountains.

The situation is wrong!According to his thinking, as soon as his [-] troops arrive, the weak Vulcan tribe should all tie him up, come out and surrender immediately, and wait for his fate.

I don't know where they got the courage to fight against a trapped beast with arms blocking cars.

So the leopard rode forward, pointed at the mountain and cursed: "Listen, brothers of the Vulcan clan, as long as you hand over that Han man and surrender to our barbarian king, I promise not to hurt anyone from your clan. If not, wait for me to kill you." Longshan, I will make sure that none of you are left behind."

Seeing Jin Huan Sanjie cursing, the Vulcan warriors were immediately filled with righteous indignation, and they all asked to fight, wanting to show Jin Huan Sanjie some color.

Cheng Huang stopped the crowd and said: "Three knots in the golden ring are just a jump. I want to kill him, and it's easy. But what's the use of killing him alone? Our task is to hold Huolongshan, as long as we stick to it for a while, I will keep it safe." Let these barbarians come and go."

Only then did the Vulcan warriors calm down. Cheng Huang rode the golden eagle, flew into the sky above the three knots of the golden ring, shot an arrow at the three knots of the golden ring, and laughed, "Even I can't catch the garbage with one move, so I dare to be here!" Chi Chi Wai Wai, I don’t know where the courage comes from.”

Seeing Cheng Huang in the sky, Jin Huan couldn't help shrinking his neck. He was defeated by Cheng Huang twice, and he already had a shadow in his heart.The arrogant arrogance was extinguished immediately.

Seeing Jin Huan's three-knotted cowardice, Cheng Huang couldn't help laughing.

And the Vulcan soldiers guarding the mountain also laughed.

"Look, Meng Huo's vanguard officer turned into pustules immediately after meeting our fire dragon envoy."

"That's right! The last time I was kicked off the ring by our Fire Dragon Envoy!"

"Ha ha……"


The Vulcan soldiers laughed heartily at the Golden Ring and Three Knots, and their morale was at an all-time high, as if what they were facing was not [-] barbarian elites, but a group of incompetent softies.

Hearing the ridicule from the soldiers of the Vulcan tribe, Jin Huan san blushed furiously, swiped a large knife in his hand, and immediately launched an attack.

"Kill..." the barbarian soldiers shouted in unison, brandishing their weapons and rushing towards the mountains.

Cheng Huang flew back to the sky above the Vulcan soldiers behind the defense facility, and saw the barbarian soldiers rushing to the middle of the mountain.

put!Following his loud shout, the rolling stones that had been prepared earlier rolled down overwhelmingly, causing the barbarian soldiers to scream.

Jin Huan Sanjie didn't expect that the Vulcan Clan would have such a move, and hurriedly called gold to make the attacking soldiers retreat.

By the time all the barbarian soldiers retreated, nearly a thousand people had died.

After repelling the first attack of the barbarians, the Vulcan soldiers cheered immediately.

The first attack failed, and Jin Huan Sanjie changed his strategy. He divided his soldiers into several groups and launched attacks on several jump routes respectively. In this way, the Vulcan soldiers could not concentrate their firepower.

However, Cheng Huang had been prepared for a long time, and he had stored enough Leimu Rolling Stones in each direction.The barbarians attacked for half an hour, but still failed to break through the defense line of the Vulcan clan, and instead damaged a lot of soldiers and horses.

However, at this time, Meng Huo's army had arrived!
Seeing that Jinhuan Sanjie failed to capture Huolongshan, Meng Huo called Jinhuan Sanjie, reprimanded him, and then ordered the elite he brought to prepare for an attack.

The troops Meng Huo sent were lightly armored soldiers.These lightly armored soldiers are different from the tall barbarian soldiers. They are thin and small, and they look like agile soldiers.

Due to the extremely fast speed of this light armored soldier, it is easy to avoid the rolling stones thrown by the Vulcans.

Seeing the barbarian light armored soldiers approaching gradually, Cheng Huang's expression was a little dignified.Is it really necessary to use that trick?
"Come on!" Amid the shouts, these barbarian light armored soldiers had already rushed towards the mountain.

"Hit!" With Cheng Huang's loud shout, countless boulders rolled down like a landslide.

Although the lightly armored soldiers are agile, there are still many who are not smashed into meat.The light armored soldiers who escaped still rushed towards the mountains.

"Shoot," seeing that the light armored soldiers had entered the range of the archers, Cheng Huang ordered the archers to start shooting.

Although many barbarian soldiers were shot down, the barbarian soldiers still rushed towards the mountains like a tide.

Cheng Huang gritted his teeth, and suddenly made up his mind. He rode the Lightning Eagle and flew over Meng Huo's army.

Since the Vulcan clan has surrendered to him, they are the most important pawns in his hands.Therefore, Cheng Huang will not give up easily.

Coming over the enemy army, Cheng Huang took out the Cloud Breaker Spear, controlled the Lightning Eagle, and landed in the enemy group near Meng Huo in an instant.

With a dance of the spear, several barbarian soldiers who were attacking were knocked down.With a move of Cheng Huang's finger, a colorful scroll appeared in Cheng Huang's hand.

Group Teleportation Scroll: After using it, it will teleport the allies designated by you to your side, the number of which cannot exceed 1.

Without any hesitation, Cheng Huang chose the person to teleport, and chose to teleport.

A large white light flashed, Gan Ning, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Ju Yi, You Mingwei, and thousands of Xingyue City elite appeared among the barbarians.

These soldiers descended from the sky like magic soldiers. As soon as they appeared, they waved their weapons and attacked the unsuspecting barbarians.

"Master Fire Dragon has summoned the divine soldiers!" The Vulcan soldiers in the mountains immediately cheered when they saw Cheng Huang's wave of his hand, and tens of thousands of soldiers with bright armor appeared.

God soldiers!The barbarian soldiers who were already very superstitious heard this, how could they still have the heart to resist, and the bravery of the Xingyue City soldiers made them believe that this was the general of the magic soldier.

The [-] barbarian army began to appear chaotic under the attack of Xingyue City soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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