Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 217 Killing Cao Yin

Chapter 217 Killing Cao Yin
Cao Yin never expected that his good intentions would make Lu Zhi furious.

"Lord Lu, you have something to say, something to say." He called and moved his body towards the door.

However, he suddenly felt that his arms tightened, and he had been grabbed by a general.Understanding his situation, Cao Yin calmed down instead.

"Master Lu, I am an official of the imperial court, and I am still Zhang Qiansui's disciple. If you kill me, Lord Qiansui and the emperor will blame you. How will you explain it?"

Cao Yin's words worked, Lu Zhi hesitated, for many years, he didn't know Zhang Rang's tricks among his followers.If Cao Yin is his subordinate, he still has the right to behead the general, but this Cao Yin is a local official!
Seeing Lu Zhi's hesitation, Cao Yin heaved a sigh of relief, "Master Lu is a smart man, and everyone works for the imperial court. Sometimes, if you just turn a blind eye, it will pass..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his chest. Looking down, he saw an iron gun piercing his heart, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Master Lu, do it if you don't let it go, I will take the blame!" Putting away the spear, Cheng Huang looked indifferent.

Cheng Huang resented corrupt officials like Cao Yin the most. The most important thing was that if Cao Yin did not die, Wuling County would not be able to live in peace.Therefore, he shot without hesitation.

As for the court's blame, Cheng Huang didn't care much.After all, Emperor Han Ling needs to do things by himself, so he shouldn't do anything to himself.

Lu Zhi put away his long sword and shouted to the generals in the hall: "Today's incident was all done by someone Lu, you don't have to worry, Ma Zhi,"

"To" Ma Zhi replied quickly.

"Go to appease the people in the county guard's mansion, and say that Mr. Cao Yincao wanted to attack me, and I killed him on the spot. In addition, count the property of the Cao family and dismiss the Cao family. Oh, don't forget to give his family some money."

After hearing Lu Zhi's words, Cheng Huang was moved, and at the same time secretly sighed. "This Lu Zhi is definitely not the life of a hero! Cutting the grass does not remove the root, and the spring breeze blows again. If it were Cao Cao and Liu Bei, it would be strange not to kill Cao Yin's family."

"My lord Lu, one person does the other. I killed Cao Yin, and the emperor blamed it on me, so let me take care of it!"

"Nonsense, obviously I killed it," Lu Zhi roared.

Cheng Huang was no longer arguing, and his gratitude to Lu Zhi was even greater.And Lu Zhi looked at Cheng Huang a few times, and he did not hesitate to take the blame himself.

Cao Yin was dead, and Lu Zhi's army quickly took control of the entire Yuanlin city and took over all of Yuanlin's defenses.Before the imperial court sent someone to come, he sent someone to take the post of prefect temporarily.

On the third day after entering Yuanlin, news came from another army led by Qin Chuang that they encountered the rebels near Anhua. After a fierce battle, the rebels were defeated and retreated into the mountains.

The army led by Lu Zhi, in addition to sending a general to stay in the county, also led the troops to approach Youyang and encircled Wulingman.

In the tent of the Chinese army, Cheng Huang expressed his thoughts to Lu Zhi, and was willing to go to the gathering place of Wuling barbarians in person to summon these barbarians to surrender.

Lu Zhi readily agreed, and Cheng Huang handed over the Dongting Army to Zhao Yun to lead, while he himself flew towards the Wuling Mountains on the Lightning Eagle.

The Lightning Eagle is indeed worthy of the name of Lightning, flying at full speed with astonishing speed.It didn't take long for Cheng Huang to reach the mountain area.

Mind controlled the Lightning Eagle to slow down, Cheng Huang looked down, and saw undulating mountains on the ground, high mountains and ravines, and one or two desolate villages flashed between the mountains from time to time.

Since it is not yet spring, it is difficult to hide the army in the mountains, so Cheng Huang can find the barracks of the barbarian army in the sky.

The mountains continued to recede, and a few hours later, Cheng Huang could already see the barracks of Qin Chuang's army.If nothing else happened, the barbarian army should not have traveled very far.

Sure enough, after more than an hour of searching, Cheng Huang finally found the camp of the Wuling barbarian army on the plain between the two high mountains.

Controlling the Lightning Eagle, it slowly lowered to the sky above the camp.

The huge lightning eagle in the sky had already alarmed the soldiers patrolling the camp, and when they found a person sitting on the bird, they immediately let out a burst of shouting.

Their cries startled everyone in the camp, and after a while, there was a surge of people in the camp, and the soldiers raised their heads one after another, looking at the sky, Cheng Huang shouted loudly.

Some even pulled the bowstring and shot sharp arrows towards Cheng Huang, but these sharp arrows had already fallen in mid-air, and instead injured many of their own people.

Cheng Huang ignored these soldiers, let the Lightning Eagle stop above the tents of the Chinese army, and looked down at the barbarians with uneven equipment and strange weapons.

"I am Cheng Huang from Dongting, I ask your leaders to come out and speak!" Cheng Huang shouted loudly.

"Dongting Cheng Huang, he is Dongting Cheng Huang, no wonder he has a flying mount!" The barbarian soldiers immediately discussed.

Cheng Huang broke the Yellow Turban, and his reputation has already been greatly shaken. It is not surprising that these barbarian soldiers heard Cheng Huang's name.

"I am their general Di Buyou. I have the final say here. Dongting Cheng Huang, are you here to provoke us?"

Cheng Huang turned his head and saw a group of guards with bright armor, hugging a big bald man with a mace on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, right? Of course I didn't come here today to challenge you. I can find you, and the imperial army can also find you. If we want to destroy you, I'm afraid you are surrounded by now."

As soon as they heard the word "siege", the barbarian army immediately went into a commotion.

Di Buyou thought for a while, and asked, "Since you didn't come to fight, then what are you talking about here?"

"Hehe," Cheng Huang laughed dryly, "You are all big men. I believe you were bewitched by others to rebel. I am here this time to discuss peace with you."

"Negotiate peace!" Di Buyou said with a smile: "Unless your imperial court treats us equally and stops oppressing our compatriots, we will definitely fight to the end with you. Besides, why don't you come down and talk if you want to negotiate peace."

"Commander Di, don't be so stubborn. The imperial army has arrived, and it is not difficult to destroy you." Cheng Huang said, his legs clamped, and the lightning sculpture landed like a meteor.

Everyone felt that Cheng Huang had already reached the ground in a blink of an eye.

As soon as he landed, Cheng Huang put away the Lightning Eagle.Suddenly, I felt a wind in the back of my head, knowing that someone was sneak attacking.

Cheng Huang turned over and let out a loud shout. At the same time, he punched backwards like lightning.

A strange scene happened. Everyone saw a general in armor raised a sharp arrow and slashed at Cheng Huang. Then Cheng Huang punched the air. Smoke, and fell to the ground with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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