Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 20 9 Jiang Jiangqin

Chapter 20 Jiujiang Jiang Qin
As the sky gradually darkened, Cheng Huang sat alone in the cabin, at the cabin door, guarding two tall water bandits to prevent Cheng Huang from escaping.

Of course, it is not difficult for Cheng Huang to leave, as long as he activates the lord skill.

His goal this time is to subdue Jiang Qin. As long as Jiang Qin submits to him, these water bandits will not obediently seek refuge in Xingyue Village.

Xingyue Village is right beside Dongting Lake. If there is no strong water army, Xingyue Village will not be able to talk about development.But Wang Ping is not good at water warfare, so Cheng Huang turned his idea to Jiang Qin.

The river beat against the ship's side, and the breeze blew in through the window, carrying a faint fishy smell. Cheng Huang squinted his eyes, calm and composed.

After a while, a row of torches appeared not far from the river, and there was a long sound of horns.The pirates on board cheered and blew their horns.

After a short tilt, the boat had already docked, and the pirates immediately jumped off the boat happily.Cheng Huang also disembarked under the supervision of two water bandits.

Cheng Huang discovered that this is an island in the heart of the river. Under the light of the torch, everything on the island came into view.

On the pier made of stone, two warships and more than a dozen wooden boats were parked.On the pier, a torch was planted every ten steps.The swaying flames are reflected in the river water, forming a beautiful picture scroll.

On the pier, there were actually several thunderbolt cars.Thunderbolt chariots can project stone bullets weighing hundreds of catties, which can easily sink ordinary wooden boats.

A road paved with gravel leads to a camp.Although the camp is made of wood, there are several watchtowers and arrow towers standing in it.

After getting off the boat, the leader signaled the water bandits to disperse, and he asked Cheng Huang to follow him and walked straight to the camp.

"The second leader is back!" The soldiers guarding outside the camp saw the leader and immediately yelled into the camp.

"Shouhou, what's your ghost name? Is it strange that I'm back?" The leader cursed, ignoring the soldier's natural reaction, and led Cheng Huang to the meeting hall.

The second leader turned his head and said to Cheng Huang: "The big leader is inside, let's go in!" After finishing speaking, he walked into the meeting hall on his own, and Cheng Huang followed immediately.

"Brother," the second leader called as soon as he entered the hall.

In the meeting hall, stood a majestic man who was eight feet tall and dressed in military uniform.

Cheng Huang's heart skipped a beat, this is Jiang Qin!As expected of a famous general in history, he really has a bit of majesty.

"Oh, you're back," Jiang Qin said indifferently. When he saw Cheng Huang standing behind the second commander, his expression changed and he was about to ask.

At this time, Cheng Huang immediately chose to use the recovery scroll of the famous historical general that he had already taken in his hand.I saw a faint ray of light flying towards Jiang Qin, and suddenly penetrated into Jiang Qin's leader.

A trace of bewilderment appeared on Jiang Qin's face.

"Ding, congratulations on recovering Jiang Qin, a famous third-rate historical general. The system rewards you with a thousand prestige and a detection crystal pendant."

"Cousin," Cheng Huang saw that the time was almost up, and immediately went up to meet him, calling out affectionately.

Jiang Qin's eyes became clear, and he was quite surprised by Cheng Huang's cousin. He was about to speak, but he saw Cheng Huang's eyes repeatedly, and he immediately understood.

"Hehe, it turned out to be my cousin, you finally came to see me!" he called affectionately.

He really is the big boss' cousin!The Second Commander who was standing not far away rejoiced secretly.Fortunately, the young man was not offended, otherwise the boss would have to move his head in a rage.

He immediately clasped his hands in a playful way and said, "Brother, when you two reunite after a long absence, you must have a lot to talk about, so I won't bother you!"

"Go," Jiang Qin waved his hand, and the second leader immediately turned and walked out of the meeting hall.

"My lord," Jiang Qin immediately knelt down on one knee and paid homage to Cheng Huang when he saw the second leader walking away.

Cheng Huang was overjoyed, this third-rate historical general recovered the scrolls really awesome.Jiang Qin, who was not subdued by the major online game guilds with all their efforts, was actually managed by himself with a scroll.

"Hehe," Cheng Huang quickly smiled and helped Jiang Qin up.Check out his attributes by the way.

Jiang Qin
Rating: 95
Occupation: Third-rate historical star

Force: 289
Intelligence: 55
Politics: 40
Commander: 70
Famous General Skills: Mastery of Water Battles (In water battles, only [-] soldiers' power will be increased by [-])

Navy training: able to train special arms, Jiangdong Navy
Well, although Jiang Qin's attributes are not as good as Wang Ping's, he is still considered a formidable third-rate historical general!In particular, he is a general of the navy and is proficient in water warfare. This is exactly what Cheng Huang needs now!

"Gongyi, I think you are like a tiger with wings added. How about this, you can bring your brother with you tomorrow, and let me go back to the territory?" Cheng Huang asked happily to help Jiang Qin up.

Jiang Qin stood up straight and said: "Everything is at the command of the lord, only the lord, there are 150 brothers in our water village, and there are more than 800 family members. If we move all of them out of here at once, I'm afraid some brothers will disagree. "

"Well, then tomorrow you will have a showdown with them, how many people can you take away, what do you think?" Cheng Huang touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Yes," Jiang Qin immediately arched his hands.

Early the next morning, just as the sun was rising, the big drum in front of the meeting hall of Jiangxin Island Shuizhai sounded hurriedly.

"Boom..." The dense drums rang a total of [-] times.

The drums are dense, there must be something important, and the water bandits in the water village are gathering at the training ground.

The second commander walked into the meeting hall in a hurry, saw Cheng Huang and Jiang Qin sitting upright, and asked suspiciously: "Brother, what's the matter with calling the brothers so early?"

Jiang Qin waved his hand, motioned for the second leader to sit down, and then said: "Brother Xue, we brothers have been together for several years, what do you think of my brothers?"

The second commander, Xue Ba, sat down, "Eldest brother has something to say to the brothers, if you have meat, let's eat together, if you have wine, let's drink together, treat us like brothers."

"Then, if I want to leave here, would my brothers be willing to go with me?" Jiang Qin stared at Xue Ba and asked.

"Leave here?" Xue Ba who had just sat down stood up abruptly, "Could it be that the officers and soldiers are coming to encircle us?"

"That's not true, since we are brothers, I won't hide it from you," Jiang Qin pointed at Cheng Huang and said, "This is not my cousin, he is a stranger, and I already recognize him as master!"

"What?" Xue Ba had a surprised expression, "Brother, there is something wrong with your head. He is just a foreigner with low strength. Moreover, the foreigner is after profit and everyone is despicable. You actually consider him the master. If I , Find a knife and chop him."

"Brother, you..." Jiang Qin was about to speak, but was interrupted by Cheng Huang.

Xue Ba's remarks of contempt for strangers made Cheng Huang unable to sit still any longer. He stood up, stared at Xue Ba, and said coldly: "Brother Xue is wrong. Evidence? Do all the aborigines talk about loyalty? Yiren’s strength is low, and that’s only temporary. Don’t you know the development potential of Yiren? I’m sure to be able to do a great job.”

"Brother Xue, brother, I respect you as a man, so I have to remind you that water bandits are not a long-term solution after all. Do you want your descendants to bear the infamy of bandits?" Cheng Huang's words are not only For Xue Ba, it is even more important to tell Jiang Qin.

Being robbed by Cheng Huang, Xue Ba fell silent, and after a while, he raised his head and said, "Even if I want to seek refuge, I don't want to go with a stranger like you. There are not many heroes in the world, so what can you do?" , dare to accept my allegiance?"

(End of this chapter)

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