Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 193 Capture the Camp

Chapter 193 Capture the Camp
The system camp was refreshed in the mountains, and the bandits must have discovered the army of Xingyue City.

However, except for the leader of the bandits, the IQ of the rest of the bandits is very worrying.As long as the enemy does not reach the range determined by the system, they will not attack.

There was only one mountain road leading to the bandits' camp. Cheng Huang took Wudang's flying army to investigate and found a small road that could be climbed five kilometers away from the camp.

Cheng Huang immediately decided to go around the mountain from this path, and then attack from the mountain.

Although the path is steep, it is not difficult for hunters and flying soldiers who are good at field combat.

Cheng Huang selected two thousand elites from the team, followed the assassins, hunters and ghost guards, and climbed towards the top of the mountain.

The generals who followed Cheng Huang were Gan Ning, Zang Ba, Han Long and Zhang Long, the chief of the Wanfu.

After half an hour, the team finally reached the top of the mountain.Several leaders stood on the top of the hill and carefully observed the location of the camp.

"Boss, what should we do now?" the talkative Liu Qi asked.

Cheng Huang looked at the camp in the mountains, touched his chin, "Xingba, Xuan Gao, how about we lure the snake out of the hole." Cheng Huang smiled, as long as it was a system monster, it was easy to deal with.In previous games, attracting monsters was his favorite strategy.

"Brother, how do you lure a snake out of a cave?" Gan Ning asked.

Cheng Huang expressed his thoughts, and all the generals nodded their heads in praise, deeply admiring the wisdom of the lord.

Soon, the two thousand elites of Xingyue City started to move. They gathered the stones near the top of the mountain and piled them up.

Then, Han Long led the assassins, groped around the camp, and killed all the monsters sent by the system camp to guard them.Back at the top of the mountain, Han Long nodded, indicating that it was done.

Then came the part of attracting monsters.As a master at attracting monsters, Cheng Huang took on the task of attracting monsters himself without hesitation.

He brought Liu Qi and other hunters to the vicinity of the system's camp.

"Xiao Qi, how about we compete on who has the loudest voice?" Cheng Huang said.

"Okay!" Cheng Huang's suggestion was exactly what Liu Qi wanted, and he couldn't find out if he could compete with Cheng Huang.

"Come on, let me count one, two, three, let's yell together, what are you yelling for?" Cheng Huang touched his chin, "Should we just yell and knock down the ****?"

"Boss, what is ***?" Liu Qi asked.

Cheng Huang yelled a mistake, he only cared about being cheerful, but he didn't think that Liu Qi didn't know the meaning of ***.It would probably take more than ten minutes to explain it, and with Liu Qi's IQ, he might not be able to understand it.

"You can just yell, don't care what he means," Cheng Huang said helplessly.

"Okay!" Liu Qi nodded.

"I counted! One, two, three,"


Cheng Huang and Liu Qi roared together, startling countless birds in the forest.

Not to mention, their yelling really had an effect, only the rapid drumbeat sounded in the system camp.Cheng Huang was condescending and could see clearly. He saw countless system thieves coming out of the camp and quickly gathered together.

These system thieves are well-equipped, and the armor on their bodies is gleaming, obviously of high quality.Unexpectedly, Huang discovered that the system has a complete range of thieves and bandits, and they are indeed produced by the system, so they must be high-quality goods!
These thieves did not immediately attack a few people, and activated, it seems that they still have a certain degree of discipline.

"Who, who broke into my territory?" With a loud shout, a general in heavy armor and carrying a huge ax came out of the camp, looking very mighty.

"Xiaoqi, let's yell again!"

"Okay," Liu Qi was very excited to see that his roar was so powerful that it alarmed all the bandits.

"one two Three,"

"Down with the ****!"

This time, the roar was louder than before.

"Ah!" The bandit leader found Cheng Huang and the others, he was furious, roared, and took the lead in chasing Cheng Huang and the others.

Cheng Huang took out his long bow, stretched the bow and set an arrow, and shot down the guard next to the bandit leader with one arrow, and said, "Go," and fled towards the top of the mountain with a few people.

Cheng Huang and the ten hunters have all achieved great success in climbing, and their speed of walking in the mountains is far from that of these ordinary thieves.

They led the ten thousand system thieves and ran towards the top of the mountain.However, it didn't take long for Cheng Huang to discover the problem.

The bandit leader's speed was not slow, and he quickly opened the distance from the ordinary system bandits. In desperation, Cheng Huang could only turn the hunters back, and kept shooting the bandit leader with bows and arrows to slow down his speed.

In this way, Cheng Huang and the hunters led the system thieves and quickly approached the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was about to fall in front of them, Cheng Huang and the hunters used climbing skills and quickly swept towards the top of the mountain.When he reached the top of the mountain, Cheng Huang turned his head and looked at the bandits swarming like a tide, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Seeing that the enemy had already reached the top of the mountain, the leader of the bandits screamed angrily, and quickly chased towards the top of the mountain.But at this time, he heard the sound of weapons piercing through the air, and thought that some people in front were shooting arrows to harass him, so he quickly blocked it with an axe.


The sharp arrow hit the axe, sparks flew out, the bandit leader felt a strong force coming, the giant ax flew out of his hand, and the man was knocked back ten steps, his breathing was extremely difficult, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

On the top of the mountain, Gan Ning held the bow in one hand, with a wicked smile on his lips, the arrow just now was his handwriting.

"Get ready!" Cheng Huang yelled, and the soldiers hiding on the top of the mountain jumped out immediately, each lifting a big stone.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the bandit leader turned green, and only then did he realize that he had been fooled.

However, it is too late now!
"Let go!" With Cheng Huang yelling, more than 2000 soldiers threw the boulder in their hands at the same time.


Two thousand boulders rolled down the mountain, the sound was loud, and the boulders hit the bandits with unparalleled momentum, like a landslide.



The thieves screamed incessantly, and the boulders rolled over towards the enemy's formation, crushing them with such force that at least half of the thieves were killed in this attack.The dungeon points of Xingyue City rose a lot in an instant.


Cheng Huang raised his arm again, and the second round of stone bullets also hit the bandits.

After a few rounds, there are not many fighting system thieves left!

"Let's kill!" Cheng Huang took out the Sky Breaker Spear, pointed at it, and rushed down the mountain first.

More than 2000 Xingyue City soldiers, like more than 2000 tigers released from their cages, rushed towards the system camp in the mountains.

There were very few system thieves who had already been stunned by the rain of stone bullets, how could they resist the attack of Xingyue City, and they all died under the butcher knife of Xingyue City soldiers.And the bandit leader was hacked three times by Gan Ning, decapitated, and contributed his points and the third-rate historical famous general Wuhun by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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