Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 183 Regaining Ju Yi

Chapter 183 Regaining Ju Yi
Through the conversation, Cheng Huang learned that Guo You, an iron operator, has industries all over the world, no wonder he is well-informed.

Then, the task of collecting intelligence and investigating the enemy's situation is none other than him.

Han Long, on the other hand, has superb swordsmanship and is good at various assassination methods.Therefore, Cheng Huang asked him to select suitable candidates in the territory and train a group of assassins.

If important figures of the enemy were assassinated before the engagement, it could change a battle.When dealing with the enemy, when it is inconvenient for him to make a move, he can completely hand it over to the assassin.

Cheng Huang believes that as long as the assassins are trained, he will have another sharp weapon against the enemy.

As for the four generals of Mount Tai, since they had their own influence in Xuzhou, Cheng Huang had to let them go back to develop, and told them not to make enemies with the Yellow Turban of Qingzhou.

Because Zang Ba served under Tao Qian.Cheng Huang revised a book and transferred Zang Ba to his subordinates.He also sent Jiang Qin to Xuzhou with Zang Ba, and transferred all Zang Ba's family members to Dongting.

After arriving in Dongting, Cheng Huang asked Zang Ba to select [-] soldiers to guard Baqiu.

A green forest arrow summoned many helpers, Cheng Huang was very happy.

After finishing everything, Cheng Huang walked towards the Xingyue City system prison.

System prison, a prison blessed by the power of the system.After being imprisoned, without the permission of the prison guard, even if you are a god-level historical general, you can't escape.

The system prison of Xingyue City was built underground, and the originally dark prison was filled with torches.

Cheng Huang walked down the step-by-step stone ladder to the prison cell.

This is the only prison cell in Xingyue City, but it is simply arranged like a star hotel.

Soft bedding, a burning brazier, and two jailers waiting by the side like the following people.If you want wine, you have wine, you want meat, you can have meat, except that you can't get out of the cell, you can get anything you want here.

Cheng Huang ordered the jailer to open the cell, walked in, and squatted by the brazier, his whole body warmed up.

"You have been here no less than ten times! I know you are here to persuade you to surrender, but every time you come, you just talk about unimportant issues. Why?" A voice sounded not far from Cheng Huang. Cheng Huang didn't look back, just Looking at the raging fire in the brazier.

During this period of time, whenever he was free, he came to the prison to chat with Ju Yi, talking about life, thinking, and the general trend of the world, but he did not mention the issue of persuading him to surrender.

Cheng Huang wouldn't be so patient if it was any other first-class military general.But Ju Yi is different. Ju Yi's military training and ability to lead troops are well-known in the Three Kingdoms.

The first dead soldier, a special unit trained by Ju Yi.In the battle at Jieqiao, Gongsun Zan lost his helmet and armor.Win more with less and defeat Han Fu's army.When he first surrendered to Yuan Shao, his status was even higher than Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Chun Yuqiong, Han Meng and other generals.It was only because of his arrogant nature that he violated Yuan Shao's taboo that he was beheaded.

In terms of integrity, Ju Yi is far inferior to Gao Shun and Zhang Ren, and should be easy to recruit and surrender, but he was rewarded to Wang Teng by the system, and his loyalty is relatively high.

Cheng Huang turned his head, looked at Ju Yi, who had been well-groomed, and said, "General Ju, why do you think I'm here to recruit you? I'm just telling you the truth. That alien Wang Teng, even himself His masters are all killed, and his morality is corrupt, but you treat him as the master of enlightenment, it's really heartbreaking!"

Ju Yi got up, walked to the brazier, and said: "General Cheng, after this period of contact, I think you are a person with great ambitions. Regardless of your bearing and ability, you are convincing. If the general can agree to one condition, I will What's the point of being loyal to you?"

Cheng Jiang was secretly happy, he sent someone to wait on Ju Yi every day, and often colluded with him.Ju Yi's affirmation of his brainwashing method was finally obtained.

"Speak up! General Ju, as long as your conditions do not violate the principles, I will try my best to fulfill them." Cheng Jiang held back the wild laughter in his heart and pretended to be nonchalant.In fact, as long as Ju Yi is willing to be loyal, let alone one condition, even ten or a hundred, he will agree.

Ju Yidao: "I have nothing else to ask, but the general in the future will not make me an enemy of my former lord."

What kind of condition is this? It's not a problem at all!Therefore, Cheng Huang hurriedly said: "General Ju is indeed loyal, don't worry, you want you to be loyal to me, I will definitely not make things difficult for you."

Ju Yi was overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee, "I, Ju Yi, originally intended to serve General Cheng as the master, my lord."

"Ding! Congratulations on winning the allegiance of Ju Yi, a famous historical general. I wish you a happy game!"

When the system prompt sounded, Cheng Jiang was ecstatic, he quickly helped Ju Yi up, and checked Ju Yi's attributes by the way.

Ju Yi
Rating: 99
Qualification: Excellent

Occupation: military general (first-class historical famous general)
Force: 690
Intelligence: 78
Politics: 34
Commander: 90
Skills: crossbowman training, able to train advanced special arms to be the first to die.

Skilled in bow and horse
The Crossbow of Famous Generals, (When leading the dead warrior, all crossbowmen will increase the accuracy by ten, and the shooting range will increase by 20.00%.)
Seeing Ju Yi's attributes, Cheng Huang was even more overjoyed.

In addition to leading the dead, Ju Yi's commander-in-chief is not low, and his political attributes are poor, so it is easy to manage.No wonder he obediently chose to be loyal under his psychological offensive during this period of time!
"Haha," Cheng Jiang said with a smile, "I have a famous general like General Ju. It's a gift from heaven! General Ju has suffered here for a while. Let's go, I'll take you to take a hot bath, and then go to Jiasheng Restaurant , and get drunk with you."

Satisfied with wine and food, Ju Yi drew a blueprint for making a strong crossbow and handed it to Cheng Huang. Cheng Huang asked Ju Yi to select strong and strong people in the territory to train the first dead soldiers.

The result disappointed Cheng Huang. Ju Yi only selected fifty people among the hundreds of thousands of people who could train Xiandeng dead soldiers.

High-level special arms, the conditions required for training are so high that Wudang Flying Army, Jinfan Sailing Army, and Xiandeng Dead Soldiers cannot be mass-produced.

However, this also shows the strength of advanced special arms.Even if it is a first-class historical general, it is not easy to escape from being entangled by high-level special arms.

In the following days, apart from inspecting the territory every day, checking the construction of various projects and the training of arms, Cheng Huang practiced the Sky-breaking marksmanship and the Lingxian Huntian Jue.

In his free time, he would also sit in the newly renovated Cai Mansion and talk about life with Cai Wenji by the way.More often, Cheng Huang would sit on the Yueyang Tower, looking at Junshan Island flickering in the distance, and waiting for the historical celebrities whose system was refreshed.

As the days passed, the construction of Xingyue City was in full swing.Cheng Huang didn't know that a major event sweeping the world was quietly approaching.

PS, the third volume is finished, and this is also the last chapter of 2016. A new chapter will start tomorrow, and the fourth volume "Global Controversy" will begin soon.

Here, I wish book lovers a happy new year in advance. In 2017, everyone will be happy every day, earn more money, and find their own spring.

Finally, I hope that the readers of Qidian will give me a wave of publicity. It is very simple, just create a book list and pull in your favorite books and books. I heard that the effect is good.

(End of this chapter)

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