Chapter 181
Cheng Huang returned to Xingyue City with a heavy heart. When he saw the dense defensive arrow towers on the city wall, the majestic patrol soldiers, and the workers working hard, his decadence disappeared immediately.

yes!I have so many leaders, so many elite soldiers, and famous historical generals and counselors.Even if it is the Chinese government, the World Federation, what can it do.

What Xu Shu said was right, soldiers came to block them, water came to cover them, as long as they dared to come, they would be beaten back to their mother's womb.

Walking to Jiasheng Restaurant, as soon as he went up to the second floor, he saw Han Long sitting and drinking alone.

Since Han Long hadn't chosen his allegiance yet, he couldn't see his attributes. Of course, the means of people in the world cannot be calculated by force.

As the assassin who changed history and entered the city, Han Long's reputation was not as good as that of the three disciples who assassinated Sun Ce.Being able to take the head of the country's lord among thousands of troops shows the ability of this Han Long.

It can be said that the difficulty of assassinating Ke Bi Neng is not much less than that of assassinating Han Lingdi.But Han Long succeeded and escaped unscathed.It can be seen that he is definitely a master of masters.

Cheng Huang smiled all over his face, and walked over, "Daxia Han is in a good mood, why don't we have a drink together?"

For a master like Han Long, of course Cheng Huang tried his best to win him over.

Han Long had already seen Cheng Huang and made a gesture of invitation. Cheng Huang was not polite and sat opposite him.

"Hero Han, we are satisfied with the food and drink in Dongting," Cheng Huang asked after sitting down, pouring himself a glass of wine.He knew that although this Han Long was indifferent on the outside, like all people in the world, he was very loyal and forthright.As long as you treat him well, he will give you his heart.

Han Long opened his mouth and said, "To tell you the truth, Mr. Han traveled all over the world, from the Western Regions in the west, to the South China Sea in the south, and to the shore of Mount Tai in the east. The food and drink in your Dongting can be considered top-grade. General Cheng, you are really lucky to occupy such a territory." Not shallow."

"Hehe," Cheng Huang said with a smile, "As long as Han Daxia doesn't dislike him, I'm satisfied." At this time, Cheng Huang's eyes drifted out of the window, and he saw Wei Bing walking towards this side with a man in gray clothes.

Coincidentally, Han Long also saw it and said, "So it's Iron Operator, and he's here too!"

"Iron operator," Cheng Huang noticed that there was indeed an iron abacus hanging on the waist of the visitor.

Soon, the guard and the iron operator went to the restaurant.I saw that the man in gray was short and fat, his face seemed to be covered with oil, which made people feel very uncomfortable.With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Cheng Huang's first impression was that he was a businessman.

Cheng Huang got up quickly and went up to greet him. The guard bowed and said, "My lord, this senior wants to see you."

The iron operator had a smile on his face: "In Xiaguoyou, people call him iron operator. I met General Cheng and heard that you sent the Green Forest Arrow, but there is such a thing."

"It turns out that Iron Operator Guo Daxia, please sit down," Cheng Huang hurriedly cupped his hands.

"He's not a hero, he's just a fraudulent Guo Da fool." At this time, Han Long who was sitting suddenly said.

When Tie Suanzi saw Han Long, he immediately jumped up, "Okay! So you, the cold-faced swordsman, are here too. Haven't you paid me the wine money you owed me three years ago?" He said, taking the iron abacus from his waist, Crackling and counting.

"Three years and three months ago, it was 45 gold coins, and the interest rate is revolving. Now it is 530 five gold, three silver and seven copper. Since we have known each other for many years, the mantissa is unnecessary. There is a total of 530 hardware. Here."

This iron operator was fast in his calculations and fast in his mouth. After finishing speaking, he rushed over and stretched out his fat hands as white as lotus roots in front of Han Long.

Seeing the actions of the two, Cheng Huang's mouth twitched, saying that people in the Jianghu acted strangely, and now he finally believed it!These Jianghu figures do not have a high status in society, so they are not recorded in the official history and unofficial history, but it does not mean that they have no ability.On the contrary, these people often possess unique skills.

Han Long drank a glass of wine, and then slowly said: "I, Han Long, have never been penniless when I walk in the rivers and lakes. It's not like you don't know that you should ask my boss for money."

"Boss," Tie Shuanzi tilted his head, "Who is your boss?"

Han Long glanced at Cheng Huang, and then said nothing.

"It's you?" Tie Suanzi walked towards Cheng Huang, clasped his hands, and rolled his eyes, "Well, look..."

"Haha..." Cheng Huang smiled brightly, grabbed a handful of gold coins, put them in the hands of the iron operator, and said, "You don't need to look for it!"

Tie Suanzi held the gold coins, counted them, and then threw a few back to Cheng Huang, "Although I, Tie Suanzi, love money, I never take advantage of others."

Cheng Huang was about to speak, but Han Long looked out the window and said, "Hey,"

Taking two steps forward quickly, Cheng Huang looked out the window, and saw a few people walking towards this side led by guards on the street downstairs.

Five people, all young.

Soon, a group of people walked into the restaurant, and then the sound of climbing up the stairs sounded, and the five people appeared at the top of the stairs.

At the same time, the detection crystal on Cheng Huang's chest fluttered, proving that all the people who came were historical figures.

"Everyone has come from afar, and Cheng has lost his respect and disrespect." Cheng Huang hurriedly stepped forward and arched his hands together.

Among the five people, the first one took two steps forward, he was dressed in a blue robe, about eight feet high, with a long sword hanging from his waist, he looked extremely mighty.Chao Chenghuang arched his hands together: "It turned out that it was General Cheng who sent out the green forest arrow. I really didn't expect that the green forest arrow that hadn't been released in 200 years would be in the general's hands. Under Xia Zang Ba, the word Xuan Gao, see General Cheng."

Zang Ba!

Cheng Huang's heart was shocked, and he quickly cupped his hands, "It turns out that it is Zang Xuangao who is famous in Qingzhou and Xuerzhou, so these four must be the Four Masters of Mount Tai!"

Zang Ba, one of Lu Bu's eight generals.Among the eight generals, his force is second only to Zhang Liao.In the early years, Zang Ba followed Tao Ao, the governor of Xuzhou, to suppress the Yellow Turbans, so it is not surprising to know Cheng Huang's name.

Of course, Zang Ba, like Zhang Liao, became famous only after he joined Cao Cao. Cao Cao asked Zang Ba to lead Qing, Xu Erzhou, to guard one side.As famous as Wenpin and Tian Yu, he is a rare general.

As for the Four Heroes of Mount Tai, they are actually called the Four Bandits of Mount Tai. Their names are Sun Guan, Chang Xi, Wu Dun, and Yin Li.Together with Zang Ba, Sun Guan has made outstanding military exploits.And Wu Dun and Yin Li were also reused by Cao Cao.

As for Chang Xi, his name will last forever.Of course, it's not that he has a good reputation, it's already a bad reputation.

After taking refuge in Cao Cao, he betrayed him four times.Cao Cao focused on appeasement, and did not kill him four times, but still let him guard one side.But the last time he surrendered to his friend Yu Jin, he was killed by Yu Jin first and then played!
Of course, apart from being capricious, Chang Ba's ability is definitely not weak. He once defeated Xia Houyuan and Zhang Liao, which shows his ability.

Cao Cao's failure to kill many times is also related to his extraordinary ability.

(End of this chapter)

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