Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 174 Territory City Wall

Chapter 174 Territory City Wall
Cheng Huang made such a big commotion, which already alarmed the people working nearby, and soon, many people surrounded him.

They were already stunned when they saw Cheng Huang's tricks, pointing casually, and a section of the city wall rose from the ground.

Although Ma Liang was rewarded by the main god of the system, he was also shocked by such a tall city wall.

Cheng Huang continued to use the city wall rewarded by the system according to the predetermined location, and soon, a city wall more than one mile long appeared outside Xingyue Town.

Cheng Huang stopped and looked at the miraculous city wall.I saw that the city wall was about three feet thick and five feet high. It was all made of blue stones of the same size, and it looked extremely strong.

Even better, the city wall doesn't need to lay a foundation at all, it is automatically connected to the ground.What the system rewards cannot be inferred according to common sense at all.

If you want to build such a city wall by yourself, how much manpower and material resources will it take for fifty miles!
The rewards in this system are really awesome!

Ignoring the onlookers, Cheng Huang continued to work hard, moving his hands together, and each time he pointed, an extra section of the city wall would be formed.

Time passed little by little, and three hours later, Cheng Huang walked around Xingyue Town, and a solid city wall had surrounded Xingyue Town.

Cheng Huang clicked on the reward panel again, and opened a door on each side of the city wall. In this way, the city wall of Xingyue City was formed.

With the city wall, many soldiers from Xingyue Town went up to the top of the city wall, happily walking around on it.

Cheng Huang clapped his hands and led Ma Liang up the city wall, feeling a sense of accomplishment in his heart.The movement here had already alarmed Jiang Qin and Wang Ping, and they also came to Cheng Huang's side, their faces brimming with joy.

"Brother, with the city wall, we will no longer be afraid of the enemy's attack!" Huang Zu's attack last time left Wang Ping in a lingering fear. Seeing such a strong city wall, he said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Cheng Huang nodded, "Whoever dares to attack us again, we'll beat him back into his mother's womb. Zijun Gongyi, and Mr. Ji Chang, let's have a drink."

In Jiasheng Restaurant, Cheng Huang asked for a private room, and the four of them ordered some food and wine, chatting while eating.

Ma Liang: "My lord, now that the city wall is in place, supporting facilities such as watchtowers, arrow towers, stone carts, etc. can be moved to the city wall!"

Cheng Huang: "Of course, Mr. Ji Chang, the supporting facilities of Yueyang Tower can be completed, and the hospital has already opened!"

Ma Liang cupped his hands, "My lord, within three days, the supporting facilities of Yueyang Tower will be completed. The hospital has already been remodeled, and it is now recruiting the first batch of colleges. After Zhang Taishou heard that we have built a medical school, he was very appreciative. Great support has been given.”

"The prefect personally visited our medical school, and sent people to post the admission notices in the counties of Changsha. Now, more than a thousand students from each county have come to the college to register. In addition, the prefect ordered people to start building Xiang County The official road to Xingyue City is estimated to be completed in a few days."

After listening to Ma Liang's story, Cheng Huang nodded with a smile. The prefect Zhang Zhongjing is also a famous doctor in the world, so of course he cares about the medical career!If Zhang Zhongjing was not the prefect of Changsha, Cheng Huang really wanted to take him under his command.

The construction of the official road from Xiang County to Xingyue City was originally what I wanted to do, but now that Zhang Zhongjing helped build it, it saved a lot of material and manpower.

In other words, Zhang Zhongjing doesn't feel bad about using state funds?
"Zijun, Gongyi," Cheng Huang asked Wang Ping, "Is there any abnormality in the law and order in the territory recently?"

"Brother," Wang Ping cupped his hands and said, "Recently, there have been a lot of aliens who want to enter our territory. We have strengthened our defenses. As soon as we see aliens intruding, we will kill them immediately. Especially Yueyang Tower, we have sent It is heavily defended to ensure that no one can enter."

"Okay, Zijun is thoughtful and has done a good job. Gong Yi also needs to strengthen water patrols. Oh, by the way, it is estimated that tomorrow, our expedition team will be able to reach Xiangyang, and Gong Yi will send more warships to meet him." .”


Several people ate and chatted until the sun went down before leaving Jiasheng Restaurant.

Several people left and went to busy with their own affairs.

Cheng Huang burped and was in a good mood.

Xingyue City has been upgraded to a county seat, and then it will enter a stage of rapid development.Within the city walls, a large number of houses can be built for new residents to live in.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion has been pacified for a while, and now the refugees are beginning to decrease, but Cheng Huang is not worried about the population problem at all.

According to the news from Ma Yuanyi, he has assembled millions of defeated Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, forming a large team.In addition, they even got in touch with the scattered remnants of Yellow Turbans in various places.

This made Cheng Huang very excited, Ma Yuanyi, a dark boy, arranged it well!As the chief disciple of the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao, he has a very high prestige among the Yellow Turbans, and it is not difficult to obtain the leadership position of the remaining Yellow Turbans.

If he can unify all the yellow turbans, when the princes are in chaos, he can smoothly receive these yellow turbans and become the biggest prince.

The Qingzhou soldiers recruited by Cao Cao, the Black Mountain Army recruited by Yuan Shao, and the Baibo Army will all become his subordinates.Of course, there is also the Five Dou Rice Sect in Hanzhong.

You know, there are no less than 500 million yellow scarves scattered all over the country. This is a huge force.

The future of Xingyue City is bright, Cheng Huang thought about it, and walked towards the Heroic Soul Tower.

I haven't visited Master for several days!Cheng Huang still misses her very much.

At the gate of Heroic Soul Tower, Wang Ran was sitting in a wheelchair, basking in the sun comfortably.

The wheelchair was made by Cheng Huang based on the wheelchairs in the real world, and he drew the blueprints for the carpenters in the territory to make.

Wang Ran is very satisfied with this wheelchair.

The wheelchair is covered with precious tiger skin, which is very warm and comfortable. The armrests of the chair are also polished and smooth, and covered with tiger skin, it is very suitable.

For his apprentice, he was impeccable. Wang Ran was very fortunate that he could receive such a good disciple.

Seeing Cheng Huang approaching, Wang Ran had a smile on his face.

"Master," Cheng Huang said in a low voice, walking straight in front of Wang Ran.

"I'm back. The territory has been upgraded to a county seat. Is this trip going well?" Wang Ran asked.

"Well, thanks to Master, the task has been completed." Cheng Huang walked behind Wang Ran, pushed the wheelchair into the sun, and responded.

"Okay, your boy is really blessed and fateful. The master is old and his martial arts are useless. I'm afraid there is nothing that can help you!" Wang Ran sighed.

"Master, you only need to enjoy the blessings, and you need to order anything. These mundane things don't bother Master." Cheng Huang said.

"Hey," Wang Ran said with a smile, "Although my martial arts are useless, this is fine, and I won't be afraid of system sanctions. I can't help you with anything else, but I can still do a little bit."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ran took out a small green arrow from his arms and handed it to Cheng Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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