Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 157 Abducting Cai Yong

Chapter 157 Abducting Cai Yong
At noon, two fast horses escorted a carriage and drove out of Anyi City.

Riding on the horses were Xu Shu and Cheng Huang.Because Cai Yan was not good at riding horses, Cheng Huang rented a carriage.

Obtaining Cai Yan's allegiance, Cheng Huang is in a good mood.Not to mention the acquisition of a thousand heroic souls, Cai Yan was ecstatic when he saw Cai Yan's amazing attributes.

Cai Yan
Occupation: Luthier (super class historical beauty)
Rating: 89
Force: 65
Intelligence: 80
Politics: 42
Commander: 24
Qualification: Stunning

Talent: Knowing fate (can see the trajectory of one's own life)

Watch the sky (there is a chance to get enlightenment from the night sky)

Skill: Calligraphy Jinglun (master level)

Rhythm (Extended skill of grandmaster-level piano skills, when playing on the battlefield, the morale of one's own team will increase by 20.00%, and the morale of the enemy will decrease by 20.00%.)
Forbidden Air: Grandmaster-level piano skill extension skills.

This is the attribute of Cai Wenji, a super-class historical beauty.It can be said that Cai Wenji's role is not inferior to that of a super-class historical star.

Increase your own morale by 20.00%, reduce the enemy's morale by 20.00%, and there is no limit to the number.Think about when millions of soldiers are fighting hard, once this piano skill is used, it will definitely turn the tide of the battle.

And the guqin that Cai Yan took away was the Jiaoweiqin, a famous Chinese piano. What Cheng Huang didn't expect was that this Jiaoweiqin turned out to be an epic item.

Grandmaster-level piano skills, plus Jiaoweiqin, I am afraid that even Mei Zhoulang Jiangdong and Di Cui from Qinchunlou will have to bow down!
The Cai family is indeed a family of piano skills.The qin music that has been handed down to this day, Cai's Five Nongs, was created by Cai Yan's ancestors.What's more, Cai Yan's Eighteen Pads of Hu Jia is also a famous work through the ages.

Cheng Huang was looking forward to it, what would it be like to hear Cai Yan playing the piano in person.

The only fly in the ointment is that although this Cai Wenji is not aloof, she is also difficult to get close to. Looking at Cai Wenji's appearance, Cheng Huang can always feel the distance.

The carriage gradually drove into Luoyang City, and as long as it reached the teleportation array, it could be teleported back to Jingzhou directly!
And at this time, Cai Wenji in the carriage spoke!

"General Cheng, I want to go home and see my father, I don't know if I can.

This request is very reasonable, Cheng Huang replied: "Yes, Miss Cai should go and see Master Cai."

The carriage turned and turned, passed through several streets, and stopped outside a house.Cheng Huang looked up, and it was Cai's mansion.

When Cai Wenji got out of the carriage, the guard at the gate immediately screamed when he saw it.

"It's Miss, Miss is back!"

After a while, a group of people came out from the courtyard of Cai's mansion, and the leader was Cai Yong.

When Cai Yong's wife saw her daughter, she rushed over quickly, and the mother and daughter hugged each other.

The whole family was very happy when their daughter came back. Cheng Huang and Xu Shu were also deeply affected and in a good mood.

After exchanging pleasantries, Cai Yong quickly invited Cheng, Huang and Xu Shu into the mansion, while Cai Yan went to talk with his mother.

The three of them sat down in the living room. Seeing that Cai Yong was not very happy, Cheng Huang asked, "Lord Cai, you should be happy when Miss Yan is back. Why are you so unhappy! Could it be because of Master Lu Zhi?"

"Hey!" Cai Yong sighed, "Master Lu has returned to his original post, and has already led his troops to Xiliang! It's just that the letter of the yellow scarf that was issued did not bring down Zhang Rang. The emperor just sent Feng Xuan and Xu Feng down. In prison, he only scolded Zhang Rang a few words."

"So that's how it is." Cheng Huang was not surprised by all this, so he pretended to be worried and said, "Lord Cai, if he failed to wipe out the eunuch party this time, there will be endless troubles! I'm afraid that Zhang Rang will hold a grudge and stand in front of the emperor." Gossiping to get revenge on everyone."

"Yes!" Cai Yong was also quite worried. "After this incident, many adults were disheartened. Even General Huangfu resigned from his post and stopped asking about political affairs!"

"I don't know what Master Cai's plan is," Cheng Huang asked.

"Hey!" Cai Yong's face turned bitter, "The current court is in chaos, and there is not a single inch of pure land!"

Cheng Huang's heart moved, and he glanced at Xu Shu. Xu Shu's heart was like a mirror, and he nodded slightly, so Cheng Huang said: "Master Cai, Huang has a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

"General Cheng, but it's okay to say!"

"Your Excellency, you come from a family of Confucianism and Taoism, and you don't know much about the various entanglements in the court. If you continue like this, you will definitely stumble, and maybe you will catch up with the entire Cai family. So why don't Mr. Cai retreat bravely, go back to the countryside, and devote yourself to studying learning?" good."

Cai Yong stroked his beard stubble, "General Cheng's words are quite to my liking, but where can there be a truly clean place!"

"Hehe!" Cheng Huang said with a smile: "Lord Cai, I am in Dongting Lake, and there are many islands. If Master Cai comes to live in my territory, you can choose the residence in my territory. Even if you want to live in my general's mansion, I will immediately vacate it." Come out to live in adults."

"Now that Miss Cai Yan has agreed to come to my territory, why don't Mrs. Cai go together, wouldn't it be better for the family to reunite and enjoy family happiness?"

Seeing that Cai Yong was still hesitating, Cheng Huang continued: "My lord must have heard of Wang Lie and Wang Yanfang! He has opened a college in my territory now, teaching and educating people, so happy. If your lord is willing to go, the director of the college The position must belong to adults, adults teach and educate people during the day, and study history at night, isn’t it a great joy in life?”

"But," Cai Yong still hesitated, "We're all gone, isn't Zhang Rang more able to do whatever he wants!"

"Hehe," Cheng Huang said with a smile, "my lord, you think highly of yourself! Whether Zhang Rang will do whatever he wants is not up to the ministers, but to the emperor! The emperor wants Zhang Rang to die, but he still dares to live. On the contrary, it's just like what happened today , the ministers want Zhang Rang to die, but the emperor refuses, so what can you do?"

What Cheng Huang said caused Cai Yong to remain silent. After a long silence, he suddenly stood up, as if he had made up his mind.

"Okay, General Cheng, I will resign from the emperor early tomorrow morning and go to Dongting with you."

Cheng Huang was overjoyed, "Lord Cai finally let go, and then you will find another world. I, Cheng Huang, promise that my lord will not regret it when he comes to my territory."

After talking for a while, Cai Yong got up and ordered his servants to pack their luggage and prepare to go to Dongting.

Cai Yan knew that his family would go to Dongting together, so he was naturally very excited.

In the evening, Cheng Huang and Xu Shu rested in Cai Mansion.

Winning Cai Yan first, then Cai Yong, Cheng Huang's trip to Luoyang was fruitful, and he was naturally inexplicably excited.Chatting with Xu Shu until late at night, the two of them took a rest.

Early the next morning, Cai Yong submitted his resignation in court.It went very smoothly, and neither Zhang Rang nor the emperor stopped him.

At noon, more than [-] members of Cai's family came to the teleportation array in Luoyang, and they were directly teleported to Jingzhou.

When he arrived in Jingzhou, Cheng Huang found the merchant ship arranged by Ma Liang in Jingzhou, took Cai's family, and sailed towards Dongting.

(End of this chapter)

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