Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 138 Subduing Ma Yuanyi

Chapter 138 Subduing Ma Yuanyi

Cheng Huang took five hundred white horses and ran towards Jingzhou.

"Brother Cheng, how did you conjure up these cavalrymen?" Hua Tuo, who was sitting behind Cheng Huang, finally couldn't help asking.

"Well!" Cheng Huang hesitated, he really didn't know how to explain Hua Tuo to be able to understand, "Master Hua, we aliens have many abilities that are different from your original people, for example, we have extra storage space! For example, you can be resurrected after death! Wait, I actually don’t know what’s going on.”

"Oh!" Hua Tuo seemed to understand.

At this time, the front was dusty, and a group of soldiers and horses came towards this side. It seemed that there were at least 1 people.

After seeing clearly that they all had yellow scarves on their heads, Cheng Huang's heart skipped a beat. Could there be another hard fight.

With Cheng Huang's big hand, five hundred Bai Ma Yi stopped Qiqi.

The Yellow Turban team also saw Cheng Huang's team, and stopped several hundred meters away. The formation was divided, and a general came out on horseback.

After seeing the general's face clearly, Cheng Huang couldn't help laughing.

It was none other than Ma Yuanyi who made a bet with him.

Ma Yuanyi, as Zhang Jiao's big disciple, was not arrested like in history, but became Qu Shuai of the Runan Yellow Turban.

Looking at the dusty faces of the Yellow Turban Army and their distressed appearance, they must have fled here after being defeated.

When Ma Yuanyi saw Cheng Huang in front, and then at Bai Ma Yicong behind Cheng Huang, his expression couldn't help but change.

"Hehe!" Cheng Huang said with a smile: "So it's Brother Ma! I haven't seen you for a long time, Brother Ma, do you still remember our appointment that day?"

Ma Yuanyi showed embarrassment, "Brother Cheng, the oath made that day is not a joke, but the overall situation is still uncertain, and it is still unknown who will win and who will lose."

"Brother Ma, are you going to break the contract?" Cheng Huang asked: "What does it mean that the overall situation is uncertain? Zhang Jiao, Zhang Liang, and Zhang Bao have all been killed, and the main force of the Yellow Turbans has been wiped out. The main reason is that the Han court has taken precautions again. Do you still think that a single spark can start a prairie fire? I thought Brother Ma was a hero who stood up to the ground, but I didn't expect that he would turn his back on it."

Ma Yuanyi looked ashamed, and rode forward, "Brother Cheng, I am willing to follow you, but my subordinates, please let them go."

"Haha, Brother Ma, don't you understand the current situation, or you are simply an irresponsible person," Cheng Huang pointed at those ragged yellow scarves, "These brothers are still following you at this time, and you want to abandon them, What would have happened to them without your leadership? I’m afraid they were either wiped out by the officers and soldiers, or died of hunger.”

"Brother Ma, you have also been to my territory. I can't guarantee anything else? But I can guarantee that if your subordinates follow me, I, Cheng Huang, promise not to let them go hungry, and I will enjoy sharing with the residents of my territory." The same treatment. What should I do, Brother Ma, you can decide for yourself!"

Ma Yuanyi turned his head and glanced at those yellow scarf soldiers with haggard faces. Since his defeat in Runan, hundreds of thousands of his men died and scattered, and now there are only more than [-] people left!

They fled aimlessly along the way, and now they were sleepy and hungry, and Ma Yuanyi didn't know where he could take them.

For a moment, Ma Yuanyi couldn't help feeling sad and shed two lines of tears.

He turned his horse's head, his voice choked up, "Brothers, you follow me and make you suffer. I, Ma Yuanyi, am sorry for you. I once made another appointment with this General Cheng in front of me. If the Yellow Turban fails, I have to submit to him. Now , the great virtuous teacher has been killed by Wang Teng's dog thief, and the rebel army has also been beaten to pieces, I decided to return to General Shuncheng."

"General Cheng has a territory, and he also promised to make you his subjects. If you are willing to return to General Shun Cheng with me, please tear off the yellow scarves on your heads. If you don't want to, I will never stop you. You decide Bar!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Yuanyi jumped off the horse, pulled off the yellow scarf on his head, walked up to Cheng Huang's horse, knelt down on one knee, and shouted excitedly, "Master!"

Ding, congratulations on gaining the allegiance of the second-rate historical star Ma Yuanyi.

The system prompt sounded, and Cheng Huang was overjoyed. He jumped off the horse and supported Ma Yuanyi with both hands.

There is no record of Ma Yuanyi's military strength in the Romance, Cheng Huang didn't think that this Ma Yuanyi turned out to be a second-rate famous general in history.

The Yellow Turban Army led by Ma Yuanyi saw that Ma Yuanyi had surrendered to Cheng Huang. After a moment of hesitation, someone tore off the yellow scarf from his head.

Next, two,



Finally, all the yellow scarves tore off the yellow scarves on their heads, knelt down together, and proclaimed their lords.

He easily regained more than ten thousand yellow scarf soldiers. Cheng Huang was overjoyed. Standing in front of the newly surrendered team, he said loudly: "Brothers, since you choose to surrender to me, I will not treat you badly. We will treat everyone equally. Now, let's start a fire and cook, and let's have a full meal first."

As soon as they heard that there was food to eat, the Yellow Turban soldiers immediately cheered, and even Ma Yuanyi smiled.

Immediately, Cheng Huang took out bags of rice from the storage ring and distributed them to the newly surrendered yellow scarf soldiers.

Immediately, the smoke from the kitchen billowed up, and the yellow scarf soldiers, who were already hungry, started cooking with aquatic stoves by the side of the road.

Amidst the laughter and laughter, the soldiers were full soon.

Cheng Huang exchanged his points for more than [-] sets of battle armor and distributed them to these yellow scarf soldiers.

This kind of ordinary battle armor needs 100 points for each set, and more than 2000 sets need more than [-] million points. However, Cheng Huang, who has more than [-] million points, doesn't care at all.

With enough food and drink, and brand new armor, these soldiers immediately took on a new look, and all of them became energetic, and their loyalty to Cheng Huang gradually increased.

Soon, these yellow scarves were on the road again, heading for Jingzhou.

With these more infantry, Cheng Huang's speed slowed down, and it took two days for the team to enter the border of Jingzhou.

Cheng Huang hired several large ships in Xiangyang, and asked Ma Yuanyi to lead the soldiers back to Dongting by water, while he himself took [-] Bai Mayi to head towards Dongting by land.

Baimayi belongs to the light cavalry, and Cheng Huang's war horse is a BMW, so the conquest march is very fast.

Every time his eyes glanced at Bai Ma Yicong, a figure flashed in Cheng Huang's mind.

The third brother Zhao Yun,

It's been a while since we parted ways with Zhao Yun, and Cheng Huang can always think of him. After he married Jinlan, he felt that kind of blood connection.

If the third brother is here, the five hundred white horses will be given to him to lead, and they will definitely be able to exert [-]% of their combat effectiveness.

You know, in the novel, Zhao Yun was under Gongsun Zan and led Baima Yicong.Commanding Bai Mayi has always been like an arm.

After traveling all night, Cheng Huang finally returned to Xingyue Town with Bai Ma Yicong the next morning.

PS, this is the last free chapter!Charges will start tomorrow, and the four chapters will be updated on time at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow.

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Brothers, meet tomorrow at [-]:[-] noon, see you soon!
In addition, the structure of this book is about 200 million words, a total of ten volumes.

The real fun has yet to begin.

See how the protagonist abuses Lu Bu, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Dong Zhuo, Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Nan Hua, Yu Ji, Wang Yue, etc.,

Rolling Three Kingdoms

(End of this chapter)

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